Chapter Nine

And I Still...

"What?" Sunggyu sat up on his bed, facing Woohyun sloppily.

"You probably did it for a good reason, and it's okay, I'm okay, I'm okay with it, you don't need to worry about how I feel and stuff like that and--"

"No seriously," Sunggyu interrupted Woohyun's ramblings, rubbing his eyes awake, "what?"

"Last week, at the park, when I confessed to you," Woohyun looked away, avoiding eye contact.

Sunggyu lulled his head and motioned his hands telling Woohyun to continue because he still did not get the point.

"I know, okay?" He looked Sunggyu right in the eyes, "you didn't have to lie to me to not hurt my feelings, it would've been fine to just tell me straight up that you aren't interested and you have a girlfriend."

Sunggyu merely blinked at the younger, "okay, again, what?"

"That box you had in your closet, with all those cute notes and letters and pictures of her," Woohyun looked down at his hands, feeling a little ashamed, "I saw more than just the letter you caught me with."

It was silent as Sunggyu thought of what to say, meanwhile, Woohyun hated himself a little and preparing to be shouted at for going through the box.

A sigh left Sunggyu's lips, breaking the silence. "Let me tell you about her."

Woohyun rolled his eyes, "yeah great, I'm sure she's a wonderful person and you two are very happy together and you'll be hers forever and all that stuff. Please don't rub it in, a mere rejection is enough."

"Are you done?" Sunggyu asked, half annoyed. Once Woohyun nodded, Sunggyu continued, "good, because it seems I need to tell you." Sunggyu played with the bed sheets, wondering how to started, "I really didn't want to talk about this, ever..." He trailed off.


"That's enough boys," a lady interrupted the band practise, opening the shed door with a tray of refreshments.

The four boys put their instruments down and walked towards the lady, bowing politely as they helped her. "Thank you Mrs. Baek," gathering around the small coffee table and on the couch in the corner of the shed.

Another girl had walked in carrying a tray of sandwiches cut into quarters, "you guys sounded really good, we could hear it from inside the house," placing the tray down on the table.

"Thanks Eunmi," a boy with ruffled black hair said as he reached out for a sandwich. "Your sandwiches are always the best."

Eunmi smiled as she closed the door behind her, leaving with Mrs. Baek.

"Chinho please stop flirting with my sister," a boy with spiked hair said as he bit into his sandwich.

"I'm only being polite," Chinho teased, "how you and her are related, Kwangdae, I will never know."

A boy with light brown and striking eyes chuckled, "Kwangdae-hyung is really popular amongst the girls in our grade though."

"Kangki, I'm pretty sure hyung is popular amongst the girls in the whole school," Sunggyu added with a smile.

"Yeah but I bet Eunmi is popular amongst all the boys in the schools in this area!" Chinho teased again.

"Yah seriously don't talk about my sister like that!" Kwangdae playfully punched his arm.

After their short break, the boys resumed their band practice. Shortly into the practice, the shed door opened again and the boys were greeted with a smiling Eunmi, "don't let me disturb you." She proceeded to gather the cups onto the tray again and stack them together. Then decided to have a seat as she watched the boys practise the rest of the afternoon.


"Eunmi was Kwangdae's younger sister. He and Chinho were the oldest in our group and were about to graduate high school. Eunmi was the same age as Kangki and I." Sunggyu replayed memories of when Eunmi would come watch them practise and bring Kwangdae his lunch that he left at home on many occasions.



A/N: Okay so maybe I lied, this fic isn't coming to an end any time soon. Because of my slow updates :( I was planning to get this over and done with quickly but I felt it was better to make it go right. The next few chapters is gonna be lots of flashbacks, so I hope you guys don't mind reading a bunch of italicised text lol but from here on out the story is going to get very obvious and you will all know what will happen in the next chapter XD

Sorry this update was so slow, after Gayo Daejun I had to help family. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and the family is getting together again. I will try to update though, promise :)

By the way if you guys notice typos and stuff please tell me! :)

Thank you for comments and subscribers as always! Hope reading doesn't get old lol <3

N.B. I should've also asked you guys for boy names. But I didn't plan on naming them but when I started writing this, I decided to have names for them and googled names quickly lol and I think they all sound ridiculous. But their names don't come up too often so bare with me lol

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Chapter 13: Thats so sweeeettt,, i just read this, and love it..
Chapter 13: Wow sunggyu is a bi XD nice that its happy ending...
I am enjoyed the story. Sincerely!
Thank you so much...
Chapter 13: snif....buaaa :'(
AptonKey #4
Chapter 13: I'm secretly hoping all endings are like this
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 13: It's a great story! ^_^
So that girl attended Sunggyu's performance with his 3 other friends instead of Infinite's concerts... Whew... Now I understand... :)
A good woogyu ending... ^_~
ritsuke05 #6
sequel pwease *puppy eyes*
jenkki #7
this was such a pretty fic ^.^
Happy Ending... Yeah!!!
shedding-dream #9
;A;<br />
Woogyu FTW!!
Nhay WooGyu ♥ *-*~~<br />
It's a pity that already ended ;;<br />
But it's so sweet~~ I like ^-^<br />
Thank you~