

I push Yuri off as I hear running. Taemin, I think.

"Where are you going?" Yuri asks

"To make sure Taemin doesn't misunderstand," I put on my jacket

She pulls me back, whispering in my ear,"What's to misunderstand. It's clear what's happening."

"I don't like you. I will never have with you. I love Taemin."

"Why do you love him? He is pretty like a girl but doesn't have any of the features of a girl. CHOOSE ME." She yells as I walk out the door.

I smirk,"He's not a like you. He has a personality and he's not afriad to hot me even if he's smalller than me. I don't need with him to know that I love him."


I strectch my legs, hurrrying to Taemin's house. I knock at the door but there is no answer. Only a note.

Dear Minho,

So, you finally broke my brother's heart? Good job . Anyway I'm leaving and taking

him to America. I had a friend help us to leave earlier. By the time you read this note.

We will be in a jet an our way to America.



P.S He really loved you. He even tired to convince himself to believe you wouldn't

choose Yuri over him.  You've lost the best thing in your life and if I ever see you 

again I'll show you the pain you caused him.

I crumpled the note in  anger, throwing it at the door. I slid in a slump to the floor. The door opened. The apartment empty. I dragged my hand along the wall until I reached Taemin's room. The room was the same as the others expect that their lay a picture of me and Taemin on the floor. The glass cracke. A crumpled piece of paper lay next it. Straightening it out I  read the note.

I thought you were the one

That I could believe you

Trust You

But you lost the trust

Heart Broken

I'm shattered

I'll run away but not from the pain.

I'll fund someone better


A/N: God Damn it! Yuri you always ruin 2min relationship! Oh no! Taemin is in America and Minho is a mess! What will happen next? Don't ask me I'm not the author! Oh wait...I am. Oh then your just going to have to wait until the next chapter. Byezz

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magicbananas #1
Chapter 10: Aww. Poor Kevin~~~
HappyMonster #2
Ohh sad an endings coming
HappyMonster #3
Ohh evil Yuri such a !!
To taylora15: I love your A/N.It is funny.
Comment to story: Yuri, you are such a, I can't think of a word!!! Poor Taemin.Minho go get him back!!!
HappyMonster #5
Happy Valentines day!!
Oh that Minho bastard...gurr
To taylora15: happy valentines day.I am sorry you have a one sided crush.Sometimes guy are so obtuse they just cant see
Oh my good grief!!! I can't think of what to say to this chapter!! Well except that Taemin's heart must be breaking!!
LOL Taemin was seducing Minho without even realizing it. Yuri, how dare you. I don't know what your game is but Leave Minho alone!!!!!!
HappyMonster #8
ohh Minho you better not screw this up!!
K-POP_lover #9
yuri, always there to mess something up in a 2min story...
minho better make the right decision or he will to go thru all the 2min fans. lol