Happy Holidays, cant_stop_kpop

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2016 [News update from the 2017.07.01]

Gift for cant_stop_kpop

​Gift from ???

Title: Music to my Heart

Pairing: 2jae

Word Count: 3,760

Rating: G

Warnings: shameless fluffy feelings and lots of squealing (ft. BamBam the diva bff)

Hello! I hope you like this and have a great holiday! I normally don't right 2jae but I absolutely love their relationship and especially Youngjae (he's the cutest bal of sunshine and deserves to be protected forever). Anyways, I hope this was fluffy enough for you and you like the humor (comedy is so hard to write yo). Happy holidays love!

Music to my Heart

Youngjae remembered the first time he met Jaebum (with massive amounts of blushing on his own part). They met at the beginning of Youngjae’s freshman year. He was new, shy and clumsy since birth (not a great combination for his confidence). He had found a flyer for the Music club in the hall, applications held in a folder pinned at the bottom. Excited, he took one and began filling it out then and there, at the expense of being late to class. The flyer had instructed that the applications had to be turned into the club president during one of the club dates/times. The next one happened to be that very afternoon. Youngjae was so excited he could barely focus in class.

To Youngjae, music was everything. His parents put him into piano lessons when he was only six. As he grew up he began to love the instrument more and more. It was because of those lessons that he learned he had not only a talent in playing, but in singing. His parents said that he could sing better than a bird and his teachers told him he was a genius. Youngjae was never the smartest kid in school, so hearing these compliments made him so happy. He had found a calling in life. He had something that he was good at, something no one else could take away from him.

After the final bell rang, Youngjae immediately made his way to the music room. Youngjae counted the numbers above the classroom doors until he found 106, the music room. The door was open, but there didn’t seem to be anyone inside. He poked his head past the door frame and immediately caught the eye of the sole person in the room. Youngjae yelped in embarrassment and jerked away from the door and back into the hallway.

Ah! Wait,” the person from inside called.

Youngjae hesitantly peeked back inside to see the person, a junior by the looks of his uniform, standing in the middle of the room.

Are you looking for the music club?” the boy asked, gesturing shyly to the piano and music stands littered about the room.

Youngjae nodded, too afraid to speak.

Are you a freshman?” the boy cocked his head and stepped forward as if to get a better look at Youngjae. He suddenly chuckled warmly, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t bite.”

Youngjae blushed bright red. The student’s smile and laugh caught him completely off guard. He was handsome the first time, but paired with his smile, he was breathtaking. Youngjae held onto the doorframe for support as he shuffled forward slightly. His application was clutched so tightly to his chest that he could hear and feel it crinkle under the force of his hands.

The other boy quickly waved him in, bright smile stretching over his face, “I’m Im Jaebum, the president here. And you are?”

Ch-ch-choi Young-youngj-jae,” Youngjae stuttered, eyes staring down at Jaebum’s rather stylish shoes.

Hey,” Jaebum bent over so that he could lower his face into Youngjae’s line of sight, causing the boy to flush even more with a yelp.

Whatever Jaebum was about to say was cut off by his own laugh. Jaebum’s eyes closed in a delightful eye-smile and he dropped his head onto Youngjae’s head, ruffling the boy’s brown locks.

You’re pretty cute Youngjae-ah,” Jaebum blushed slightly, retracting his hand.

Both boys blinked and looked away shyly, Youngjae to the side and Jaebum down from the younger’s face.

Oh, your application!” Jaebum coughed as his eyes glanced at the paper clutched to Youngjae’s chest, “I can take that for you.”

           Youngjae decided that was it. There was no way he would leave with any good image if he didn’t escape now. Im Jaebum turned all systems off in his brain and he wasn’t about to let his stupid self embarrass himself any more in front of the sunbae.

I’m sorry!” Youngjae suddenly shouted, trusting his application into Jaebum’s outstretched hands with a low bow, “I can’t stay!”

Youngjae turned at the speed of light, ready to race out of the music room had it not been for the piano that he failed to see on his way out. Youngjae’s foot clipped the side of the piano leg and sent himself tumbling to the floor. Youngjae squeaked out of surprise and embarrassment as he fell into a heap on the floor, knocking over a good number of music stands on his way down.He could hear Jaebum gasp from behind him and immediately shut up, despite the pain.


Youngjae-ah, are you-” Jaebum jumped to the poor boy’s side.

I’m fine! I’m ok! Goodbye!” Youngjae shouted in English before running out of the room. He ran down the hall, not stopping until he reached the men’s restroom at the end of the hall. He slammed himself into the largest stall and held back a scream. His face flushed hot with dread as he slid down the wall (which wasn’t the cleanest thing to do, but he was too busy wallowing in self-pity to care).

    “Oh my god,” Youngjae gasped to himself, hands shaking as they ran through his hair, “I’m going to dig myself a hole and die in it.”

And that was the story of how Youngjae met Jaebum. He was beyond mortified at their first encounter, even now. He could look back at it without flushing crimson red. Yet, his immediate love for Im Jaebum stayed with him, despite that and many more embarrassing moments. He was just glad Jaebum didn’t think he was a total freak after that.


Jaebum, on the other hand, looked back to his first meeting with Youngjae rather fondly. He couldn’t help but remember the shy and clumsy freshman as rather endearing and cute. Ultimately, he was concerned for the boy and that first glimpse of him, that first teaser of his sweet voice had him eager for more. It was only when he saw Youngjae smiling to himself on the piano bench in the empty music room, did Jaebum know he was a goner.

It wasn’t a scheduled club day when Jaebum made his way to the music room after school. He had misplaced a rather important notebook of his and was searching the entire school for it. This note book of his was his composing notebook. He wrote songs and lyrics in it that he wasn’t privy to the whole school reading (especially since it had some rather heartfelt lyrics written about a certain underclassman in it). He remembered having it during music class, so he thought that would be the most logical place to start.

Yet, as he walked down the hall to the music room, he heard the melodic tune of piano music and then, singing. Jaebum froze in shock as he recognized the music. It was his. It was the song he composed, written lyrics from his heart and music from his soul. Not only that, but it was the one song he didn’t want anyone to discover: the song about that cute, shy, clumsy little underclassman, Choi Youngjae. Jaebum sprinted into action, reaching the music room in record time. He had his hand on the handle when he forcefully stopped. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t barge in on Youngjae singing his song. Jaebum breathed heavy, slightly because of the run but mostly because of the panic. Jaebum shrunk away from the door in fear, desperately thinking of how he could get his notebook back without revealing too much or scaring Youngjae away.

Then almost as if a sign from the heavens, Youngjae began singing again. Jaebum melted. The young boy’s voice was so perfect, Jaebum had a hard time believing it was real. H was like an angel from the sky, a bird from deep within exotic rainforests. Jaebum peeked through the tiny window in the door, trying to catch a glimpse of Youngjae as he played and sung. IT was then, in that moment, when Jaebum accepted his eternal demise as Youngjae’s most ardent admirer. The scene before him looked as if were a masterpiece, a painting by one of the greats, a scene from a globally renowned movie. Light poured in from the closed window of the music room, bathing Youngjae in sunlight. His hair shimmered gold and his skin sparkled with life and innocence. He had a small, contented smile set in his lips. It was such a smile that suggested complete peace, calmness, true happiness. It wasn’t large like when he laughed (which Jaebum heavily refused any acknowledgment of stalking for that reference). Yet, the light and life that radiated from it was beyond that of anything Jaebum had seen in his life.

When Youngjae opened his mouth wider to sing, it was like an entire orchestra was joining him and the piano. His notes came out clear and strong, emotion pouring out as his eyes flitted across the crude components on the paper in front of him. It was a wonder he was able to read Jaebum’s scribblings and get such a clear piece out of it. Jaebum smiled in awe and, as much as he might deny it, love. Youngjae was perfect in that moment, and nothing would change the perception of him in Jaebum’s mind. He only hoped that one day, Youngjae would feel comfortable enough around him and show his peaceful, elegant side of himself. That one day, Jaebum would be able to accompany Youngjae’s voice or piano (and maybe his lips too, if he were being totally honest).

But the fact remained that he had to get his notebook back….


Im Jaebum was probably the most perfect being on earth, at least according to Youngjae. The senior student was tall, handsome with toned muscle and a face sculpted by the gods. Not only that, but he was insanely interested in music. He had the composing talent of Beethoven and the musicality of a songbird. He could be cute when no one was watching too (except he wasn’t because Youngjae was always watching). Those two cute little moles above his eye had Youngjae swooning. In fact, the poor lovesick sophomore swooned about every time the senior passed by.

Ugh, why does he have to be so perfect all the time?” Youngjae whined as he watched JB walk across the lunchroom, “He’s not even trying, I swear.”

I swear that I’m going to hit you over the head if you talk about Im freaking Jaebum one more time, “BamBam, Youngjae's supposed best friend, growled as he pointed his chopsticks at Youngjae threateningly.

But I-” Youngjae tried to counter but BamBam quickly interrupted him.

Really, just go ask him out if you’re so obsessed with him. You’ve been nursing a crush on him since last year, it’s about time to do something about it,” BamBam advised before digging back into his bowl of ramen.

I can’t! Whenever I’m around him I just clam up and get all sweaty. It’s like I forget how to speak and then when he looks at me I swear I die. I mean really, Bam. I get a glimpse at his cute little mole, mostly because I can’t exactly look him in the eyes, and then I’m melting,” Youngjae gushed as he dropped his upper body on the table, pressing his cheek to the table top and staring through the crowd at JB’s table.

Dang,” BamBam sighed, “You got it bad.”

He’s just too good for me,” Youngjae sighed sadly, turning his head to press his forehead against the tabletop.

Ok, let me stop you there,” BamBam sassed, “You, Choi Youngjae, are the most wonderful ball of sunshine out there and if Bimbo Jaebumbo can’t see that then he ain’t worth your times, sista!”

You think?” Youngjae sniffed eyes flitting up to BamBam’s unamused face.

Cross my heart and hope to die by the dab,” BamBam replied, completely serious.

Youngjae lifted his head from the table and smiled widely, fulfilling his solar responsibilities, “Thanks Bam!”

BamBam laughed and covered his eyes jokingly, “Ah! The sun has risen! But really Jae, you just need to take a chance and confess already.”

What! No, I-I can’t!” Youngjae immediately spluttered in denial.

Think about it, though. It’s JB’s senior year. After school’s over, you may never see him again. If you don’t act now, you’ll lose him forever!” BamBam explained seriously, dropping his to the table.

But what if he doesn’t like me back?” Youngjae whimpered pitifully.

Worse comes to worst, you just take a year off from music club, join some frilly boy band and wait it out until JB graduates and goes away,” BamBam shrugged, “The alternative, however, is probably the best year of your life, if not more.”

Youngjae huffed and propped his chin in his hand. BamBam was right, for once. If he did ask JB out and it went well, he’d probably faint from happiness. But if JB rejected him, he would die of embarrassment and never be able to show his face in public ever again. Ok, so maybe he was being a little dramatic, but the sentiment held some truth. He would evade JB and the music club like the plague.

Hey,” BamBam interrupted his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder, “Just think it over, ok? Whatever you do, just make sure you do it for yourself and your own happiness, not his.”

Youngjae’s lips quivered and his eyes watered in thankfulness. Really, what did he do to deserve such a great friend. Youngjae ran around the table and tackled BamBam in a hug. The taller boy laughed and squeezed him back.

No matter what you decide though, you can’t come complain to me. Got it? IM done with hearing about Jaebum.” BamBam cackled, lightly shoving Youngjae away.


Oh my gosh, Jinyoung! Did he see me? Is he looking?” Jaebum asked in panic as he sat next to his best friend at the lunch table.

Yes, he’s looking over here with that lovesick expression again,” Jinyoung groaned, tired of JB’s constant worrying over Choi Youngjae, “Seriously man, ask him out already!”

I can’t do that, Jin. He doesn’t like me like that! I’m just his cool music club sunbae,” Jaebum dismissed.

Really?” Jinyoung raised a sculpted eyebrow in disbelief, “Because I swear he looks at you like the sun’s shining out of your-”

Yah! Jinyoung!” Jaebum blushed deeply.

I speak the truth,” Jinyoung simply shrugged before taking a spoonful of rice, “It’s not my fault you’re blind…”

Jaebum sighed and glanced over his shoulder to see Youngjae and his friend BamBam laughing loudly. If only he could get Youngjae to smile at him like that, then his senior year would be complete.

Ok,” Jinyoung suddenly growled, “I swear Jaebum, you are going to ask that boy out the next time you see him or else I’m going to burn every single piece of sheet music you own. I’m tired of hearing you sigh for two years straight!”

You wouldn’t,” Jaebum glared at the younger student.

Jinyoung, unfazed, simply raise an eyebrow, “Try me.”

And Jaebum wasn’t going to…



So, have you decided yet?” BamBam asked as he plopped down in the desk next to Youngjae.

Decided what?” Youngjae yawned, it was too early to be alive.

If you’re going to confess to JB or not,” BamBam reminded as he began pulling materials from his backpack.

Youngjae froze. Nope, definitely too early to be thinking about Im Jaebum. Youngjae blushed and dropped his chin to his chest, “I mean… I want to, but…”

But you’re too scared?” BamBam asked as he pat the dejected student on the back.

N-no, I mean a little, but I just don’t really know what-what to say,” Youngjae stuttered.

Just be like ‘Hey JB-hyung, I kinda really like you. Will you marry me and live happily ever after?’” BamBam acted out with exaggerated facial expressions and hand gestures.

Youngjae pouted childishly as he turned away from BamBam, “You’re ridiculous.”

At least I’m trying to help,” BamBam reminded, “Just talk to him after club lets out. Practice in the bathroom or something. Club doesn’t meet until tomorrow so plan it out today.”

O-ok, yeah… I can do that,” Youngjae nodded slightly, biting his bottom lip nervously, “I can do that.”



Jaebum was nervous to say the least. He had promised Jinyoung that he would ask Youngjae out the next time he saw him, and that, that was music club. Jaebum was so nervous that he couldn’t look in Youngjae’s general direction during club time. He even stuttered in his weekly announcements. Jaebum was just glad that they had a pretty busy meeting that day. They were in the process of composing music for their school festival. Youngjae was assigned to the piano, helping teach the melodies and harmonies to the other students while Jaebum was working on organizing the singing parts. Despite his large workload, Jaebum couldn’t help but listen to Youngjae’s playing. Whenever the younger student’s fingers touched those ivory key, Jaebum was reminded of his feelings toward Youngjae. Though, it seemed for some reason, Youngjae’s playing was off. HE would often miss a key or hit two at the same time. Jaebum could hear him apologize every time before going back to playing. It made Jaebum want to get up and go hug the boy, ask him what was wrong and encourage him. Yet, his nerves kept him from doing so.

Eventually the meeting wound down and Jaebum had to give the ending announcements and send everyone on their way. The other club members packed their stuff and began to trickle out of the room. Jaebum glanced at Youngjae for the first time that evening, noticing that the boy hadn’t moved from the piano bench. Another student soon captured Youngjae’s attention and ask if he was leaving, to which Youngjae smiled and nodded. The young student began packing his things very slowly, so Jaebum matched the boy’s pace in hopes that he could catch Youngjae on his way out. By the time Youngjae finished packing everyone except Jaebum and him had left. Jaebum stood, having already readied his things, and walked over to the boy, concern etched over his face. Youngjae had been acting weird all evening and he needed to know why, Jinyoung could burn his music for all he cared, if he got Youngjae smiling again.

Hey, Youngjae-ah,” Jaebum stepped over to the boy and spoke quietly, trying not to startle the boy.

Youngjae jumped anyways, dropping his bag to the floor, “A-ah, hyung.”

Jaebum blinked in confusion before bending down to pick up the boy’s bag, praising himself all the while as he held his nerves at bay, “Is everything ok, Youngjae-ah? You seemed distracted today.”

W-well, “Youngjae stuttered and blushed, making Jaebum’s heart cartwheel at the boy’s cuteness, “There is something I want to talk about, hyung.”

Jaebum still held onto the boy’s bag. He leaned closer to hang it on Youngjae’s shoulder, using the closeness as an excuse to place a comforting hand on Youngjae’s shoulder, “Is everything ok? Do you need me to beat someone up?”

A-ah! NO, nothing like that,” Youngjae spluttered, jerkily shaking his open palms in front of him, “I-I just wanted to tell hyung something…”

Jaebum bit his lip and pulled away nervously awaiting Youngjae’s words. Youngjae cleared his throat a bit and looked at Jaebum in the eye before looking down, blush covering his face.

I-I…um…I’ve known hyung for a long time now…and I,” Youngjae bit his lower lip and that did it for Jaebum.

Jaebum couldn’t control himself as he stepped forwards and took Youngjae’s face in his hands, stunning the boy into silence. Youngjae looked up at him with those big eyes and Jaebum caved. Leaning forwards, Jaebum pressed his lips to Youngjae’s in a soft kiss. It was only a little press of the lips, nothing particularity steamy, but it raised him to the sun and back. Youngjae spluttered when they separated, mouth seeming unable to form any words.

Sorry, I guess I should have asked first, but Choi Youngjae, will you be my boyfriend?” Jaebum asked warmly.

I-” Youngjae stuttered, “Yes, oh gosh hyung, yes.”

Youngjae smiled brighter than Jaebum had ever seen before, bursting into happy laughter, “Oh my goodness, hyung! I was so nervous! I-I was trying to confess- and and then you kissed me-oh my gosh. You kissed me!”

Can I do it again?” Jaebum asked, chuckling at the boy’s excited ranting.

Youngjae blushed again, biting his lip and giving Jaebum a small nod.

Aish, Youngjae-ah. You’re going to have to stop biting your lip like that,” Jaebum growled affectionately, “that’s what got me in the first place.”

Youngjae released his lip and smiled cutely, whining, “Hyuuung.”

The smiling too. But gosh, I love your smile,” Jaebum sighed before pecking Youngjae on the lips again.


Youngjae was beyond happy when he walking into the school the next day, hand in hand with none other than senior Im Jaebum. The senior had walked him to his first class, pecked him on the cheek outside the door before sending him on his way. Youngjae had entered the classroom to see BamBam frozen in his seat, mouth hanging open.

Oh my god,” BamBam gasped when Youngjae shyly sat down next to him, “I didn’t think you would actually do it.”

Technically I didn’t,” Youngjae responded hesitantly, “He kind off interrupted me in the beginning.”

Oh? What did he say? Did he confess to you in the middle of your confession? Come on, gurl! Tell me! I’m dying here!” BamBam squealed, immediately scooting his chair and desk so that the touched Youngjae’s.

Youngjae blushed shyly, eyes at his desk, “He kissed me…”


Youngjae was pretty sure BamBam had actually fainted after that, and was not joking in the slightest.


So a little birdy told me you finally manned up,” Jinyoung teased when Jaebum sat next to him in his first class of the day, “I guess your music is safe for now.”

A little birdy told you nothing,” Jaebum scowled, “Don’t think I didn’t see you hiding behind my locker this morning.”

You two are just too freaking cute. I mean just look at his giant sunshine smile!” Jinyoung squealed and whipped out his phone, showing Jaebum at least twenty pictures of them when they arrived at school that morning.

I swear Jinyoung, if you don’t delete those pictures after you send them to me, I will destroy your collection of Mark Tuan collectible figurines.”


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Chapter 22: Thank you for making fluffy markjin fics.
Jejessiee #2
Chapter 6: Well that's unfortunate... i was looking forward for the gift :( anyway i hope things will go smoothly for you two! Fighting! <3
Chapter 6: Aww that's very unfortunate. But thank you for holding this contest and good luck with your lives!!! ^^
Chapter 7: i guess i'll still have to wait for mine, but that's all good.
glad that a lot of the stories were posted for those that could enjoy it throughout the contest. =]
hopefully this year will happen again? lol
thanks for hosting another successful event ladies!! ^^
Chapter 7: I just wanted to thank once more Lidashen for the amazing story she wrote for me.
You are amazing !!!
RinaZar #6
Chapter 7: I just checked this and OH MY GOD, GDAE_WOO WROTE MINE *FANGIRLS* I have always been a fan of Gdae_Woo so thank you for this!!
-Mieun- #7
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the big reveal~
Chapter 86: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG you don't have to apologize for anything at all!! I love stories about crushes and this was so CUTE!!! Thank you so sosomuch much and happy holidays!!
Jejessiee #9
Chapter 6: I'm kinda sad my gift is yet posted... but i'm looking forward to it~
Chapter 84: I'm crying. This isn't even mine and I'm dying from feels~ JJP for life!!