A Date with an Angel

Heaven Sent


Yoseob bought tickets and after that, you started riding all the rides you can see inside the amusement park. The rollercoaster, Viking- which looks like a big boat that swings back and forth and goes higher and faster as the ride goes on, the carousel and the Ferris wheel.

“Wow! You can see the whole city from here!” Yoseob said in amazement. “And it feels so close to heaven.”

“It’s pretty isn’t it?” you said. Yoseob nodded and continued to watch the beautiful scenery of the city from the Ferris wheel. You took a stolen shot of him as well as the cityscape.

After riding the Ferris wheel, the two of you ate lunch. Yoseob bought you a hotdog sandwich and some ice tea. He bought himself also a hotdog sandwich and ice tea as well as some ddukbokki. You sat on a bench in front of the merry-go-round and ate your lunch.

As you were eating your lunch, Yoseob tapped you on your shoulder. You looked at him and saw him with a ddukbokki in his mouth. Half of it was eaten by Yoseob and he looks like he wants to feed you the other half using his mouth.

“You want me to eat that?” You asked. Yoseob nodded. “No way!” The other people in the amusement park are now looking at the two of you.

“Look at that cute couple, jagiya”, you heard a middle-aged woman said. “It makes me remember our younger days.” The middle-aged man with the woman agreed to what she said and both of them laughed.

Yoseob insisted you to eat the ddukbokki. You’re hesitant but did so in the end. You bit half of the ddukbokki in Yoseob’s mouth. Your heart is thumping loudly and you couldn’t breathe. Your lips almost touch Yoseob’s. You immediately backed off after you bit off the other half. Yoseob chewed his share and swallowed it.

“Delicious, isn’t it?” Yoseob said with a big smile on his face. “And it’s more delicious when it’s eaten that way.”

You just blushed and ate your food away. Normally, you would get angry at Yoseob when he does things like that but this time, you didn’t. You didn’t shout at him, hit him, nor flick his forehead. You kind of liked what you just did but you were bit embarrassed also.

After eating your lunch, the two of you walked around the amusement park enjoying the happy and lively atmosphere. Yoseob saw a cotton candy vendor and told you he will buy one.

“Aren’t you full yet?” you said.

Yoseob shook his head. “Don’t worry. I’ll share it with you.”

“I forgot you have a bottomless pit”, you said. Yoseob bought a pink cotton candy from the vendor. The two of you ate it as you walk around the amusement park. The crowd got bigger as afternoon came. Underneath the tree near a kiddy ride stood a magician performing tricks. A lot of people were watching the magician, old and young alike. The ever-curious Yoseob went to watch the mini magic show.

“Wow! Daebak!” Yoseob said in awe as the magician brought out a white dove from an empty top hat. “How’d he do that?”

“I don’t know”, you said. You continued to watch more of the magician’s tricks. Yoseob on the other hand would clap and even jump in amazement whenever the magician finishes doing a trick.

‘He acts so childish but he looks so cute and not irritating’, you thought and took another stolen shot of Yoseob. You took also a picture of the mini magic show – the magician and the happy audience.

For the last trick, the magician whipped out a red handkerchief from his pocket. He showed the audience that there was nothing on both sides of the handkerchief as well as the inside of his hat. He placed the handkerchief inside the hat and told the children watching to blow it. The kids blow it happily. After that the magician told Yoseob to come over.

“Me?” The magician nodded and told Yoseob to take out whatever is inside the hat.

Yoseob nervously placed his hand in the hat. And at the count of three, Yoseob took out the thing inside the hat – a red rose. The children clapped and the magician asked him to whom he will give the red rose.

“Of course, I’ll give it to the girl who is very special to my heart”, Yoseob said. “She might always hit me or I might always give her troubles but she’ll always have a special place in my heart.” Yoseob approached you and handed the red rose he got from the magician. The children clapped louder while some older audience went “Aww”, “So sweet”.

You blushed as Yoseob did it to you. Your heartbeat became fast and there are butterflies in your stomach. No other guy has ever made you so special before. Taemin might be before, but this time it’s different. It’s more sincere, sweeter. ‘What’s on your mind Yoseob? Do you like me? Tell me if you do before I get crazy’, you thought.

The magician bowed to the audience and to you and Yoseob. With that the show ended. You thanked Yoseob for the rose and smelled its sweet scent.

You continued to wander around the amusement park and saw a small arcade. Yoseob remembered the first time meeting Taemin and how he was defeated at that time. Yoseob entered the arcade and you followed him.

Yoseob saw a picture booth and pulled you inside.

“I have my camera, Yoseob. We don’t need to take pictures here”, you said.

“But I want to try it”, Yoseob said pouting cutely. “Please?”

“Okay. Okay.”

You took a lot of pictures and made a lot of goofy faces. You put different designs on the picture and waited for it to be printed. You laughed at your goofy faces when the printed pictures came out. You smiled and thought ‘I never thought that me and Yoseob would look cute together. No wonder people always mistook us as a couple.’

After taking pictures, you went to play some games on the arcade, car racing, guitar hero, basketball but Yoseob always loses to you and has won only one game.

“Arrghh, I’m not really good in this kinds of things”, Yoseob said. “Let’s just do karaoke.”

“That would be unfair, you sing too well. And I don’t sing. Only in the shower though.” You and Yoseob laughed. Before you could even go out the arcade, Yoseob saw the crane machine and pulled you t here. Your eyes widened with the sight of the big stuff toys inside the machine.

“Woah~ ! That pink bunny is so cute!” You exclaimed.

“Do you want that?” Yoseob asked. You nodded. “Then I’ll get it for you.” Yoseob inserted a token and began getting the pink bunny for you. He tried a lot of times but did not succeed in the end.

“Stupid machine! Why won’t you let me have the pink bunny!” Yoseob said.

“It’s okay Yoseob, there’s a store here where you can just buy without difficulty”, you said.

“But you said you want the pink bunny”, Yoseob argued. “Plus there’s more effort if it comes from the crane machine, instead of just buying.”

“It doesn’t matter if it comes from that crane machine or not, Yoseob-ah. As long as it is from you, I’ll accept it.”

Yoseob’s face lightened up. “Really?”

“Yup”, you said. You went to a store full of stuff toys. Almost all animal of sort have their stuff counterpart inside the store. And because of that, Yoseob had a hard time choosing what to buy for you. You excused yourself because you had to go to the restrooms and left Yoseob inside the shop.

‘He might have chosen one already by the time I come back’, you thought and left.

Yoseob looked at each and every stuff toy inside the store. ‘All of these are so cute! It’s so hard to choose’, Yoseob thought. He wandered around the shop once more and something caught his attention – a teddy bear dressed as an angel complete with a halo above his head and wings on his back.

‘Hmmmm…’ Yoseob thought.

By the time you came back, Yoseob was already outside of the store waiting for you. He waved at you and you waved back.

“Have you chosen already?” you asked.

“There’s nothing special in there”, Yoseob said. “But I promise I’ll give you one, someday.”

You smiled and said okay. It was already 4 P.M. in the afternoon when you decided to go home. You walked on your way to the bus station. Along the way, you and Yoseob held hands talking about the date you had that morning.

“It was really fun Yoseob”, you said. “I really enjoyed it.”

“I’m glad you did”, Yoseob said.

“I never thought that you can be so sweet”, you said.

“I am?” Yoseob chuckled and said thanks. He squeezed your hand tightly and the two of you laughed. You continued walking on your way home when you saw the ruins of an old Catholic church. You stopped and stared at it.

“__?” Yoseob asked.

“The church looks familiar to me”, you said.

“Do you want to come nearer to have a closer look?” Yoseob asked.

You nodded and crossed the street together with Yoseob to get to the church.

‘I knew I have seen this before but where?’

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))