Wanted: Job

Heaven Sent


It was Saturday the next morning. Luckily, your teachers did not give you any assignment. You were busy surfing the net and uploading new pictures on your blog when Yoseob entered your room.

“Hello. What are you doing?” Yoseob asked as he sat on your bed.

“Nothing much, just uploading some of the photos I took this week on my blog”, you said. “How about you?”

“Eating”, Yoseob said as he bites on a red bean bun. “You know food here on Earth taste so good.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of eating? I mean, don’t you feel stuffed?” you asked him.

“No. By the way, what is a blog? What is that thing you keep on touching?” Yoseob asked.

“You know what, I was thinking of what to do today. And you just gave me an idea”, you said.

You decided that you would teach Yoseob how machines work. You even told him what they are called so he won’t call them boxes anymore. You explained him the uses of TV, the refrigerator, the washing machine, the telephone, your cellphone and the computer.

“Really? I can talk and see people here in this box?” Yoseob asked.

“Yup. You wanna try? And I told you that this is a computer”, you said in reply.

“Sure! Sure!” Yoseob exclaimed.

You opened the computer, log on to your Facebook account. You video-called Namjoo. However, you remembered you haven’t told Namjoo about you living with Yoseob so you decided to not chat with her. You made an excuse to Yoseob just so you won’t be chatting with Namjoo.

“Eh? But you told me that we would video-chat with a friend”, Yoseob said giving you his usual puppy-eye look and doing his aegyo.

“Yeah.  But the internet connection got bad and my friend isn’t online. Sorry”, you said. “But I promise, we’ll do it next time.”

“Okay”, Yoseob said pouting

“Why don’t we have lunch? You feel hungry don’t you?” you suddenly asked so that Yoseob would forget about the supposed to be chatting session with Namjoo.

“You’re right I do feel hungry. Let’s eat!” Yoseob said

‘Whew~ It’s a good thing he is easily fooled when it comes to food’, you thought.

“But wait. We haven’t cooked lunch yet”, Yoseob said.

“Oh yeah, my bad. Why don’t we go out and eat lunch somewhere?” you said.

You were so busy explaining to Yoseob about the electronic appliances and gadgets that you forgot to make lunch. So you just went out and have lunch. You decided to bring Yoseob to one of your favorite restaurants. It was not actually a restaurant but more of a small eatery located a few blocks away from your home. You both entered the small eatery and were greeted by the owner.

“Goodmorning, Park-ahjumma”, you greeted the owner.

“Goodmorning, ___________. It’s been a long time since you’ve eaten here. And you’ve even brought your boyfriend”, Mrs. Park said and giggled. You blushed and said no. But Yoseob seemed like he liked it and took it as a compliment

“Oh, you think we’re a couple?” Yoseob asked.

“Oh are you not? That’s bad, you two look cute together”, Mrs. Park said.

“We look cute together don’t we?” Yoseob said as he put his arm on your shoulders. You shot him an evil look and stomped on his left foot. He screamed, looked at you and mouthed, “What was that for?”

“We’re not a couple ahjumma. He’s actually a cousin who started living with me last Monday. He lived in America that’s why he’s a bit liberated in his thinking”, you said.

Mrs. Park led the two of you to a table and got your orders. You ordered beef curry, their specialty. As you two wait, Yoseob complained about you stomping on his foot a while ago.

“What did you do that for?” Yoseob asked angrily.

“Because you seemed like the thought that we looked like a couple”, you said raising your eyebrows.

Yoseob didn’t reply. Instead he flicked your forehead hard enough for you to scream. The other customers looked at the two of you angrily. You and Yoseob said “sorry” to the other customers and bowed slightly. You were about to flick his forehead also but he held both of your hands so you decided to just kick him on his legs. He did not scream but you can see that he is still in pain.

“Aish…” Yoseob said.

“Hey, let me get this straight okay? If you want to still live with me, don’t ever tell anyone that we are a couple because we are really not. Tell them that we’re cousins”, you said sternly.

“Okay. Okay, I get it. But why don’t you just tell them the truth?” Yoseob asked

“That what? That you’re an angel who fell from heaven? Tss. Do you want people to think that I’m crazy?” you said.

Yoseob did not reply anymore. Just then, Mrs. Park brought you your orders.

“Here are your orders. Enjoy your meal”, Mrs. Park said, bowed and left the two of you to eat.

“Wow~ looks delicious”, Yoseob said.

“It IS delicious”, you said. “They serve the best curry in the city.”

Yoseob and took a bite of the beef and said, “Wow!” You laughed and started eating. You were happy that Yoseob enjoyed the beef curry you just bought. You two continued eating as you chat about school, friends and family.

“ Ah! That was the best curry ever!” Yoseob said as he rubs his stomach.

“It is right? I always go here whenever I crave for curry. No other curry satisfies me except Mrs. Park’s curry”, you said.

You and Yoseob stood up on your seat and went to the cashier to pay for the food. However, as you pay, you noticed that you are almost broke.

“Oh, mom and dad better send me money or else, we have to go beg for money and food”, you said.

“Eh?” Yoseob said shocked.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Just kidding! Mom messaged me saying that she’ll be depositing my allowance tomorrow”, you said.

“Oh, and I thought I will have to beg for money already”, Yoseob said in relief.

I should really do something so that there will be enough money for the two us. I can’t just depend on her and always ask for money from her. Maybe I should find a job.’ Yoseob thought.

You both bowed and said goodbye to Mrs. Park and decided to go home already. As you two walked home together, Yoseob decided to open up his thought of finding a job.

“Ne, _________-ah. I have this thought for some time now,” Yoseob said.

“Hmm? What is it?” you asked.

“I-I think I should look for a job”, Yoseob said.

You stopped walking. Yoseob too. “You will what?” you asked again.

“I will look for a job. In other words, I thinking of working”, Yoseob said as he scratch the back of his head.

“Why?” you asked.

“Because I, no. We need money. I just can’t depend on you. I somehow need to help you with your expenses”, Yoseob said.

“But I told you my allowance and my savings are enough”, you said in reply.

“I know, but what if your mom or dad won’t be able to send you your allowance? What if your savings get used up? In addition to that, it’s a bit boring in the house when you’re not around. I don’t have anything to do”, Yoseob said.

“Okay. I get it.”

“Really? Thank you!” Yoseob said. He was about to give you a hug but you pushed him away. Yoseob pouted and pat you on the head instead.

The two of you went to the city to look for a job that would suit Yoseob. Since Yoseob doesn’t have any proof that he finished university already, you two looked for jobs that would not require any of that. You searched for those places that were looking for interested in a part time job.

You saw a bakery looking for an employee that will help them in selling their goods. The two of you decided to try applying there but the moment you saw Yoseob got excited when he saw all the bread the bakery sells, you decided that it won’t work. When Yoseob insisted that he wanted to work there, you got no choice but to drag him out of the store.

The rest of the afternoon continued with the two of you looking for possible jobs Yoseob could get. However, you ended up with nothing and Yoseob still jobless. You sat down on a bench near Mrs. Park small eatery for you were tired walking around the city looking for job vacancies.

“Ahhh… my feet hurts”, you said as you sit down the bench and rubs your legs.

“Mine too”, Yoseob said sitting down beside you. “We’re both tired and I’m jobless.”

“Yeah. Not one job is suitable for you. If you work in a bakery, you’d get fired easily because I know you’ll slip bread in your pockets. If you work in the arcade, you’d get fired too. You’re just going to play there. You can’t even be a salesman. You may be good in convincing people but as I saw a while ago when we were walking around, a lot of girls are looking at you. You’d just be a distraction in the department store”, you explained.

Yoseob did not reply but sighed instead. It was quiet between the two of you. You both had your hands on your chin as you two watch the people going in and out of Mrs. Park’s eatery. It was getting dark already. People who came from work and don’t have time to cook usually go there to eat. You and Yoseob watched as Mrs. Park gets all the orders of the customers with difficulty. It was just a small eatery but there were a lot of people inside and Mrs. Park and her son is not enough to handle all of them.

“There sure a lot of people eating there huh”, Yoseob said. “Well, I can’t blame them. The food is just so good.”

“Yeah. And there are few people who work. They’re having a hard time attending to all of the customers”, you replied.

You both sighed and continued to watch the scene at the eatery when this thought suddenly comes to your mind.  You looked at Yoseob who looked at the same time at you.

“I know!” You both exclaimed. You both laugh. You need not to tell what’s on your mind for you know he is also thinking the same thing. You entered Mrs. Park’s eatery and was greeted by her. You tell her that you were not going to eat but asked if Yoseob could get a job as a waiter. Mrs. Park was hesitant at first but when she saw how it was hard to handle all the customers, she agreed.

“Really?” Yoseob asked. “Thank you Park-ahjumma! I promise I’ll be a good waiter!”

“You’re welcome. You can start working here on Monday”, Mrs. Park said.

You and Yoseob said thank you and left the eatery. You both decided to go home for you were both tired. When you arrived at you house, the two of you said goodnight and went straight to your bedrooms without having dinner.

‘I’m glad we were able to find a job for Yoseob. But I’m worried. He can be clumsy at times.’ You thought

“Oh, God, I hope he won’t mess this time”, you said to yourself and fall asleep.

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))