
Threw Me Back To The Wolves

I twiddled my thumbs in anxiety, as my manager gave me one last look before locking the front door. He was going to report to the company to collect my studio keys, and well.. Maybe give them a report on me. I was not all that surprised, knowing that the company is still pretty suspicious of me. My manager had set my on my wheelchair before leaving, so that I would be able to move around the house with ease. My source of worry now is the message I just got earlier this morning. Lu-ge texted me and told me that Kris and him were coming at 3, which was an hour from now. 

I hurriedly wheeled myself around the house, trying to make the house as spotless as possible, even though I just moved in a day ago. The cupboards were stuffed full of ramen cups, snacks and coffee, as my staff have not had anytime to do grocery shopping, and there was no way I would be able to go out without supervision. The passing of every minute felt like hours, as I constantly looked at my phone to check the time. 

It was 3:14pm. They were late. I nibbled my bottom lip. What if Kris regretted agreeing? What if he changed his mind? I looked at my phone to check if Luhan texted me to cancel the appointment, but there were none. At that very moment, the bell rang. The ring of the bell caught me off guard as I sat on my wheelchair unmoving. The bell was rung once again. That shook me out of my shock, as I hurriedly wheeled myself over to open the door. 

I inhaled sharply, as standing before me was Luhan and him. Luhan looked as pretty as ever, and he was holding a basket of fruits. He was standing behind Luhan awkwardly. He looked just like before, except healthier, and he had a radiant glow to his skin. His plump lips, sharp nose, gorgeous eyes... He looked every bit like a greek god. He is simply gorgeous.

"Well Zitao, aren't you going to invite us in?" Luhan looked at me cheerily, but his eyes flashed to the side, as he made sure that no paparazzi was there. 

I nodded, and swallowed dryly, as I wheeled my wheelchair backwards to make way for them to enter. Luhan walked in, while he hesitated for awhile before coming in as well. He gazed at me, before nodding. Luhan placed the basket of fruits on the table, and made himself comfortable on the couch. "Come on, Yifan. You didn't come here just to keep quiet and do nothing. Come sit on the couch." Luhan gestured at Kris.

My hands were ice cold, as I wheeled myself to the couch. Kris settled himself on the couch, his hands settled on his lap, as he looked tense and nervous. "Uhm.. Would you like some fruit?" I offered, as I gestured at the basket of fruits they brought.

"Oh, let me handle it Zitao! I'll go cut some fruit and make us some hot chocolate." Luhan winked at me, as he stood up from the couch to go to the kitchen. I was left alone with him, and I looked down at my lap, not knowing what to say. 

There was a few minutes of silence, before he cleared his throat. "Tao..." His voice was as deep and husky, just like how I remembered it. It has been so long since he addressed me by name face to face. It's so strange that two years ago, we would have been talking nonstop, and cuddling with each other on the couch, yet right now, we have nothing left except for the memories we had. 

"Y-Yeah...?" My hands were trembling. I felt so nauseous and scared. My hands were itching to grab my bottle of anti-anxiety pills I knew I had stashed somewhere inside my unpacked suitcase. It made me feel worse when Kris suddenly moved closer to me.

"I think it's time to put things behind us. But first, I want an explanation. Why are you back with them?" His usual sharp and angled eyebrows were straight in concern and worry. 

"You know what happened. You know that there is no way I would be of value anymore if I suddenly disappeared from the entertainment industry to heal my injuries. I had no choice. I didn't want to be.." I choked back a sob. I was holding my hands tightly, as I tried to control my tears. We weren't the same anymore. I didn't want to burden him with my emotions just like before. 

I was suddenly lifted from my wheelchair. Kris carried me and pulled me into a hug. He settled me on his lap, and patted my back. "I'm so so glad that you're fine. I was so scared when I heard the news of you being in a car accident." He gently rested his hand on my injured leg. "You're so much more than this. So talented and beautiful, Zitao. I missed you." When I heard that, I felt a sense of release in me. I started sobbing and crying into his shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I labelled you as a traitor, when in actual fact, I'm even worse. I'm such a terrible person. Everyday I wake up hating you for leaving me, when in actual fact, what you did was right. I should have supported you. I'm so sorry. After I left the group, every single day I told myself that it was my fault. That it's only right that you ignored me and hated me. But a part of me couldn't help but yearn for you. To be as close as we were before..." I continued crying, and babbling on, while he continued providing me comfort by holding me close to him.

I felt so vulnerable, yet for the first time, I felt so free and honest. "Zitao, I understand. I didn't tell you that I was leaving because I didn't want myself to falter in my decision. I knew that I would have hesitated if I told you. At the same time, I was also a coward. I didn't want to see you cry, or see myself hurt you."

"I.. I know I'm not perfect. At this very moment, I'm still unsure if I should have signed the contract once again and retracted my lawsuit. But that was my only way. My only chance to ever stand on stage again as a famous star as I am now. I miss you, Yifan-ge. I.. I miss them too. I'm such a selfish person. I want them. I want you. I want my fans. I don't want to lose any of you, and it seemed that when I left the group, I already lost them all." 

"I know, I know. I miss them too, but because of the management... I just left. I would have never accomplished anything I have already accomplished now if I stayed. I know that they still blame me, but it's okay. One day, everything will come through. So you have to remain strong too, Zitao. You have not lost your Hailangs. You may have lost me before, but now know that I'm by your side. I'll support you in your decisions, no matter how bad they are." He chuckled a little to lighten the mood. "If the management bullies you again, let me know. I'll stomp right into the building and give them a piece of my mind." 

"Y-You can't do that!" I looked at him in horror. "You must stay as far away from the company as possible! In fact, I really hope that you'll win the case. Ge, I'll support you till the very end!" I looked at him in determination. "You'll definitely win, ge. You're different from me, you see." 

His eyes soften. "Tao, stay close to Yixing, okay? He'll do his best to protect you. Stay in contact with me too." He took my phone, which I placed on the coffee table. He chuckled as he unlocked my phone. "You didn't change at all. Your password is still the same." He enters a phone number into my contacts. "This is my new personal phone number. Contact me whenever, Zitao." 

I couldn't believe that this was happening. Yifan-ge actually forgave me, and we are as close, if not even closer than before. I was sitting on his lap, and he had an arm around my waist. From his pocket, he took out a bracelet. It was a bracelet made with white beads. I looked at Kris with a puzzled face. I already had that one. In fact, I wore the white one to our appearance in Happy Camp back in 2013, and Kris wore the black one. He handed it to me, and pointed out the difference to me. There was a little gold dragon engraved on one of the beads. "That means I'll always be with you, Zitao. Look, I even have a matching one." He shook his left wrist at me. He was wearing the black one, with a mini wushu stick engraved on it. "It will be too obvious if I had a panda engraved, so I settled for the wushu stick instead. Do you like it?" He was smiling sheepishly. 

I wore the white one immediately. "Ge, can I just kiss you right now?" I looked at him really seriously. He was slightly taken aback, but he smiled and nodded. Immediately, I planted my lips on his. It has been too long. He smiled into the kiss. 

Someone coughed slightly. "Come on, are you guys done? I had to cut the fruits super slowly because I wanted to give time to you two to talk it out." Luhan was smiling, while holding the plate of fruits. Kris held my hand with his, as he reached to feed me a piece of the fruit. Luhan made a face. "Ew, you guys are so mushy. You two just made up and you already have couple bracelets again?"

"Not just couple bracelets. We are going to be wearing matching hats, matching earrings, and a lot more from now onwards. Though we can't be seen together in public, but we can always keep the media and fans guessing again, right?" Kris laughed out loud as he saw Luhan's expression to his statement.

"You two lovebirds.. But anyways, I'm glad you two made up. Yixing told me that Zitao's manager won't be back for another two hours, so we have plenty of time to catch up."

A part of me was unwilling to let Kris go after the two hours, but I decided that I should just enjoy the moment. Besides, we just got back together. As Kris said, I can contact him anytime now, and we are together again. That's all that mattered. I smiled back gently, as Kris ruffled my hair just like before, and played around with the rings on my fingers just like before. I wish one day, we'll be able to stand on the same stage again, and show our fans how close we are once again. But for now, I'll settle for this, and right now, the skies seemed so much brighter, and the days I have to live seemed so much more hopeful.

A/N : Sorry for late update, and yay for Taoris reunion! This was a happy chapter for Tao, and I hope it was good enough! Please read and review. Thank you! 

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Wow I had no idea what to expect when I started to read this but now I can't stop :') I hope Tao can make up with the rest of Exo, so far only Yixing and Luhan seem to be on his side but I hope when Yifan meets him again that he doesn't treat Tao too harsh, this is somehow keeping my Ot12 feels alive (As long as I love Exo, they won't stop) ❤❤ ~~~ So thanks for writing this :)
Chapter 7: No.... that contract is a bull I tell you >:((
Chapter 7: Tao no! I can only see the heart break that signing the contract will cause.
kennocha #4
Chapter 6: No Tao, don't do it!
Chapter 6: Tao better not sign that contract. Knowing SM there's more then meets the eye.
Chapter 5: Zhoumi you little marshmallow. I'm glad he's supporting Tao
yini_666 #7
Chapter 4: Aww, Tao ;-; The media can be so cruel :(
Chapter 3: This is so good yet so bad at the same time!! D: My poor baby :'( I hope the other EXO members are as worried about him as Luhan and Kris are.
kennocha #9
Chapter 2: Oh God. I cannot wait to find out what happens next