Chapter Eleven - Only Tears

Dance With Me


"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."  Chaerin thought as she stepped to the beat of the music, panting and sweating but giving it all she could.  She stared at herself in the mirror as she moved gracefully, yet fiercefully across the wooden, polisehed floor.
"Haven't you had enough yet?"  Stopping abruptly, she looked at the figure through the mirror.  He walked towards her, throwing her a bottle of clear water which she caught greatfully and gulped down her parched throat.  "How long have you been down her for?  An hour?  Two hours?"
"Four," Chaerin breathed, trying to catch her breath as she lay on the satisfyingly cold floor, trying to catch her breath.
"Aish, this girl~" Hoya giggled.
"Can you help me dance?  There's this one move that I can't get my head around...  But I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone else.  Plus, you're the only one who knows - so it'd be a little awkward for me to ask Sungjong oppa or Dongwoo oppa for help on my dancing skills," Chaerin blushed as she sat up, resting her elbows on her knees as she waited for Hoya's reply.
"Of course I can, dongsaeng-ah, you don't have to feel ashamed," he smiled, "What song are you practicing?"
Chaerin blushed furiously.  "I, um...  It...  It's..."  She bit her lip and looked at the floor.
"C'mon, it can't be that bad."
"Kim Hyuna - Change," she looked up at the boy, expecting him to say no.  The song was amazing, one of her favourites, but the dance was well known for it's hip s and it's confident, y themed moves.  That's everything Chaerin lacked - confidence and -appeal.
"Okay, how far in are you?"  Hoya giggled, looking through the iPod for the song.
"About half way in," she blushed, standing and taking her bobble out - letting her hair fall across her shoulders.
The music began to play - filling the room and enclosing the two bodies into a world of their own.  Chaerin gave into the music and she let Hoya instruct and lead her along the way.  He placed his hands on her hips.  Blushing, Chaerin tried not to tense.  She closed her eyes and let her body sway and pop in Hoya's hands to the beat of the music.
Woohyun stood at the door of the dance studio.  He stared at the figures dancing with blind fury.  Well, the figure dancing.  The other figure standing, holding...  staring in sheer lust.
Woohyun wouldn't stand for this.
He watched as one of the girls legs twisted in the wrong direction.  He watched as she fell, and as he fell with her.  They lay on the ground, laughing, causing more and more anger to stir deep within Woohyun's stomach.
"Why is he looking at her like that?  Why is she letting him?  Doesn't she have any dignity at all!?"  Woohyun raged out of the building, slamming the entrance doors behind him - not caring if they heard or not.  "That's fine, Kim Chaerin...  Two can play at that game."
"Oppa, hajima!"  Chaerin and Sungjong roared with laughter as they sat on the couch, Sungjong impersinating Patrick Star from one of the Spongebob Squarepants episodes.
"24..." he whispered in her ear, causing the both of them to fall into another phase of hysterical fits of laughter and causing Chaerin to literally fall off the edge of the couch.
"Yah!  What's so funny?" Hoya smiled, taking hold of Chaerin's hand and pulling her up on the couch beside him.
"Sungjong oppa keeps making me laugh!  Make him stop, oppa~" Chaerin whined, giggling and wiping the tears that were streaming down her face from laughing so much.
Hoya looked at Sungjong and laughed "What're you doing to her?  She can't even breathe properly," he giggled, rubbing Chaerin's back and trying to help her breathe again, "This is the second time I've seen you out of breath today - what's wrong with your lounges?" the three of you laughed.
"Annyeong, we're home!" Woohyun shouted from the door.
"We're?" Sungyeol shouted, bouncing on a space-hopper behind the couch, making Chaerin giggle.  "You're so hyper, Chaerin-ah~" he cheered.
"Guys, this is Lee JiHye~" Woohyun smirked, pointing to the girl beside him, his arm laying across her shoulder.  "She's my date tonight - don't wait up for me, ne?"
Everyone stared at him and the girl.  Hoya, Sungjong, and Sunggyu came out from the kitchen, Myungsoo came down from downstairs and still, they only looked in shock as Woohyun wrapped his coat around the girl's bare shoulders and kissed her cheek.
The girl turned towards Chaerin "Oh, it's you...  Hey Chaerin-ah~!"  She giggled, clearly amused by the atmosphere.
"H...  Hey," Chaerin whispered.  "Why is he doing this?  Out of every girl, her?  Lee JiHye?  The girl I'm so scared of.  The girl who's made my life a living misery ever since I can remember."
"Like I said, don't wait up for me."  Woohyun faced Chaerin, smirking, and left the house.  From the window, Chaerin watched as Jihye wrapped her arms around his shoulders, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and as she laughed, causing shivers to run down Chaerin's spine.  She didn't want to watch any more.  She didn't want to see him and her.
"Chaerin-ah, what's wrong!?" Sungjong called from the bottom of the stairs as Chaerin ran to her room.  She slammed the door behind her, locking it and letting the tears consume her pale cheeks.  She crawled to her bedside table and rummaged through the drawer, looking for the object she had treasured for so long.
"Here, I have something for you," the boy whispered, standing outside the doorstep.
"Mwo?  Oppa, you didn't have to..."
"Ani, I wanted to.  We'll be friends forever as long as you keep this, Kim Chaerin, ne?  Promise that you'll keep this forever and ever," he whispered, holding out the silver necklace with a diamond encrusted infinite sign on it and clasping it loosely around her neck.
"Ne, oppa, I promise.  Forever and ever."  Chaerin threw her arms around the older boy and sobbed slightly onto his shoulder.  "I don't want you to go, oppa.  Stay with me?"
"Don't cry, dongsaengie, we'll meet again.  I have to leave so that I can do well for you - next time we meet, I'll be on T.V.!" the boy cheered, playing with her hair and rocking slightly, trying to calm her down.  "Promise me something?  Before I leave?"
"A...  Anything..." Chaerin hiccuped, holding tightly onto the boy.
"Never forget."
Chaerin sat on the floor beside her bed and sobbed.  She held the necklace closely against her chest and rocked her small frame backwards and forward, the way her oppa did ten years before.  "I...  I haven't forgotten, oppa.  I thought I found you, but I was mistaken.  Mianhamnida, oppa, please forgive me..."
{A/N: Anyeong!  Another update~  ^o^  I'm sorry for the bad updates :$ I know they're bad, but I'm trying to squeeze this in with studying and it's a little bit stressful :$ Mianhae~ x
Thank you for the support so far!  xD  You guys are really awesome and so nice :$ Especially since the fanfic ~  Gomapseumnida :D x
-Kang HyeKyo~<3 xx)
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jk6943 #1
omg... Hoya ><
But... it's too cutteee ; A ; Woohyun you're so cuteeee... waee? :))))
kyungsoo97 #3
Oh Hoya not liking it Oh! Woohyun betta watch out!!
sweetsoph111 #4
does hoya like her
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH HELL YES!!!! My feels.../dead/ >.< So damn cute! UPDATE SOON UNNIE!!
ailisu #6
AWW YES!! ^-^
together~~ <3
ailisu #7
update soon c:
khunhojjang #9
ooooh nice fic!^^ So Woohyun will probably be with me in yhe end right?)= UPDATE SOON!=D
Holy crap! I was getting scared! WAAHHH