
Married For A Week

Tears streamed down his face. "Can we turn the camera off? I don't want to be seen. Not like this." Jeonghan spoke to no one. He knew the camera would roll as long as he was in the Expand Room. But he had no where else to go. "I just wished he wouldn't there hide things from me. I thought we were friends."

Jeonghan cried his heart out in private. He didn't know his feelings could reach that far for Seungcheol. Sure he had feelings for the older when they were still in school, but he knew that he shouldn't feel that way towards his friend and get squashed them. But now things were different. He had been living in the same house with Seungcheol for a month and a half. He was seeing the older in a new light. Jeonghan didn't know if he would be seen to last till the last airing episode.


Seungcheol left the bedroom with worry. He didn't like seeing Jeonghan so upset. He didn't know exactly why the younger was close to tears, but he wanted to make it better. He walked into the living room to find Jeonghan laying on couch, tear Mark's on both sides of his face. He sighed, looking down at the younger. "Oh, Jeonghan. What could I say to make it hurt less?" Seungcheol walked around the couch to pick Jeonghan up. "It just feels weird saying it your face. How would anyone go about telling their best friend thato they like them? I'm not good at telling people my feelings. I really do like you Jeonghan. More than its necessary." Seungcheol carried Jeonghan back to their room. Little did he know that a certain someone had heard his inner monolouge.


Annyeong Haseyo! I love leaving things in suspense. This might be the last chapter for a bit because I start school tomorrow and then I have to work, but I will try my best. It's almost over. Can you believe it? Anyway, kamsahaminda! Annyeong!

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nettelie #1
This is nice
Chapter 17: So cute!!! Thanks for writing
ShihoZou95 #3
Chapter 17: Aww ~ That's cute
hyachiko #4
Chapter 16: e ~~~ omg i cant believe i am asking for a e ~~~
floweroone #5
Chapter 16: please!! ^^
Chapter 16: ! ~(running away from my computer)~
ShihoZou95 #7
Chapter 15: freakin finally
Chapter 14: Awww author-nim you're so cruel leaving us with their confessions hahahahaha
Chapter 12: The hands on the waist part is killing me @~@
Chapter 13: Omg just confess you two!!!