
Married For A Week

Jeonghan woke up in Seungcheol's lap on the couch. He rolled over to look at Seungcheol. The older was reading a book with a black hard cover. He flipped through the pages with one hand, his other hand was traveling through Jeonghan's hair. The younger wanted to move to signal that he was awake, but he didn't want Seungcheol to stop messing with his hair. It felt nice and he knew Seungcheol wouldn't ruffle his hair when he was awake. Jeonghan smiled, closing his eyes once again. He would pretend to be asleep for as long as he needed.

Seungcheol knew Jeonghan wasn't sleeping anymore. He didn't want to say anything at the moment though. He knew the younger would eventually fall back asleep and that's what he wanted most. If Jeonghan got enough sleep, he would be very active the next day. Letting the boy sleep now would be a great advantage to him.

"Jeonghan doesn't know this, but I like to use him sometimes. I can use this to my advantage later. When I really want something, all I have to do is mention this moment and he won't be able to say no."


"No." Seungcheol frowned when he heard that word.

"But why not? It's not like you have anything planned today anyway." Jeonghan sighed. He honestly had done way to much for Seungcheol in the past week. And out of those things only two of them have aired. Things just couldn't go his way.

"Cause, I don't want to watch some bratty kids today. It's not happening." Jeonghan shook his head slightly. He hated watching over kids that couldn't do things on their own. It was really a waste of time.

"Please, this will be the last time I ask you for anything ever." He had heard that one before. He sighed.

"Fine. But if I hear one more request out of your mouth, you won't be happy about it later." Seungcheol smiled, throwing his arms around Jeonghan.

"Oh thank you. You won't regret this, I promise.

"I'm so gonna regret this."


Annyeong Haseyo! Sorry that this chapter is a little short guys, but I am not feeling well right now. I can't really concentrate on the things I'm writing when I don't feel well, so I might take a short break from the two stories that I'm writing at the moment. I mean, it could pass very quickly but who knows. But I will still try my best for all you lovely people. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong!

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nettelie #1
This is nice
Chapter 17: So cute!!! Thanks for writing
ShihoZou95 #3
Chapter 17: Aww ~ That's cute
hyachiko #4
Chapter 16: e ~~~ omg i cant believe i am asking for a e ~~~
floweroone #5
Chapter 16: please!! ^^
Chapter 16: ! ~(running away from my computer)~
ShihoZou95 #7
Chapter 15: freakin finally
Chapter 14: Awww author-nim you're so cruel leaving us with their confessions hahahahaha
Chapter 12: The hands on the waist part is killing me @~@
Chapter 13: Omg just confess you two!!!