Where there's a pretty girl, there's money

In Love With A Convict

Jooyoung opended his eyes, he was'nt at the cell and deffinatly was'nt at home. Looking around he saw a cat looking at him. "What the hell?" Sitting up slowly, his head started pounding. A door opened to show a girl looking at him with big eyes. "H-h-hello?" She opended the door widder, looking at him. "Hello". He pushed himself back against the armrest sitting up straight. "Where am I?" The girl walked towards him taking in a pretty loud gulp as she approched. "You're at my appartment". He looked at her. "How did I get here?" "I found you outside, you were asking for help". Jooyoung looked around again then back at the girl. "Who are you?" She hesitated for a moment. "I'm Hyolyn and I saved your life". Jooyoung rolled his eyes. "OK, well, I'm gonna go, so thanks and all, bye". Jooyoung stood up and limped towards the door. "Wait, your leg's still hurt". Jooyoung stopped and turned his head. "And?" Hyolyn looked at him with sad eyes. "I don't like seeing people in pain, please, let me take care of your leg, until it gets better?" Jooyung huffed. "OK, but I'm outta here when it's all better, understand". Hyolyn nodded. "I understand". "I was'nt a question". Jooyoung hopped over to the couch. "W-w-would you like a drink or somthing?" Jooyoung nodded. "Yeah". Hyolyn nodded and stood up. As she walked over to the kitchen, she could'nt help but feel like he was watching her. "Tea, coffee, water?" Jooyoung looked at the cat sitting opposite him. "Can I have a coffee, please" Hyolyn smilled sweetly. "Of course". Jooyoung watched as she filled the kettle up before placing it in the stand and pushing the switch down, he watche dher every move, as she reached up for the mugs and suger. "Do you take sugar?" Jooyoung cleared his throught. "Uh, 2 please". Hyolyn started to hum. Jooyoung looked over at the fire place, there was a picture of Hyolyn kissing some guy on the cheek. "Where's your partner?" She stopped humming instantly. "What?" Jooyoung cleared his throught. "Where's your partner, or roommate?" Hyolyn turned around holding the drinks in her hands. "Why?" Jooyoung sat up. "The picture, the guy in it". Hyolyn looked at the fireplace. "I don't talk about that, I was gonna get rid of that photo". Jooyoung took his drink from her hand. "Thank you". "You're welcome". Hyolyn smiled. "So, what do you do as a job?" Jooyoung scooted up the couch making room for Hyolyn. "I'm a music teacher". Hyolyn smiled. "Really, I love music more than TV, where would we be without our music". Hyolyn giggled. "Haha yeah, what about you?" Hyolyn put her cup down. "Me?" Hyolyn smiled. "I'm a student in the arts, I like to preform and stuff". Jooyoung smiled. "Sounds like fun". They both laughed. "So, where do you live?" Jooyoung looked at his cup. "I, I don't live anywhere". Hyolyn looked at him sadly. "Where were you heading?" "To my freedoom". Jooyoung gave her back the cup. "We'll thank you for helping me". Hyolyn smiled. "I'm sure you'd do the same". Jooyoung raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm not that kind of person". Hyolyn shook her head. "You'd do it for the ones you love". Jooyoung stood up. "Bye, Lynn". "Hyolyn, not lynn, don't call me that". Jooyoung rolled his eyes. "Have a nice night". Hyolyn shot to her feet as he opened the door. "Stay, please". Jooyoung turned around. "What?" "Stay, I hate being alone". Jooyoung shook his head. "I'd be burden on you, or I guess, you could lend me some money, you know to help out and all". Hyolyn hesitated. "Umm, I guess, as long as your working as well". Jooyoung smiled. "Course, I already work". Hyolyn smiled. "OK, the couch is'nt that great, buit it's all I have to offer you". Jooyoung looked at the couch. "It will do". 

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