Chapter 10

Peter Pan

Seunghoon sits at a table in a small cafe and taps his fingers against the table impatiently. The cafe was odd in it’s ways with an eccentric owner with an equally eccentric interior decorator boyfriend. But Hyuna was his sister and he loved her nonetheless. His ears perk up as the sound of the bell that signals a new customer goes off. He raises an eyebrow as Chanyeol sits down in front of him.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Why are you with him? You and I both know you don't love him.” Seunghoon’s lips pursed as he thought over an answer. It was a few minutes later that he answered after Hyuna walked away after leaving some gingerbread cookies on a plate for him.
“I promised Akira that if something happened to him I would take care of Baekhyun. And I have every intention to keep that promise. If I end up falling in love with him and he falls in love with me that will just be our fate.” Chanyeol’s hands clenched into fists tight enough to make his knuckles turn white. 
“You'll hurt him more like this.” Seunghoon sighs and stands up, shoving the cookies into a plastic bag to take with him. 
“No you will hurt him more than you have before.” The words were left hanging in the air as he walked away.  Chanyeol said nothing. Instead he stood up and hurtled the plate at the wall before walking out,avoiding Hyuna’s surprised stare and call of his name. Once he reaches the dorm again he finds only one pair of shoes left and he would know them anywhere. Baekhyun’s been wearing them ever since Chanyeol bought them when they were still trainees. He was in a different country at the time and miscalculated the conversions of his shoe size to the sizes they had there, which led to him buying a pair of converse way too small for him. Yet the rainbow striped shoes were just the right size for him, hopefully always will be. Chanyeol flips them over to find his initials and Baekhyun’s carved into the bottom in the middle of a carved in heart. The only thing left from when Chanyeol’s love was not one sided, the stark reminder of just how badly he messed up that day.



It was 3 on a Sunday afternoon and the brewing of a storm had just begun. Baekhyun was aware of it so he stayed buried under his blankets with his headphones in. River flows in you played on repeat on a video. A video of Chanyeol playing the song on the piano just for him. Watching the video always made his heart flutter and he couldn't help the smile that spread to his face as he remembered that the taller male was in fact his, was the one he could say I love you to as they fell asleep in each other's arms. He found that all of his dreams were coming true with the male, and he loved it. He looks up with wide eyes as his door opens and in walks Chanyeol with a small box in hand. He smiles and holds it out. 
“Happy birthday my love.” Baekhyun rips his headphones out a bit too painfully then jumps out of his blanket cocoon and takes the box from Chanyeol happily. It was wrapped in a simple scarlet red paper with a bow as white and pure as freshly fallen snow. And he adored it, adored the fact that the male remembered his favorite color. He opened the box slowly to find a picture of himself and Chanyeol framed in a heart. Chanyeol was looking at the camera with a wide smile as Baekhyun was kissing his cheek. It was from when they first started dating a few months ago, the first picture they took together as a couple actually. He sets the frame down on his bedside table and hugs Chanyeol tightly around his waist. 
“Thank you. I love it.” Chanyeol smiles and kisses the top of his head. 
“I'm glad. I have to go now okay? My mom wants to spend dinner with me. Will you be okay?” Baekhyun pouts slightly but then nods. 
“I have the guys I'll be okay.” Chanyeol nods and grabs a jacket from the closet then slips it on, over his white shirt. 
“Try not to make any loud noises, Kyungsoo has a cake in the oven.” Baekhyun nods and tip toes then plants a kiss on Chanyeol’s nose.
“Have fun.” Chanyeol nods then walks away with a slight wave. Baekhyun bites his lip then chooses to go to the kitchen knowing Kyungsoo would be there. He slips onto one of the stools surrounding the island. 
“Baek where did Chanyeol go?” Kyungsoo says while mixing a dough together. Baekhyun figures he must be making bread.
“He went to go have lunch with his mother.” Kyungsoo’s movements stilled.
“That's impossible. His mother is in Canada visiting relatives. I just got off the phone with her.” Baekhyun blinks and bites his lip.
“But that's what he told me…” Trying to hold in tears he quickly stands up and runs out knowing the only place Chanyeol goes to if he wants Baekhyun to leave him alone. And it's there under the cherry blossom tree does he see Chanyeol kissing another girl. And as he turns around and starts walking back home the rain begins to fall along with his tears, and he decides that scarlet red is not his favorite color. No it's grey, the color to match his overall monochrome life. And he enters the dorm with a heavy heart.

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