Kevin Is In Charge


A/N: So I jammed my finger but still managed to update. That makes me awesome being able to type with one finger! 

"How long have you been planning this?"

Jiyeon laughed,"I'm not going to tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Let me tell something. I've worked too hard to capture you and I'm not letting you get away," She said.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes."Sending a guy with a alcohol filled cloth is really hard."

She glared,"Your one to talk."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"That cute act you do and then when it comes to real life it's all a lie. You've got a sarcastic attitude and boyish personality."

"Well...I am a boy."

"That's what I mean!" She sighed,throwing her hands up.

"Does it make you want to let me go?" I grinned

"No," She immediately said.

"Damn," I frowned."This is going to take some effort."


Minho's POV

"This is the fifth time we passed that house," I complained

"Shut it!" Key shouted back.

I flapped back into the seat. Yoona turned to me. Her long hair sliding onto my shoulder. She quickly pulled it away.

"What's up?" She asked

I stared at her,"Your brother is missing and your asking me what's up?"

"I'm sorry,okay! I don't know how to handle the fact that he isn't at my side! Do you want me to say I miss him and am so worried I'm shaking!" She shouted. Her face turning red as she became louder.

"Damn Yoona," Key warned

"I'm sorry. I just miss him. You know?"

"I know what you mean. It's only been a few minutes but I miss him." Kevin said. Yoona turned to him. Her glare cold and scary.

"Your not allowed to miss him and you barely know him," Yoona countered

For a minute it looked as if Kevin was going to cry then, he face became strong and he turned to Yoona's glare unafraid.

"So? I may not know him but, I still care. Is it wrong for me to want to find him? NO! So stop being a and help."

Yoona's eyes opened wide,"Y-Your right."

"I am?" He asked

"Yes you are." Yoona smiled.

"I may have a clue where Taemin may be but, you've got to listen," Kevin said. Everyone nodded their head in approval except me. Kevin turned to me. Awaiting my answer.

I sighed,"Whatever it takes."

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magicbananas #1
Chapter 10: Aww. Poor Kevin~~~
HappyMonster #2
Ohh sad an endings coming
HappyMonster #3
Ohh evil Yuri such a !!
To taylora15: I love your A/N.It is funny.
Comment to story: Yuri, you are such a, I can't think of a word!!! Poor Taemin.Minho go get him back!!!
HappyMonster #5
Happy Valentines day!!
Oh that Minho bastard...gurr
To taylora15: happy valentines day.I am sorry you have a one sided crush.Sometimes guy are so obtuse they just cant see
Oh my good grief!!! I can't think of what to say to this chapter!! Well except that Taemin's heart must be breaking!!
LOL Taemin was seducing Minho without even realizing it. Yuri, how dare you. I don't know what your game is but Leave Minho alone!!!!!!
HappyMonster #8
ohh Minho you better not screw this up!!
K-POP_lover #9
yuri, always there to mess something up in a 2min story...
minho better make the right decision or he will to go thru all the 2min fans. lol