I’ll Miss You (Final)

Heaven Sent


You stormed out of your house and looked from left to right for any sign of Yoseob. You were disappointed when you saw that the streets were clear except for cats scavenging the garbage of your neighbor.

You ran and looked for him. You asked the bakery owner if he has seen Yoseob but he said that he didn’t. You bowed, said thank you and started running again.

‘He must have left the house really early’, you thought. ‘But where did he go?’ You ran and ran and finally decided to go to Mrs. Park’s place.  You arrived huffing and puffing and saw Mrs. Park sweeping some dried leaves in front of the eatery. Mrs. Park just opened the store but there were some customers already inside.

“G-good morning. Mrs. P-Park!” you greeted as you try to catch your breath.

“____!” Mrs. Park exclaimed.

When you finally get a hold of your breath, you immediately asked, “Have you seen Yoseob?”

Mrs. Park look at you with a confuse expression on her face. “I haven’t seen him and I’m not expecting him today and for the next days to come by.”

“What? I don’t get it”, you replied back.

“Why? Didn’t Yoseob tell you that he will leave?” Mrs. Park asked. “He said that he has to go back to America and that he cannot work here anymore. He even slipped this on the eatery’s door.” Mrs. Park further explained and showed you an envelope with a letter inside.

You looked at the letter inside the envelope and sure enough it was Yoseob’s writing. You read the letter and saw that some of the inks were scattered. Probably because it got wet with Yoseob’s tears as he writes the letter. You gave back the letter to Mrs. Park and bid her goodbye.

You decided to run again and when you turn a corner, you thought of where Yoseob could have been. The park near your school came across your mind and you ran to its direction as fast as you can. Lots of thoughts flooded on your mind as you ran to the park.

‘Why did Yoseob do that? Why did he make me fall for him and after that leave me? What’s gotten on his mind? Curse you!’

The sun is up shining brightly when you arrived at the park. Some of the children along with their mothers or fathers are preparing to go home. You searched the whole park to see if Yoseob was there. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. You sat on one of the cement benches in the park with your palms on your face.

‘I give up. I will never find Yoseob anymore’, you thought. Tears started flowing from your eyes again. You hugged the bear tightly as you cursed Yoseob again and again.

“I hate you Yoseob! I hate you!” While you repeat this cursing over and over again, you suddenly felt someone tugging the shirt you are wearing. You look up and saw the young boy Yoseob saved before along with her mother.

“Dongsaeng?” You said as you wiped your tears. “Is there anything you need? Or are you looking for Yoseob-hyung? If you are looking for him, I’m sorry but I don’t know where he is.”

“I’m not looking for hyung. I was actually with him earlier”, the boy said. With those words, you brightened up a bit and a feeling of hope rushed through you.

“You were?” you asked.

The boy nodded and told you that he even played with Yoseob. Your heart throbs faster and faster as the boy told you what he and Yoseob did earlier in the morning.

“If you were with him then where is he now?” you asked.

“He left already”, the boy said. The hope that was in your chest moments ago were gone again after hearing that Yoseob left.

“I-I see”, you said. The boy looked at you and suddenly hugged you. You were surprised with his gesture but you hugged him back.

“Noona, don’t be sad. I know where hyung is.”

“Y-you do?” A feeling of excitement and hope flashed in your chest. “Where? Where is he?”

“Hyung said that he will be at the ruined church.” You remembered the church you went to just yesterday and you were eager to go there right now but a dubious feeling struck you.  The boy looked at you and said, “Why are you still sad noona? Shouldn’t you be happy now that you know where hyung is?”

“I know I should be happy since I already know where he is. But what use is that when I know that he is still going to leave me.” You heaved a deep sigh. The hope in the boy’s eyes was gone. This time, it wasn’t the boy who replied to you but his mother.

“I don’t know the story between the two of you, but think about this. Why would he let you know where he will be if he is just going to leave you? I mean, he might leave but then maybe, he wants to see you for the last time before he go”, the boy’s mother said.

You thought that the boy’s mother was right and thought that maybe Yoseob wants to say what he really feels personally before he leaves earth and go back to heaven.

‘Even though Yoseob will leave me in the end, as long as he tells me personally that he loves me, I’ll be happy.’ You stood up and inhaled deeply. “Thank you for your advice ahjumma. You have given me courage to find him again.” You squatted and patted the boy’s head. “And thank you for telling me where Yoseob is.” You hugged the boy tightly and stood up again. “I will definitely find Yoseob!”

“Hwaiting noona!” the boy cheered.

“Fighting!” the boy’s mother said.

You nodded and started running when the boy calls you out again. You stop to listen to what he has to say.

“Hyung also said this: I love you, ___ very much! And I hope to see you again for the last time before I go!” the boy shouted. These words of Yoseob gave you more courage and now you were more determined more than ever to find him and catch up to him.

You ran as fast as your two feet could carry you. You arrived at the waiting shed at exactly nine thirty and then you remembered that the next bus will not arrive after thirty more minutes. You scratch your head in frustration.

‘How will I be able to catch up with Yoseob now? Thirty minutes is a long time. Yoseob might have left already if I wait for the next bus to arrive.’

You were already losing hope when you saw a taxi cab parked at the waiting shed. You hurriedly run to it, opened the door to the back seat and told the driver to take you to the ruined church.

“Please make it fast, ahjussi”, you pleaded.

“Okay.” The cab driver said and started the engine. Soon the cab was going fast enough to take you to the city in a matter of minutes.

You leaned your back on the back seat to relax yourself clutching the teddy bear in your hands. You look out of the cab’s window and said to yourself, ‘Yoseob, please wait for me. I’m coming.’  You sighed and thanked the cab driver. “It’s a good thing you were waiting for passengers at the waiting shed ahjussi. I cannot wait for the next bus to arrive. Thank God you were there.”

The driver looked at you through the rearview mirror and gave you a confusing look. “Wait, I don’t get it. Are you not the companion this guy is waiting for?” The driver said and pointed to a person sitting behind the driver’s seat.

‘This guy?’ You looked to where the driver is pointing and were so surprised you almost jumped. There was a guy riding with you. He was blond, has chinky eyes, has a muscularly toned body and maybe around your age or older. He was looking at you, gaping. You immediately said sorry, bowing repeatedly. 

“I was hurrying I didn’t realize that there was already a passenger inside the cab. Sorry, oppa.”

“I’m sorry young lady”, the driver said. “But if you’re not this guy’s companion, you have to go down find another cab.”

“Eh?! Ahjussi, no! Don’t worry, I’ll pay my fare, this guy’s fare and his fare on the way back! Please, just drive me to the ruined church, ahjussi. Jebal!” you said, giving the cab driver a ninety degrees bow.

“I’ll consider if it’s okay with this guy.” The cab driver turned to look at the blonde guy. “So what do you think?”

The blonde guy was still looking at you in disbelief. “It’s okay with me since she’ll be paying for my fare. Hehe.”

“Really?! Thank you so much oppa!” You exclaimed and bowed at him. “I’m really sorry to disturb you. And please don’t get mad at me.”

“No, I’m not mad and it’s really okay. Hehe.”

You thanked again the blonde guy and leaned your back on the seat to relax. You hugged the teddy bear tightly as you wait for the cab to take you to the ruined church.

Meanwhile, back on the waiting shed, another five blonde guys arrived. One had a curly hair, the other was wearing a mask, the other had a chubby cheeks while the other two looks older than most of them.

“I thought Jongup was here already waiting for a cab?” the pretty blonde guy said. “He just called me a while ago that he got a cab already.”

“But he is not here and there is no cab”, the other blonde guy said in a deep voice.

“Why don’t we try to call him so that we can know where he is”, said the one with the chubby cheeks.

The pretty blonde guy took out his phone and started dialing Jongup’s number.

“Yeoboseyo? Jongup! Where are you? What?! You’re on your way to the city? Why didn’t you wait for us? You don’t know?!”

The blond guy with a deep voice grabbed the phone from the pretty blonde guy. And with anger in his voice, he shouted at the phone. “MOON JONGUP!!!”

Yoseob arrived at the city. He went down the bus and started walking his way to the ruined church. It was Sunday and a lot of families are going out either celebrating the masses or eat and watch movies. On the other side of the street was a newly built church, the replacement for the old and ruined church Yoseob has to go to. A wedding just took place and the bride and groom are now boarding their wedding car on their way to reception.

Yoseob remembered the vows you made to each other yesterday. He forced a smile and thought, ‘___ must have listened to the recorded message by now. And she might be very angry at me. After the promise I made of staying by her side forever and breaking it, she is surely mad.’

Yoseob continued walking on his way to the ruined church. The church’s door was ajar when Yoseob arrived. He peeked through the small opening to see if anybody is inside. Sure enough there was the old priest you talked to yesterday. The priest was kneeling, praying. Yoseob closed the door quietly so that he will not disturb the priest. He walked quietly to where the priest is and sat beside him.

“You came alone today?” the priest said, still in his praying position.

Yoseob was surprised but said yes. The priest finished saying his prayers. He did a sign of the cross and sat beside Yoseob.

“Where’s your girlfriend?” The priest asked.

“___? She’s at her house. And she’s not my girlfriend but someone-“

“Someone very special right?”

Yoseob nodded. “And the reason she’s not with me is because I left her already.”

“You did? Why?”

“Because I have to. I don’t how can I explain it to you father. I finally said my true feelings for her but then I just said goodbye and left”, Yoseob explained. “I’m so bad. I should be punished.” Yoseob began crying softly.

The priest rubbed his back to comfort him and said, “Well, there are some things that are better left off by fate. Who knows, God may have better plans for you.”

Yoseob wiped his tears and with a sad voice said, “Only a miracle can let me stay by her side forever.” The priest let out a chuckle and patted Yoseob lightly on his back. “If you believe that it will happen, it will happen.”

Yoseob looked at the priest and gave him a small smile. The priest bid Yoseob goodbye. “Remember my boy. If you think that a miracle can happen, it will happen. See you then.”

Yoseob looked at the priest go and sat again. ‘I wonder if ___ is looking for me. But no matter what happens I’ll wait for her and said goodbye personally before I go.’ Yoseob was not aware that the priest took a second look at him before it left. When the priest was at the last pillar of the church, he stopped.

“Don’t give him a hard time Doojoon. It is his last day here on Earth. Let her see the girl for the last time”, the priest said. Doojoon appeared behind the pillar and bowed at the priest.

“Yes, Father.” The priest patted Doojoon on his shoulders and left.

“It’s time to go Yoseob”, Doojoon said loud enough for it to echo in the ruined church. Yoseob looked at him and stood up.

“Can’t I stay a little longer? I’m waiting for ___”, Yoseob said.

“Do you think she’ll come here?” Doojoon asked.

Yoseob nodded. “I know she’ll come here. I know she’s looking for me. My heart is telling me that”

Doojoon smirked and shook his head. “Do you think she’ll do that? Do you think she’ll waste her time looking for a guy who mend her heart and break it again?” Yoseob didn’t say anything and thought Doojoon was right. “Plus, I’ve given you your last favor.”

“Please hyung! This is the last time. Please.” Yoseob pleaded. Doojoon looked at him and sighed. “Okay, I’ll let you see her one last time. But if she does not come in fifteen minutes, we have to go.”

Yoseob and Doojoon waited for you to come. Yoseob taps his feet impatiently or would bite his nails as he wait for you. Doojoon on the other hand would walk back and forth. He looks at his watch to see if the time for waiting is over. Doojoon tells Yoseob that there is only two minutes left. Yoseob stood up to see any signs of your arrival but sees nothing.

Yoseob bites his lips too hard that it almost bleed. He looked again at the door hoping to see you open it and come to him. But when he sees that you are not coming, he gave up and told Doojoon that they should go now. Doojoon stretched his neck and was glad to know that they are going.

‘Goodbye ___. Too bad I wasn’t I able to see you one more time before I go. But my time here is over.’ Yoseob thought.  Yoseob held hands with Doojoon ready to go when the church’s door suddenly burst open. You came just in time.

“Yoseob!” you shouted. “____!” Yoseob shouted back. You both ran to each other and hugged each other. You were crying tears of joy. Yoseob held your face and saw you crying. He wipes your tears and hugged you tightly. He pulled back and saw the teddy bear in your hands.

“I’m so sorry ___. But I really have to go. I do not belong to this world”, Yoseob said his throat tight with tears.

“I know. But I don’t care. Now that I have seen you for the last time before I go.” You hugged Yoseob and with tears falling down from your eyes you said it to him. “I love you.”

Yoseob cannot hold his tears back anymore, and hugged you back. “I love you too ___.” You hugged each other until you were both tired of it. You looked at each others’ wet-from-tears faces. Yoseob wiped your eyes and smiled at you. “Please smile for me too. I don’t want to see you sad before I leave.” You smiled.

“You must be really mad at me, huh?” Yoseob asked.

You shook your head. “I want to be angry at you but I can’t. What matters to me now and want I want is see you one last time and finally hear you say personally how much you love me. And now that it all happened, I’m happy.”

“I can now go peacefully without worrying whether you’re mad at me or not. But remember this ___. Even if I am not with you physically, my love for you will stay with you forever, protecting you.” Yoseob held the teddy bear. “I’ve blessed this teddy bear and this will be your protection, your lucky charm. As long as you hold on to this, you will be safe.”

You hugged the teddy bear tightly to your chest. “Thank you so much.”

Yoseob held your hand. “I have to go now, ___.” As he said his last goodbye, Yoseob leans to kiss you on your lips. You kissed him back and your kiss this time is more passionately than the last kiss the two of you had. When you pulled back, you said your last goodbyes.

You watched Yoseob go back to Doojoon with a smile on your face, happy to see him the last time. Yoseob held Doojoon’s hand and soon a bright light engulfed the two of them and the whole church. You covered your eyes for the light was too bright that it can blind you. And for the last time, you heard Yoseob voice.

“Goodbye ___. I’ll miss you.”

You did not remember anything after that. When you opened your eyes, everything was back to normal. No one was inside the church but you. Yoseob was gone. You look up at the sky and closed your eyes.

‘Goodbye Yoseob. Thank you for everything. I hope wherever you are right now, you are happy.’

You opened your eyes and saw a white feather falling from the clear blue sky. You held your hand, waiting for the feather to come down. It landed on your palm. You looked at it and smiled. ‘Another gift from Yoseob’, you thought. You held the feather tightly in your chest along with the teddy bear dressed as an angel. You hold back your tears from falling for you know Yoseob will not like it if he sees you cry. But a tear fell from your eye as you try to hold it back.

“I’ll miss you Yoseob. I’ll miss you.”

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))