
Married For A Week

There last episode had finally come to an end. They wouldn't have to live in the same house together or drive each other crazy. Jeonghan was glad that they weren't going to have to spend every second of the day together, but he wasn't glad that they had to separate for some time. They had just gotten together and now they were going back to their normal lives. Jeonghan would go back to his roommate, who didn't like to clean and ate all their food, and Seungcheol would go back to his tiny apartment and work his of to pay the bills. They would both be busy doing everything and nothing at once. When would there be time to spend with each other?


"Ready to go?" Seungcheol asked, looking over at Jeonghan. The younger was staring up at the house. He didn't want to leave it behind. He had made so many new memories here. He learned how to cook better, he learned what kids were really like and he confessed his love for hit best friend. That was a lot take in just a few months. He didn't want to let that go. He turned back to Seungcheol. The older was smiling slightly at him. Things were would be very different between them now, they couldn't just be the two little kids pulling bits of dirt from their skinned knees or the two middle school students copying down each others notes or even the high school students who skipped class to sit in the the strange Oak tree that didn't grow leaves in Jeonghan's back yard. They were a couple now. He nodded shortly at Seungcheol, glancing back at the house for a second more before rushing down the stairs towards the driveway. Even though he would miss being at this house, he couldn't wait to go home.


"I watched that show you were on. You're good with kids you know." Jisoo, Jeonghan's roommate, didn't even give the older the time to walk all the way through the front door before he spoke. "I wasn't going to watch the whole thing. It didn't seem very interesting, but you made it that way." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, throwing his bag down the hall. He removed his shoes and closed the door.

"Thanks for the input." Jeonghan was not a big fan of Jisoo, though he couldn't say they weren't friends because they were. It was just Jisoo had a tendency to act more like a child than the adult he was. Jeonghan had learned to work around it, actually he had no choice. His parents were friend's with Jisoo's parents and they had insisted that Jeonghan watch over the younger boy while they were overseas doing God knows what. It had been three years since they left, calling their only means of communication. He wished they would come home to take their son back, but he knew that was a long shot. 

"Also, that turn of events couldn't have worked out any better. That Seungcheol guy sure knows how to play to your heart, huh?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes again. He didn't want to talk to Jisoo about Seungcheol, ever. He opened his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door stopped him.

"Speak of the devil." Jeonghan muttered, moving back to the door to open it. Seungcheol stood there, sweat dripping down his face, his hair sticking to his forehead in a comical way, and his clothes ripped in places where skin was easily exposed. "What happened to you?" He moved out of the way to let Seungcheol inside. 

"Well, I'm going to let you two have some privacy. I'll be in my room." Jisoo quickly took his leave, although not too quickly as he looked at Seungcheol with a grimace. "Yikes." Jeonghan ignored the younger boy and looked back at his boyfriend. Seriously, what had happened?


"Aish! Could you please be a bit more gentle." Jeonghan was currently playing doctor after Seungcheol had told him how he had ended up that way. The older had gotten into a slight fender bender with a supposed biker while driving home. Seungcheol had almost passed his turn and had to make a quick stop when an older man crashed into his truck. The man didn't do anything to him then, it was after they had their vehicles taken into the shop. The man had beaten on Seungcheol some in angry fit of rage for the damages done to his wife's car. He even chased Seungcheol for a few blocks before giving up. 

"Sorry, but I have to get out all the pieces of glass. It's going to hurt." Seungcheol grabbed onto Jeonghan's hands, stopping the younger from picking anything else out of his skin. He rubbed Jeonghan's fingers gently. 

"I missed you." Jeonghan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They had only been a part for a few hours. How could the older miss him already? Seungcheol spoke again as if he read Jeonghan's mind. "I know, we've only been a part not that long, but to me it feels like weeks. We spent almost three whole months together, it'll always feel like forever a part when it's only a minute or two." Seungcheol kissed the younger's hand softly, looking up at him. Married For A Week really changed how he thought about Jeonghan. The younger before MFAW to Seungcheol was his silent moody friend. He was the elementary student that ran up to Seungcheol on the first day, asking the older to reach the top shelf for a juice pouch, the middle school student who cried for almost two hours when he fell out of the tree in his back yard and had Seungcheol carry him around to make him feel better and the high school student who didn't do anything for others unless he benefited from it. Jeonghan was also the adult who slept more than he should and was an observer rather than a speaker. But after MFAW, Jeonghan turned into a caring, respectful person. He cared for others feelings and looked out for those he loved. It was something that Seungcheol liked the most about Jeonghan.

"Are you getting all sappy on me?" Jeonghan pulled his hand out of Seungcheol's grip to finish the task at hand. They had only been together for a day, but Seungcheol was acting like they had been dating for months. That didn't seem healthy, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. He picked out more glass pieces from a small gash in Seungcheol's shoulder. He didn't think the older had gotten that injured but he was definitely wrong. Seungcheol shook his head, bitting down on his lip, stopping himself from crying out in pain. Jeonghan wanted to laugh, but stopped himself when he saw how much Seungcheol was in pain. He leaned forward to kiss the older on his lips. He didn't need to look at the gash at the time to pull out the last tiny shard of glass, he kept his lips planted on Seungcheol's. The older wrapped his arms around Jeonghan, ignoring all the bruises and scars that protested the movements. Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan closer to him, forcing the younger to let go of his tweezers and press inbetween the older's legs. Seungcheol slipped his hands down to Jeonghan's thighs, picking him up in one fluid movement without breaking their lips apart. Jeonghan wrapped his legs around Seungcheol's waist. He didn't want to part from Seungcheol but they both needed to breath. Jeonghan pulled away and pressed his forehead against Seungcheol's breathing heavy. Seungcheol looked up at Jeonghan with half lidded eyes. The younger was probably the only one that could make him feel like that. Seungcheol was done being doctored for now. He could worry about the other injuries in the morning. He lifted Jeonghan over his shoulder as he stood up from the bathroom counter. Jeonghan squealed gripping onto Seungcheol's shirt. "Put me down!" Seungcheol shook his head, laughing.

"Not until we get to the bedroom, sweetheart. That'll be the best place."

"What does that mean? Seungcheol!" The older laughed harder as he carried Jeonghan down the hall and into his, well their room for now. Tonight wasn't over just yet.


Annyeong Haseyo! Sorry that this took so long, but I have been very busy with work and school. This was supposed to be the last chapter but I have one more for you. Now, I normally don't ask/do this because writing this way for real people seems a little weird to me, but I will include if you want. Do you guys want some or no? Tell me in the comments, that would help. Thanks for waiting. I love you all. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong!

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nettelie #1
This is nice
Chapter 17: So cute!!! Thanks for writing
ShihoZou95 #3
Chapter 17: Aww ~ That's cute
hyachiko #4
Chapter 16: e ~~~ omg i cant believe i am asking for a e ~~~
floweroone #5
Chapter 16: please!! ^^
Chapter 16: ! ~(running away from my computer)~
ShihoZou95 #7
Chapter 15: freakin finally
Chapter 14: Awww author-nim you're so cruel leaving us with their confessions hahahahaha
Chapter 12: The hands on the waist part is killing me @~@
Chapter 13: Omg just confess you two!!!