
Married For A Week

When Seungcheol asked his best friend of three years, Jeonghan, to be on a show with him the younger laughed in his face. "Seungcheol, do you think we're TV material?" The older nodded. He really wanted to do this. It sounded like fun and he had always wanted to be on a variety show. 

"You don't know. It'll be something new for us." Seungcheol stuck out his lower lip in a pout. He really wanted to do this. If he couldn't get Jeonghan to do it with him, he would have no one else to turn to. Jeonghan sighed. He could never turn down Seungcheol's pouty face. 

"Fine. Just tell me what it's about." Seungcheol smiled brightly. He was finally getting what he wanted after several years of trying to make it big. This was going to be the best thing that has happened to him in a while.

"Okay. It's called, 'Married For A Week.' Friends have to get married and see how hard it is to be a married couple. It's supposed to bring friends closer." Jeonghan laughed. He didn't think he could get any closer with Seungcheol than he already was. They had been through everything together. But if it was going to make Seungcheol happy he would do it. He nodded, picking up his plate from the table. "We start next week. The show airs two episode a week, so we won't technically be together for just a week. And the first episode is just an introduction." Jeonghan nodded along with what Seungcheol was saying. He didn't think he would have to listen to everything the older said. He would figure it out for himself later.


Seungcheol and Jeonghan meet at the producers office the next day to set up their recording time. Jeonghan didn't want to be here, but he was going to do it for Seungcheol. He would do anything for his best friend. "Alright fellas. We have a house set up for you, we're going to move you tomorrow and begin filming the same day. I hope you guys are ready for a few months of recording." Seungcheol nodded excitedly. 

"Yes sir. Thank you." Jeonghan sighed. He kept telling himself that he would do anything to make his friend happy, but he might end up regretting it sooner or later.

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nettelie #1
This is nice
Chapter 17: So cute!!! Thanks for writing
ShihoZou95 #3
Chapter 17: Aww ~ That's cute
hyachiko #4
Chapter 16: e ~~~ omg i cant believe i am asking for a e ~~~
floweroone #5
Chapter 16: please!! ^^
Chapter 16: ! ~(running away from my computer)~
ShihoZou95 #7
Chapter 15: freakin finally
Chapter 14: Awww author-nim you're so cruel leaving us with their confessions hahahahaha
Chapter 12: The hands on the waist part is killing me @~@
Chapter 13: Omg just confess you two!!!