My Savior

Heaven Sent


“_______, wake up!” Yoseob said as he shakes you to wake up.

“Hnnnggg. I’m still sleepy”, you said to him as you cover yourself with the blanket.

“If you don’t wake up, you’re gonna be late for school”, Yoseob said still shaking you. “Come on _______, wake up.”

You decided to wake up and took a shower. Yoseob went downstairs as you prepare for school. Your cellphone rung and you looked at it to see who texted you. It was Namjoo.

Goodmorning, __________! I’m sorry but I can’t meet you in the waiting shed today :(, my mom will drive me to school after we finish eating breakfast in a fast food. See you in school! ;)

It’s okay! See ya later :))! You replied

You sighed. ‘I wish I have a mother like that’, you thought to yourself. You put all your things inside your bag and went downstairs. As you went downstairs, you smell something burning. You hurriedly went to the kitchen and saw Yoseob.

*Cough! Cough! Cough!* Yoseob coughed as he tried to remove the smoke from his face.

“I’m sorry. I was trying to make breakfast. But I got lost in my thoughts and the food got burned.” Yoseob said.

You sighed and all you could do is say, “Aishh!” You helped him cleaned the mess he did. ‘It’s a good thing he woke me up in time. I don’t know if I should get angry about it or not’, you thought as you clean the kitchen. Yoseob look at you worriedly ‘She looks mad!’He thought.

After cleaning the messed Yoseob did, you picked up your bag, wore your shoes and went out of the house. Yoseob followed you.

“_______, are you not going to eat breakfast?” Yoseob asked

“I’m just going to buy bread in the bakery”, you said and left immediately.

“O-okay. Take care”, Yoseob said ‘Eeep! She’s angry! What am I going to do?’ Yoseob thought to himself.

Before going to school, you went to the bakery to buy bread. You eat the bread on your way to school. You arrived on time and saw Namjoo.

“Goodmorning!” Namjoo said.

“Goodmorning…” you replied.

Her smile was changed into a frown after seeing you. “What’s wrong? You pissed off?”

“Yeah”, you replied as you slumped over your desked. ‘Very actually. If only I could tell Namjoo that I’m living with some guy who accidentally burned the food he is trying to cook. *Sigh*’ you thought.


The day started. You had a surprise quiz in Math. You weren’t able to study so you flunked the test. You immediately threw the test paper after seeing it. You had laboratory in Physics. The group you belonged to finished first and you thought that you are lucky enough to have joined that group until you realized you left your laboratory manual. Your teacher never allows his student to put in another piece of paper the data and since you weren’t able to bring your manual, you don’t have any output for that day.

Next class was English class. You remembered that you didn’t finish your homework. ‘Oh, God. Can this day get any worse?’ You sat on your desk and prayed that your teacher won’t call you. You also tried hard not to fall asleep. However, you are so sleepy because you slept late last night and unfortunately you slumped over your desk. You realized you almost fell asleep and sat straight on your chair. You saw that everyone is staring at you including your teacher. ‘Oh . Why did you sleep?’ You thought. As expected, your teacher called on you.

“Since no one wants to volunteer to read his assignment, I’m volunteering ___________”, your teacher said.

‘oh, . I’m screwed! I wasn’t able to do my assignment’, you thought as you turn the pages of your book.

“Why is it taking so long Ms. ____________? Did you do your homework?” your teacher asked.

“I-I did my assignment. Please wait a bit”, you said. When you were turning the pages of your book, a paper fell and you read it. A note from Yoseob. And he said that it was the answer in your assignment and he was sure of it.

“Okay, If you’re not going to-“

“No, ma’am. I actually got an answer”, you said, interrupting your teacher. Your teacher gestured you to read your answer (which is actually Yoseob’s). You read Yoseob’s answer to the whole class. After you finished reading, you saw that most of your classmates are in awe. Namjoo stared at you with open. Others are whispering to each other. Your teacher looked at you as if what she heard did not come from you.

Your teacher cleared and said, “Very good Ms.________. And if the reason for falling asleep in my class is because you were burning the midnight oil doing your assignment, I guess I will not get angry this time. But please refrain from falling asleep”, your teacher said.

You breathe a sigh of relief and sat down on your chair. You look at Yoseob’s note and smiled.

‘Thank you Yoseob! What can I do without you?’ you thought and held the piece of paper to your chest

During lunch, Namjoo kept bugging you on how you were able to interpret the poem as if you were the one who wrote it.

“Well, I just read the poem again and again until I finally got the meaning”, you said. ‘I’m sorry Namjoo. I really don’t know how to explain to you that I’m living with someone who did it for me.’ you thought.

“But I did the same thing and yet, I wasn’t able to get the right meaning”, Namjoo said.

“Well let’s just say, that I understood it better than you”, you said with a wink.

“Okay, okay, Whatever.” Namjoo  said

The two of you sat at your favorite table in the cafeteria. Suddenly Namjoo started whispering to you.

“Hey, ________. Taemin is looking at you”, Namjoo said while pointing to where Taemin is.

“What? Really?” you asked Namjoo and she nodded in agreement.

You slowly turned around to see if what Namjoo’s saying is true. Sure enough, you saw Taemin looking at your table. When he saw you looking their way, he waved and smiled at you. And to your surprise, he winked at you. You blushed instantly and gave him a slight bow. When you turned back to your table to eat, you saw Namjoo smiling broadly.

“Hey, since when did the two of you go out?” Namjoo asked teasing you.

“What are you talking about? W-we’re not going out,” you said.

“Really?” Namjoo asked.

“Yeah. You’d think Taemin would go out with someone like me?” you said as you eat your lunch.

“Why not? You’re kinda cute anyway”, Taemin said. You almost choked your food when you heard him say that.

You turned around and saw Taemin. He gave you one of his winks and said goodbye. You can’t believe this is happening. Last night, he chatted with you and now he is talking to you even smiling and winking at you. ‘I must be dreaming.’ You thought.

After you finished your lunch, you and Namjoo went back to your classroom. The rest of the day went on as usual with Namjoo nudging you every now and then so that you won’t fell asleep.

Class for that day ended. You and Namjoo were walking towards the gate to go home together when you both saw Namjoo’s mom. Namjoo went to her mom and back to you. Namjoo told you that she can’t walk home together with you because she and her mother have to go somewhere. You said that it was okay and that you have to go somewhere too. You waved them goodbye and decided to head back home.

‘Yoseob helped me with my homework. I have to at least pay him back for it. Maybe I should buy him clothes? Dad’s clothes are a bit big for him’, you thought as you walk on your way home. You decided you’d buy him new clothes. You went to the department store and looked for guy clothes. You bought him a shirt and pants. You also bought him a hoodie since Christmas is nearing and the weather is getting colder. After buying Yoseob’s clothes, you went back home.

You arrived home. Yoseob welcomed you back and took your bags. You handed him the paper bag with the clothes you just bought.

“Why are you giving me this? I almost burned your house this morning and you’re still giving me clothes?” Yoseob asked as he hugged the paper bag you gave.

“Well yeah, I got angry with what happened this morning. But I already forgave you on that. Giving you those clothes is my way of saying thank you for helping me do my assignment”, you said smiling.

“Oh that, hehe. You’re welcome and thank you for this”, Yoseob said as he held the paper bag to his chest.

“You’re welcome”

“Hey, you know what? I made dinner. I decided to cook as a compensation for what I did this morning. And this time, I didn’t burn anything.”

When you arrived at the kitchen you did not believe what you see. There were lots of foods on the table. Yoseob asked you to sit down and eat.

“You made all of this? How? And isn’t this too much for the two of us?” you asked.

“Well, I decided to open that box with people inside it that talks”, Yoseob said.

‘A box with people inside that talks? Oh, the TV’, you thought.

“And then I saw people cooking and I imitated what they did. Good thing that cold box was stuff with a lot of food”, Yoseob said as he points to the refrigerator.

“Wow. But still, this is too much for us”, you said as you took a bite of the pork cutlet.

“Don’t worry. I can finish all of this”, Yoseob said.

You stopped eating and looked at him. He smiled at you and started laughing. You too started laughing with him. The two of you continued eating.

‘I’m glad Yoseob is living here with me. At least now, I have someone to talk to. I don’t feel lonely anymore’, you thought and smiled.

“Thank you Yoseob. You’re my savior”, you said.

“Huh?” Yoseob asked looking confused.

“Never mind. Just continue eating.”

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))