Chapter Five

And I Still...

Woohyun turned to face the wardrobe, wondering where to begin. He decided it would be good to start from the top, and taking everything down, since the clothes on the hangers were already neat, and well, the rest of the items were already on the ground to be sorted. He reached up, pulling things slowly, unsure of what they were attached to that could come down when he pulled. Just like he thought, after pulling down the mittens and caps, he pulled on what he assumed was a coat and a couple of boxed came down with it.

"Crap," he noticed they were shoe boxes. Crouching down, he put the pair of shoes back into their respective boxes, matching the shoe with the label stuck on its box. But there were only one pair of shoes that had fallen; he looked at the other box, noticing that photos and bits of coloured paper had fallen out.

Picking up the photo, he noticed it was a girl making a fan sign, so far had read "sung" and Woohyun noted that she was cutting out a "g" while smiling at the picture. There was also a movie ticket, a receipt for a milkshake, a lollipop wrapper, and a button. He put them back inside the box, noticing inside were more photos of the girl with different fan signs that read Sunggyu's name from cardboard, to lights, and even t-shirts; more pieces of coloured paper, a few letters and some origami cranes, stars and money hearts. He picked up the rest of the scrap pieces of coloured paper that had fallen out, that he could not help but read. They had short messages scribbled onto them,

Hwaiting for next performance . You did well tonight . You will always be the best . Make sure to look for your number one fan in the crowd tomorrow . I'll be cheering for you . Look for the fluoro yellow megaphone screaming out your name

Woohyun's chest constricted as he read each one, his breath shortening, hands trembling. Sunggyu received these kinds of things from fans? From one fan? And he kept them? He put them back into the shoe box and rummaged through, taking the first letter he could, and quickly skimmed it in incredulity.

My Gyu~

A knife cut to Woohyun's aching heart.

Oppa, is this childish of me to be writing you letters? It's because it's not easy to see you often. But I hope you can feel the things I write ne? ...

Lightly jabbing his heart.

I've been so happy ever since I've been with you ...

Stabbing his heart.

I'll try my best to continue attending your upcoming performances. See if you can find me any better ...


I'll be yours forever so long as you'll be mine ...

Twist the knife.

Love you always ...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Woohyun looked up, snapped out of his thoughts as Sunggyu stomped towards him, snatching the letter from his hand. "Cleaning doesn't include looking through my personal things."

Woohyun did not respond, he had nothing left to say.

"Get out." Sunggyu could not even look at him at the moment.

Woohyun did not need to be told twice, he got up and left. As soon as he was outside, he ran. He ran as fast as he could. He did not know where he was running. He just needed to get away. Far away. His tears that trickled down his cheeks flew behind as he ran.

You idiot. You stupid idiot. You stupid, stupididiot. How did you think it would work? Whydid you ever think it would work between you both?

He stopped running, his arm rested against a lamp post as he caught his breath; the tears not willing to stop.

How could it work...

Falling to his knees.

When he loves his girlfriend.



A/N: Yay now we are getting somewhere keke :) But I need a name for the girl, I have a name in mind but it sounds weird. I'm not very good at coming up with names for characters so if you have a name (full name) please feel free to comment. But I won't be considering names of idols, I dislike when people use other idol names to make them seem like a and whatnot. Oh but this girl isn't really a or anything so don't go hunting down mean sounding names lol

Also she won't be appearing next chapter, I don't think. And she's only gonna be in one chapter anyways, or two chapters? Not a big major thing, Infinite is still main focus.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and is ready for Boxing Day sales, I will be leaving soon to fight for over 50%-off sales oh yeah! :)

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Chapter 13: Thats so sweeeettt,, i just read this, and love it..
Chapter 13: Wow sunggyu is a bi XD nice that its happy ending...
I am enjoyed the story. Sincerely!
Thank you so much...
Chapter 13: snif....buaaa :'(
AptonKey #4
Chapter 13: I'm secretly hoping all endings are like this
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 13: It's a great story! ^_^
So that girl attended Sunggyu's performance with his 3 other friends instead of Infinite's concerts... Whew... Now I understand... :)
A good woogyu ending... ^_~
ritsuke05 #6
sequel pwease *puppy eyes*
jenkki #7
this was such a pretty fic ^.^
Happy Ending... Yeah!!!
shedding-dream #9
;A;<br />
Woogyu FTW!!
Nhay WooGyu ♥ *-*~~<br />
It's a pity that already ended ;;<br />
But it's so sweet~~ I like ^-^<br />
Thank you~