The Secret Test

In Love With A Convict

Hyolyn tapped her foot on the floor as she waited for the results. "Hurry" She shot a look at Key. "I can't go any faster, I'm not a purple stick". She'd told Jooyoung she was going for a walk with Tidoshii, but had actually sneeked of to see Key, leaving Tidoshii behind. "It's been an Hour, check it check it". Hyolyn uncoverd the result sign but had closed her eys. "1,2,3". They both looked at the pregnancy tast. "What does the mean?" "I'm not pregnant". Key checked the box. "WOOOOO". They both laughed histerically. There was a knock on the door. "What are you guys doing?" Key opened the door to see Chanyeol on the other side of the door. "Nothing". Hyolyn walked past him. Chanyeol looked at Key. "No". He walked past, following Hyolyn. "Can we help you?" He turned around and looked at Chanyeol. "No". Chanyeol walked into Jooyoung's office. "Be nice key". "I'm sorry if I don't like kidnappers". Hyolyn smiled. "Lets throw this away". Key nodded.

"Boss". Jooyoung was sitting at his desk mumbling about somthing. "What?" Chanyeol bowed. "I'm worried about Hyolyn". Jooyoung looked at him. "Why, is she OK?" "She's fine, it's just, she up to somthing". Jooyoung chuffed. "She has to do somthing". "Yeah, but with clear-blue's?" Jooyoung looked at Chayeol with wide eyes. "What?". "Bro, I think she's pregnant, she was cheering in the toilets and left with a smile on her face". Jooyoung stood up and ran to his room. Chanyeol found him searching the draws. "I don't see anything here, are you sure?" "Posotive". Jooyoung carried on searching. Hyolyn walked into the room. "What are you guys doing?" Jooyoung turned around. "Are you pregnant?" Hyolyn glared at him. "What?" "Are you?" "No, I'm not". Jooyoung stood up and looked at Chayeol. "THE BIN". He dashed out of the room. "What's wrong with him?" Jooyoung and Hyolyn looked at eachother. "I'd tell you if I was". She walked over to him. "I know that". "I'm not though, so don't worry". They kissed eachother. "Would you want a baby?" Jooyoung had to be honest about this. "Not really". "OK, I love you". Jooyoung smiled. "We should tell him to stop going through the bin".

Key giggled. "Ugh, I'm sorry". Hyolyn smiled. "For what?" "For accusing you". Hyolyn shrugged. "You did'nt really, you were shocked, it can happen to anyone". He smiled. "I won't go through the bin anymore". Hyolyn laughed. "It's OK Chanyeol, really". Chanyeol smilled at the two of them. They were sitting on the floor with the tv on. "Hey, we do somthing fun". Chanyeol and Hyolyn looked at Key. "Is'nt this fun?" Hyolyn giggled. "NO, we should do a test". "Like what?" Key tapped his chin. "No, lets prank Jooyoung". Hyolyn nodded, where as Chanyeol was thinking of all the ways Jooyoung would kill them. "Are you insane". "He won't do anything to us, it's fun". "He dons'nt have a sense of humor, I doubt he'll find it funny". Key nodded then. "I agree with Chanyeol, I'd like too keep my limbs". Hyolyn stood up. "OK, I'll do it then, you'll see nothing will happen". "Too you". Hyolyn laughed. The three walked down to find Jooyoung sill hunched over working. Hyolyn placed her finger on her lips, letting them know to be extra quiet. Chanyeol held back his laughter. Hyolyn picked up the bin. She then tipted it on Jooyoung placing the bin on his head before he could turn around. The three burst out laughing. Jooyoung looked at the door where they were laughing histerically. "Praank". They contiued to laugh. Jooyoung turned around, getting back to his work.

Key was next. He decided he'd replace Jooyoung's coffee with dirt. Hyolyn winced at the idea as he'd expext it to be her. "Lets go". Chayeol, Key and Hyolyn all hid in diffrent places around the kitchen. They all had a perfect veiw of the scene. Hyolyn held back her laughter when Jooyoung walked into the kitchen. He picked up the mug, then placed it back on the table. "I'm not stupid, I can hear you breathing". He walked over to Key's hiding spot. "Come out". Hyolyn sighed. "Here, I think this is yours". She watched as Key looked at the cup. "OK". He took the dirt coffee and siped it, before spitting it in Jooyoung's face. "Eeeew, that's rank". Hyolyn and Chanyeol burst out laughing. "Jesus Christ, now that's what I call, entertainment". Jooyoung slamed his hand onto the table. "If you don't stop, I'll get all three of you". He said three, which ment Hyolyn was in it now. "It's just fun". "Oh wait, he dos'nt know what that means". Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Jooyoung walked past them and left. "Next".

Chanyeol shook his head. "He's gonna castrate me". Key laughed. "Hey, he made me drink mine, so deal". Chanyeol looked at the window, this was going to be painfull. "Here goes nothing". He raised his hand before throwing a sticky substance of jam, honey and cat poop at the window. They all laughed. Jooyoung looked at the three laughting, he was'nt even in there. "He's gonna kill us". Hyolyn nodded. "But it's funny". The three laughed until Chanyeol stopped. "Uuuh". Hyolyn wipded tears from her eyes and looked at a angry and fed up Jooyoung. Key went quiet too. "Prank?"

Hyolyn sat at the end of the bed while Jooyoung pacd the room. "It was just a bit of humerous fun". "For you". She gulped. "I'm sorry". Jooyoung clicked his fingers. "Don't touch that window". Hyolyn tilted her head. "It was just poop". She started to giggle. "I SAID DON'T TOUCH THAT WINDOW". She went quiet. Jooyoung looked at her seriously. "This is about that boy, is'nt it?" Jooyoung looked at her. "Hyungseung". Jooyoung looked at her with pain in his eyes. "When I say don't do somthing, I mean don't do it". Hyolyn stood up. "Would you act like this if we had a child?" "We don't have one, so I don't have to worry". Hyolyn touched his shoulder. "What if we did?" "We wont". Hyolyn felt tears roll down her cheek's. Jooyoung looked at her. "I did'nt mean that". She walked away from him, crying. Jooyoung had learned that Hyolyn was a heavy cryer. He went through the draws,throwing every thing out of it. He kicked and pushed things. Going through everything he finally threw all the things out the last full draw. When he reached back in for somthing else, he stopped. Looking at his hand, he looked at the pregnacy test. He sat down and cried.  


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