MinnieCrafts! Your cheesecake is ready!

Cheesecake Archive

I couldn't copy the description and forward to promote you BUT here's your review:


For Minniecrafts:

Title (4/5) - How original is your title and how much does it relate to the story?

  • At first I wasn't sure what I thought, but I kinda like it. It's kinda long, but at the same time kind of cute. It gets the point across clearly

Description/Forward (10/10) - how much did it catch my attention and relate to the story?

  • I LOVE IT. One of the best descriptions that sets up the story so well. I typically don't do long descriptions, but it just sets it up and doesn't reveal too much. Great job!  I envy you!

  • Love the forwards color. It makes it stand out!

  • Can we talk about that poster? OMG IT'S BEAUTIFUL AND IT MOVES AND IT'S PERFECT. Kudos to the creator of the poster

Plot (20/20) -

Originality - how unique and different is your story?

  • Not the most original with the dating boyfriend, however I have never seen another boy in the picture. At least with what I read. So it's all good!

Believable - in your story's world, how much do I believe this is what is happening?

  • I believe it. I believe all it and only a bit of Jungkook's past. More of that below


Characters (24/30) -
Voice - how strong is your narrative voice/the character's voice?

  • Your writing is spot on and has a great flow. Sometimes the sentences are a little long and clunky, though. However, I love the confidence that exudes from your writing!  It shows you believe in yourself and your story. Do you read a lot? It seems like it to me. You have some knowledge and it shows.

  • Sometimes your characters have too many lines to me. Typically people don't ramble on and on, so it felt a little jarring to me. I like that Seok Jin and Namjoon were really the only ones doing it, though, and it seemed to be part of their character. But sometimes Jungkook and Taehyung would do it and it felt a bit out of character.

Development - how much does the character grow in the story?

  • I can see Jungkook developing and the story isn't over so I'm sure he will continue to grow

Personality - how alive do they feel?

  • They feel alive to me, certainly.

  • My favorite character was Yoongi. He felt the most alive and complex to me. You did a spectacular job with him and his character. Second I would say is Jimin. Is it fair to say I was rooting for him because he was the strongest character? To end up with Jungkook or Yoongi would just be ♡

  • One thing was Jungkook’s past and I had mixed feelings about it. For one, I'll compliment you. It gave a real insight into his character. If anything, I hoped it appeared in the story earlier. It helped me really learn for him and feel for him

  • However be careful with abuse. That's what I got he was going through, and it felt a little childish. To have them burn all his books seemed a little extreme. And the parents did not seem to act their age. And abuse is a sensitive topic so please be careful with it and portraying it. However, perhaps it was meant to seem childish. I don't know your intentions. I'm just letting you know that it felt out of place to me.

Setting (8/10) - how well-built and represented is your setting in the story?

  • You could benefit from more description of the surroundings, but so could I, so I won't dock you too much.

Mechanics (12/15) -
Flow - how does the story pace itself and move along?

  • Besides the couple of clunky sentences that were long, it flowed nicely. As for plot itself, it flowed beautifully. Except Jungkook’s past that could have come earlier, but that's it.

Grammar/Vocab - how many errors were there?

  • Besides the clunky sentences that were only once and awhile, it was spot-on.

Misc. (9/10)
Enjoyability - how much did I enjoy your story?

  • I enjoyed it! Sometimes there would be a lot of rambling from a character that would seem out of place or a run-on sentence that would jar me, but as for the story itself it was cute. I really hope you finish it! And the gifs and pictures. They're perfect. They set the story up great. Some people would say that's not professional, but I loved it. A lot

Satisfactory - am I satisfied with the way it is progressing/ended?

  • I WANT TO KNOW WHO HE ENDS UP WITH. Taehyung right? I have a feeling it's him. You don't have to tell me XD but I'm just saying

Total (87/100)


  • Please continue writing your story with as much enthusiasm as you have throughout the whole story. Please! :) it will make for a beautiful story if you do.

  • And the cover photo. I'm so in love with it. A lot XD

  • and have more Yoongi and Jimin!! :D


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Chapter 15: Hello! I'm so sorry this has taken me as long as it has to pick up and comment on the poster. O.o Please let the artist know I really do appreciate it. And I very much enjoy the results. It's not as dark as the first image and I really appreciate the step away from that. I like the red text for Friday since it gives off this kind of horror vibe, and that's excellent for the purposes of this story. It's not an actual horror but it does have horror elements I'd say. The city in the background is awesome and I really like that clock in the foreground with the quote just sitting in the face there. Very nice touch! Admittedly, I was unsure about L.Joe's picture at first, but it has since grown on me. I like the way he's actually taking his glasses off (I can think of plenty of symbolism for that ;) haha). Changjo and Cap are pretty excellent though. I will say. That look on Changjo's face is perfect, and that streak of red in his hair is quite fitting, I must say. I like the skulls in the background of the foggy mist just hanging over everything and it all gives off an appropriately dystopian feeling. So thank you again to YongShiShiGuk. I will finally pick up and credit the shop! Thank you! <3