Chapter Six

And I Still...

It was late morning after their day off and everyone was back at their dorm again. They sat in a circle in the living room floor, listening to how one another spent their day off. They were too drawn in by Sungyeol's highly exaggerated story of how he played a huge prank on his younger brother, only to be (also highly exaggerated) scolded and punished by his mother; to notice the growing tension between Sunggyu and Woohyun.

Of course, the others had noticed that things had been awkward earlier, before they had their day off. They for the most part decided as a group to leave the two roommates to sort it out themselves, they always did.

They were scheduled for a fansigning later that evening before their performance at a small music festival at a University. Big or small, Infinite always gave it their all on stage, so they headed to the practice room for the rest of the afternoon until the stylists arrived.

During practice, however, the tension between two particular members was becoming more evident to the other members. Everyone had continued to practise, even in their sweat-soaked clothing. L and Sungjong were scolded by the leader, "being in-time isn't enough, Infinite needs to be in-sync." And Sungyeol for mucking around in his parts since did not require as much energy. Woohyun although usually left the leader in his outburst until he had cooled down a little before stepping in to bring the mood back up, today decided he had it, "telling everyone off won't make them dance better."

All eyes were on Woohyun and an eerie atmosphere clouded the practice room. Sunggyu's expression full of authority and anger, "what are you implying?"

"Well, dear almighty leader. How about instead of shouting at us that you try teaching them how to do it the way you want? Hoya is the one that teaches us, so if we make a mistake you're gonna shout at us and then Hoya? What about you? Do you think you're perfect at all the routines? You're out of sync just as much as L and Sungjong are at times."

"Watch your mouth you--"

"What? Just because you're leader and older than us means we can't say a word against you? We put as much effort into the group as you do, if not more."

"Yah Woohyun," Hoya stepped in, "it's okay." He turned to Sunggyu, "why don't we take a short break?"

The awkward silence still hovered above the room. Sungjong with Hoya trying to improve his dancing. Sungyeol and L sat against the wall keeping quiet as they regained their strength, not wanting to start trouble. Dongwoo decided it would be best if Woohyun was not in the same room as Sunggyu for the moment, and decided to take him along to go buy drinks for the members. Woohyun obliged; anything to get away from that place.

Their walk was silent, Woohyun just clearing his head as he followed Dongwoo.

On the walk back, "Woohyun," Dongwoo didn't look back, "whatever it is that happened between you and hyung, how big is it that you are fighting like this?"

Woohyun didn't respond.

"We all get into arguments, and we always pull through them. You and Sunggyu-hyung have been fighting for a week now. Don't think the rest of us don't know. First you were mad, then hyung is mad, then now it's you again?"

Woohyun didn't respond.

Dongwoo started to look down at his feet as they continued walking, "we just trust that you two will work it out, whatever the issue, we will always work it out, you two will always get through."

Woohyun didn't respond.

"It's awfully nice that you stood up for Sungjong and everyone in there, but it's mean, it wasn't cool. I hate conflict, we all hate conflict. So whether you were saying those things for us, or just to unleash more anger on hyung, don't expect us to be taking any sides. We won't be babying and feeling sorry for either of you either."

Woohyun didn't respond.

They had arrived back at the practice room, before pushing the door open, "I know you two will pull through," Dongwoo whispered and walked inside, greeting the others with a cheery smile and passing out the drinks, the mood lightening up and the rest continued to practise as if the argument had not happened earlier.

The rest of the practice, Woohyun watched Sunggyu's reflection in the mirror, making sure not to get caught by the leader as he did so. His mind repeating Dongwoo's words, mentally asking himself and Sunggyu, we'll get through this, right?



A/N: Yay this chapter is longer than 500 words lol

Still taking name suggestions for the girl from chapter five guys :)

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Chapter 13: Thats so sweeeettt,, i just read this, and love it..
Chapter 13: Wow sunggyu is a bi XD nice that its happy ending...
I am enjoyed the story. Sincerely!
Thank you so much...
Chapter 13: snif....buaaa :'(
AptonKey #4
Chapter 13: I'm secretly hoping all endings are like this
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 13: It's a great story! ^_^
So that girl attended Sunggyu's performance with his 3 other friends instead of Infinite's concerts... Whew... Now I understand... :)
A good woogyu ending... ^_~
ritsuke05 #6
sequel pwease *puppy eyes*
jenkki #7
this was such a pretty fic ^.^
Happy Ending... Yeah!!!
shedding-dream #9
;A;<br />
Woogyu FTW!!
Nhay WooGyu ♥ *-*~~<br />
It's a pity that already ended ;;<br />
But it's so sweet~~ I like ^-^<br />
Thank you~