Second Chance

Threw Me Back To The Wolves

I requested to be left alone, so that I can properly sort out my thoughts. A sudden knock interrupted me. I was about to snap at whoever it was who knocked on the door, but then I heard a familiar voice. "Zitao, it's me, Luhan. I'll come in, alright?"

Luhan? He's here to see me? He slowly opens the door, and I was greeted with a familiar and pretty face. He was wearing a mask and a snapback, probably to continue having a low profile while he's here in Korea. "I can't stay for long, because the paparazzi who tailed me from the airport are gathering rapidly outside this hospital. There's rumours, Zitao." He says.

"What rumours..?" I asked him curiously. 

"You see, it's being reported all over the news. That you'll return back to our former company because of this injury of yours that will hinder you from working on promotions in China." 

"What-" Luhan cuts me sharply, "Is it true? Are you really going back? Yifan has been pretty worried, even though he doesn't show his feelings. He was the one who asked me to asked you if you were returning back." Kris asked about me..? I blocked out the other parts about Luhan asking if I'm going back to my former company, instead I was instantly filled with a sense of hope that he still cared about me. 

"Zitao." Luhan gently nudged me. "Is it true? Are you going to cancel your lawsuit? It's really strange that SM has openly stated that they are willing to come to a settlement with you right after your accident. I mean, they were adamant about not letting us go before." 

"Lu-ge, I'm not sure. I have been unconscious for the past two days, so what I'm hearing from you right now is new to me. It will be great if they would want to settle this with me. For now, I have no intentions of going back to the company." I shudder, when I think of meeting my old teammates again. How will I face them if I go back to being under the same record label as them? More importantly, how would the fans see me? I was dubbed a traitor when I left, so if I come back all of a sudden...

"Also, Zitao, it seems that your car accident is not actually an accident. Someone sabotaged you, and did something to your brakes. Rumours are spreading really fast, Tao. You know how this industry is like." Before Luhan could continue, someone knocked on the door once more.

"Delivery for Mr Huang Zitao!"

"I'll go get it for you. You shouldn't face anyone right now." Luhan's pulls up his mask and walks to the door. He opens the door slightly, and slipped out to greet the delivery man. It wasn't long before he came back in with a ridiculously large pink basket of flowers. Luhan was frowning, as he gestured my attention towards the piece of card attached to the basket.

To : Huang Zitao

SM would like to wish you fast recovery, and we hope to see you back soon!

My eyes widen in surprise. "What are they trying to pull?!" Luhan rips the card from the basket and glares at it angrily. "Are they trying to capitalise on your injury? Is that it? To make themselves seem like the sympathetic party. Don't fall for it, Zitao!" 

I immediately grabbed my phone, and typed my name in the search bar. Oh my gosh. Countless of websites are already speculating my return to my former company, and my social media is currently being spammed by many fans demanding answers from me. My former company has released an official statement that they are currently in talks with me on my return. What? I have never agreed to any of this! This is simply ridiculous. 

"Lu-ge, my social media and all my fanpages are bursting with comments. What should I do?" I looked up at Luhan, who looked troubled.

"Same here, Zitao. My pages are overflowing with comments as well. Seems like the paparazzi has already uploaded pictures of me visiting this hospital." He sighs, but mutes his phone and puts it away. "I think that you should go straight to the company when you're feeling better, and get everything sorted out. Since in your case, they are actually open to coming to a settlement with you, it will be easier for you to nullify your contract." 

I nod slowly. I guess I should. I'll go to the company secretly with my manager right after I'm discharged. "That's a good thing, I guess. Besides, I think those are just rumours. There's no way they still want me after I got injured, and will be unable to dance for a year." 

"I guess so, Tao." Luhan smiles slightly, and ruffles my hair. I sighed in comfort. It has been such a long time since I have seen Luhan. His touch was not unwelcomed. I just wished he could help me with this, but I understand that he has got problems too. "Call me whenever, Tao. I'll be here for you. Remember, don't let haters beat you down. There are a lot of people who love you. Such as your Hailangs, me, your family, and Kris. I still talk to him, and I'm sure he misses you. But you know how stubborn he is, he will never admit it." 

"I understand Lu-ge." I smiled back too. It has been such a long time since I felt understood. Luhan is the only one who I still talk to that is in the same situation as I am. I admire him so much for his success and tenacity. I'm so grateful that he still keeps in contact with me, and still bothers himself with me when he doesn't need to. I sigh. How I wish that I'll be able to talk to him as well, like how I used to. To force him to take showers with me. To force him to go shopping with me. But as Lu-ge says, he needs time to recover. I'll continue waiting for him however long it may take.

As Luhan leaves the basket of fruit he brought along on the table, and hurriedly prepares to leave quietly, I decided that I will try to stop worrying, and focus on getting better. Perhaps Lu-ge is right. Perhaps I am loved after all. Life has never seemed so peaceful, but never did I know that it was the premonition of the troublesome things that was going to happen.

A/N : Short update! Once again, thank you so much for reading it. Please do leave some kind comments and constructive feedback. :) 

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Wow I had no idea what to expect when I started to read this but now I can't stop :') I hope Tao can make up with the rest of Exo, so far only Yixing and Luhan seem to be on his side but I hope when Yifan meets him again that he doesn't treat Tao too harsh, this is somehow keeping my Ot12 feels alive (As long as I love Exo, they won't stop) ❤❤ ~~~ So thanks for writing this :)
Chapter 7: No.... that contract is a bull I tell you >:((
Chapter 7: Tao no! I can only see the heart break that signing the contract will cause.
kennocha #4
Chapter 6: No Tao, don't do it!
Chapter 6: Tao better not sign that contract. Knowing SM there's more then meets the eye.
Chapter 5: Zhoumi you little marshmallow. I'm glad he's supporting Tao
yini_666 #7
Chapter 4: Aww, Tao ;-; The media can be so cruel :(
Chapter 3: This is so good yet so bad at the same time!! D: My poor baby :'( I hope the other EXO members are as worried about him as Luhan and Kris are.
kennocha #9
Chapter 2: Oh God. I cannot wait to find out what happens next