Chapter 17: Moving On

Heaven Sent


It’s been a week that you have locked yourself up in your room. During the night when Yoseob would be sleeping already, you would sneak out and get something to eat. You wouldn’t want Yoseob to see you because you know that if he saw you outside your room, he would not let you come in again.

It was already 11 P.M. in the evening you just had your shower and went down to get something to eat. You opened the fridge and saw some bread, ham and cheese. You grab all of those as well as a glass of milk. You went back your room quietly and place the food on your bedside table. You stood up and went back to close the door. However, as you were about to close the door, someone blocked it from closing. You looked to see who it was and saw Yoseob. You gasped and tried to close the door with all your might but your strength is no match to that of Yoseob.

Yoseob grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him so that you are face to face with him. He was only wearing a white robe and you can tell that he just finished taking a bath. You blushed as you saw his chest peek out from the robe he was wearing.

“I knew it”, Yoseob said as he saw your food on your table. “You’re the one who ate the foods I place on the fridge for tomorrow’s breakfast!”

“So what?!” You snapped back. “And let me go!”

“Na-ah. Now that I have you in my hands, I won’t let you go. It’s a good thing that I stayed up late tonight.” Yoseob carried you on his shoulders and went back to his room. You knocked Yoseob’s back telling him to put you down but he won’t. You never thought Yoseob is as strong as this. He laid you down on his bed and pinned you down.

“You’re going to sleep with me tonight, okay?” Yoseob said. “And this time, I won’t let you lock yourself up again.” Yoseob hugged your waist tightly and covered the two of you with a blanket. You struggled at first but since Yoseob is stronger than you, you can’t do anything but sleep in with him.

The next day, you woke up early and hurriedly went down to your room only to find out that it was lock. ‘Aish!! Yoseob!!’ You thought. You went downstairs and saw Yoseob cooking breakfast for the two of you.

Yoseob greeted you a good morning when he saw you. “You woke up just in time for breakfast. Come and eat with me.”

“Where is the key to my room?” you asked.

“Oh, this?” Yoseob said showing you your key. You tried to snatch it from him but he kept it away from you.

“Like what I told you last night, I won’t let you lock yourself up in your room ever A-G-A-I-N”, Yoseob said.

“Arrghh! Why don’t you just let me be?” you said. “You don’t care what I want to do with my life! So give me my key!”

“You have to move on ____. You can’t just hide in that room forever”, Yoseob said.

“You don’t how it feels to have your heart broken”, you said angrily. “You’re an angel, you don’t know how it feels to be human. To get hurt. To suffer.”

“Shut up, ___!” Yoseob shouted. “Even though I am an angel, I get hurt too. I’ve been hurt a lot of times already so stop being self-centered and saying things like I don’t know how to suffer!”

You gaped as you listen to every word Yoseob was saying. Tears fell down from your eyes and when Yoseob saw you crying, he panicked and immediately said sorry.

“U-um ___, sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you”, Yoseob said. “So please don’t cry.”

You wiped your tears and sniffed. “No, you’re right. I’m only thinking about myself. I’m so selfish.”

Yoseob held up your face and wiped your tears. “It’s time to move on and be happy again, ___. So stop crying and stop blaming yourself, okay?” You nodded and Yoseob kissed you on your forehead.

The two of you ate breakfast and Yoseob watched you eat the breakfast he made heartily.

“Delicious!” you said. “Your cooking never fails to put a smile on my face.”

“Thanks!” Yoseob said. “Oh by the way, after you eat, take a bath and put on your best clothes, okay?”

“Hmm? Why?” you asked.

“We’re going on a date”, Yoseob said.

“*Cough* *Cough*” you almost choked on the food you are eating. Yoseob rubbed your back and gave you a glass of water. “Date?!”

“Yes. Date”, Yoseob said. “Don’t ask anymore okay? Just do as I say.”

After you ate breakfast, you went back to your bedroom, with your key of course, to take a shower and put on your best dress. You wore a gray dress with black see-through puffed sleeves decorated with stars. The bow in its neckline was made from the same material as the sleeves. You wore a black belt around your waist and slipped on black wedges. You went downstairs and saw Yoseob tying up his shoelaces.

“Oh, you’re done? Let’s … go”, Yoseob stared at you and looked at you from head to toe.

“What?” you asked.

“U-um, nothing. It’s just that you looked so cute. Hehe”, Yoseob said scratching the back of his head.

“Thank you. You’re handsome too”, you said blushing. Yoseob was wearing the clothes you gave him as a thank you gift for doing your English homework.

The two of you left and rode a bus to the city.

“So where are we going?” you asked Yoseob.

“Secret. You’ll see when we get there.”

You arrived at the city and walked to the place where your date with Yoseob will be. However, you dumfounded when you saw where it was. Yoseob brought you to the amusement park where you had your first date with Taemin.

“Can we go to another place?” you asked.

“Eh? Why? I want to try riding those”, Yoseob said and pointed to the rollercoaster.

“This place brings back memories I don’t want to remember”, you said and told Yoseob that you had your date with Taemin at the same amusement park.

“Then, we’ll have a fun date here today. I’ll make it soooo fun, you’ll be able to forget your date and everything that happened to you with that stupid guy. So, let’s go.”

You smiled. Yoseob grabbed your hand and together you ran inside.

‘Yoseob is right. Nothing will happen if I lock myself in my room. It’s time to move on.’

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))