
Married For A Week

Seungcheol laid Jeonghan down on his bed lightly. He didn't expect the younger to have such a big bed. He thought it would just be big enough for Jeonghan to lay in, but it was the opposite. Seungcheol climbed slowly on top of Jeonghan. The younger looked up at Seungcheol with wide eyes. What was he doing? He held out his hand to stop the older as he slid further back on his bed. "Wait!" Jeonghan didn't think he was ready for something like this. Even though he knew what Seungcheol's intentions were, even though he knew Seungcheol would be good to him. he was still very nervous.

"What's the matter?" Seungcheol didn't want to push Jeonghan into something he wasn't comfortable with, but he had thought they had both wanted the same thing.

"Are you sure about this? Don't you think it's too early?" It seemed to be moving on way to fast for Jeonghan. His mother had told him about relationships like this. She had said if you moved to fast those couples wouldn't last and he didn't want them to be like the others. Seungcheol smiled slightly, rolling over Jeonghan to lay on his back. He pulled Jeonghan, making the younger lay on top of him stradling his hips. 

"It might be a bit fast, but I know you've waited for this. You said that you only started liking me on the show. But I can read you better than that. I can see it in your face, you want this as much as I do." Jeonghan covered his face with his hands before Seungcheol had even finished his sentence. How could he easily catch on like that? 

"Shut up. No I'm not." Seungcheol chuckled, pulling the younger's hands away. He intertwined their fingers together.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of you."


Hot breath was exchanged as kisses were made to sensitive skin, clothes were torn from their bodies and sweat left them slick and sticking to each other. Jeonghan was pressed into the matress, pulling Seungcheol closer by the nape of his neck. Their lips were pressed together in fight while their tongues swirled in an angry dance which Seungcheol was leading. Jeonghan pushed his hand through the older's hair, gripping onto him as Seungcheol grinded against him. The sounds that came from Jeonghan sounded like music in Seungcheol's ears. He wondered what other sounds he could get the younger to make. He pulled away from Jeonghan, allowing them to breathe. Seungcheol could tell Jeonghan's lips were brusied from the kissing they had just done. His next task would be painting a picture onto the younger's body. He wanted Jeonghan to be covered in his marks. It would show the world that Jeonghan was his boyfriend, no one else's. Seungcheol moved past Jeonghan's face to press his lips on the younger's neck. Jeonghan let a small moan, moving his hands to grip onto Seungcheol's bare waist. "Seungcheol, please don't tease. Please," Jeonghan couldn't finish his sentence with Seungcheol ever so slightly grinding into his lower zone. The pressure and friction felt too nice for words and he wasn't trying to say much. Seungcheol pulled away from the younger's skin with a smirk. 

"Someone's needy, huh?" Jeonghan looked up at Seungcheol with half lidded eyes. He was way past needy. He was craving it. He didn't know that Seungcheol could make him feel like this. He was shivering for Seungcheol's touch and was ready to be used in the best kind of way. Seungcheol leaned down for one more quick kiss. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."


Seungcheol took his time in prepping Jeonghan, leaving him a squirming, mess. "Please, Seungcheol," Jeonghan bit down on his lip, pleading with Seungcheol. He wanted, no, needed Seungcheol to hurry. He was tired of being pleasured by a few measly fingers. He needed the real thing. Seungcheol smiled slightly, pulling his fingers back causing Jeonghan to while at the emptiness. Seungcheol quickly prepped himself as well. He was getting impatient with himself. He needed to get this started.


Jeonghan dug his nails into Seungcheol's back, leaving numerous amounts of scars and nail holes. He didn't know the older could make him feel so good. He hit in the right spot everytime. Jeonghan felt like he would melt into the bed if Seungcheol kept this up. The younger was a shaking, quivering, mess underneath Seungcheol and there was nothing he could do about, but let the feeling continue. 

Seungcheol had started soft and slow, letting Jeonghan get used to the feeling, but when the younger begged for more, Seungcheol was quick to agree. He picked up the pace earning moans of encouragement, if he wanted to call them that. It all sounded like music to his ears. He was slick with sweat and was sticking to Jeonghan in all the right ways. Seungcheol pressed his lips all over Jeonghan, leaving hickey after hickey, claiming the younger as his own. "Seungcheol, I'm close." Jeonghan forced out around a mouthful of moans. 

"Me too, baby." Seungcheol pressed his lips against Jeonghan's to stop the loud screams of pleasure that were sure to come. He pushed once, twice, three times after the initial pump, filling Jeonghan up. The younger released, spilling on himself and Seungcheol. The older pulled out of Jeonghan, falling next to him. He let out a long breath before turning to Jeonghan and wrapping his arm around his boyfriend. "I love Jeonghan." Seungcheol spoke, knowing no one had heard him. Jeonghan had already fallen asleep before the words had touched his lips. It was a good night.


In the morning after, Jeoghan woke up before Seungcheol. He quickly detached himself from the older. He felt sticky and gross, but loved all at the same time. He wanted to do some damage control before Seungcheol woke up. He knew Jisoo had heard what happenend last night, their rooms were next to each other and the walls weren't exactly sound proof. He pushed himself to the bathroom to take a shower, groaning as his legs and thighs complained. Seungcheol was bit rougher than he had originally thought. 


"Morning Jisoo. Sleep well?" Jeonghan wanted to get to the point quickly, but didn't want to seem weird about the whole thing.

"I tried, but with someone and screaming above my head, I couldn't exactly close my eyes and dream peacefully." Jeonghan smiled sheepishly. 

"Sorry, I guess. Actually no, I'm not sorry. That's payback. For all the times I couldn't get sleep because of you, Mr. Sleepwalker." Jeonghan sat down in the chair next to Jisoo at the table. The younger shrugged turning back to his bowl of cereal. He honestly didn't care what the older did as long as he kept food on the table and a roof over his head. His mother would want at least that out of Jeonghan. Seungcheol eventually made an appearance that morning, moving slowly.

"Whoa! He really did a number on you, huh. Those are some deep scratches. Yikes!" Jeonghan smacked Jisoo in the back of the head. He didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. "Ow! Fine, I get the point. I'll just go to my room." Jisoo quickly left the room, fear of getting hit on the way out. Seungcheol walked to the table, giving Jeonghan a kiss before sitting down next to the younger.

"Things sure have changed, haven't they?" Jeonghan smiled at Seungcheol. He didn't say anything. Seungcheol knew the answer. Things were always changing and it would always be that way not matter what they did. Jeonghan leaned over to kiss the older again. He was glad he agreed to go on that show with Seungcheol. If he hadn't, things wouldn't be so different. They would still be just friends, trying not to get on each others nerves. Now they were a couple, just trying to get by and not get on each other's nerves. It would work out for the better some day. They both knew that.


Annyeong Haseyo! This is it for Married For A Week. I did not go in full detail for the because it just felt weird, but I hope you liked it anyway. I also hope you guys liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Right now, I have another story in the works. It's just a simple one-shot, but I hope you'll enjoy it once it's done. I can only tell you the title, cause I don't want to spoil anything. It will be called, 'High Wire.' If you guys want to request or give me more ideas, don't be afraid to tell me in the comments. I love you all. Take care of yourselves. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong!

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nettelie #1
This is nice
Chapter 17: So cute!!! Thanks for writing
ShihoZou95 #3
Chapter 17: Aww ~ That's cute
hyachiko #4
Chapter 16: e ~~~ omg i cant believe i am asking for a e ~~~
floweroone #5
Chapter 16: please!! ^^
Chapter 16: ! ~(running away from my computer)~
ShihoZou95 #7
Chapter 15: freakin finally
Chapter 14: Awww author-nim you're so cruel leaving us with their confessions hahahahaha
Chapter 12: The hands on the waist part is killing me @~@
Chapter 13: Omg just confess you two!!!