Chapter One

And I Still...

The sun shone through the lace curtains of the room as Woohyun finished up wiping down the window ceil to Sunggyu's living room. He turned around to face the rest of the room, admiring the polished desk and clean furniture. He turned back to open the window to let in the spring breeze before hopping off the couch he stood atop and dusted it off lightly. Taking in a large breath, he inhaled the scent of the trees outside the window blended with the cleaning products that had filled the room in the day's work.

Sunggyu entered the room with a tray of fresh lemonade and laid it down on the coffee table. "You know, you didn't have to come by," he started as he took the jug and poured a glass.

"It's okay, you can't clean the whole place on your own," Woohyun responded with a smile, taking the cup from Sunggyu's hand.

The older turned away from that frat boy smile that made his heart do things he would not dare admit. He went to go grab the vacuum cleaner from the side of the living room and began leaving, "thanks, you can go after you're done."

Woohyun's eyes saddened as he watched Sunggyu leave, he has been like that all day. No, not just today, it was ever since then. He sighed, looking into the lemonade, running his thumb across the rim of the glass cup.


"You guys all did great today!" Their leader flashed a smile at the six boys in the room trying to catch their breaths. Their hard work could be smeltin the air.

Everyone grabbed their bags and drink bottles before wiping off their sweat with towels and leaving the practice room.

When they returned to their dorm, Dongwoo was first to hop into the shower while the others went to their respective bedrooms or lazed around in the living room floor.

Sunggyu decided he would take a quick nap when Woohyun entered the room, "hyung, will you come with me to the convenience store?"

"No," Sunggyu groaned bluntly, shifting in bed to get comfortable.

"Hyung~ But I was going to cook dinner for everyone tonight and need a few ingredients~" Woohyun whined as he went over to Sunggyu's bed.

"Take L with you or something," the lighter haired boy turned over in his bed, pulling his covers up to cover half his face, his eyes shut.

"But I want you to come," Woohyun continued and climbed onto Sunggyu's bed, wrapping his arms around the older and resting his head atop the leader's. "It has to be you!"

Sunggyu's eyebrow twitched, how can someone be so irritating and cute at the same time? Kim Sunggyu, you need to work on holding your ground, you're the leader, damn it.He let out a sigh in defeat before getting up, rubbing his head and fixing his hair, "fine, let's go."

He was rewarded by a smile that launched a thousand ships.



A/N: First off, thanks for the subscribers I got from only the Foreword! I will be leaving updates about my fics and the progress in my blog if you are interested.

This chapter is short, I get the feeling that all the chapters in the story will be this short, I'll work on it I promise. Sorry if it's coming along a little slow, and that I'm taking a while to update. I'm getting annoyed with everything I'm writing and end up starting over a lot. But I'll try to put one chapter up a day, hopefully. I don't usually stick to those schedules when I make them though lol I'm a bad person.

Oh and I hope you guys realise that italics is thoughts without me needing to say it. And also the chunk of italics is flashback. And when the flashbacks have thoughts, the thoughts will be in normal text, get it? :)

N.B. I with titles and coming up with "And I Still..." Was hard enough, let alone chapter titles as well lol

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Chapter 13: Thats so sweeeettt,, i just read this, and love it..
Chapter 13: Wow sunggyu is a bi XD nice that its happy ending...
I am enjoyed the story. Sincerely!
Thank you so much...
Chapter 13: snif....buaaa :'(
AptonKey #4
Chapter 13: I'm secretly hoping all endings are like this
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 13: It's a great story! ^_^
So that girl attended Sunggyu's performance with his 3 other friends instead of Infinite's concerts... Whew... Now I understand... :)
A good woogyu ending... ^_~
ritsuke05 #6
sequel pwease *puppy eyes*
jenkki #7
this was such a pretty fic ^.^
Happy Ending... Yeah!!!
shedding-dream #9
;A;<br />
Woogyu FTW!!
Nhay WooGyu ♥ *-*~~<br />
It's a pity that already ended ;;<br />
But it's so sweet~~ I like ^-^<br />
Thank you~