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Jessica was sad and disappointed. After a week of confessing both her and Taeyeon’s feeling to each other, Taeyeon has not asked her to be her girlfriend yet. ‘If she isn’t going to ask me then I’m just going to have to ask her myself.’  She thought to herself when she unlocked the front door of her shared condominium unit with Taeyeon.


Where was Taeyeon? She told Jessica that she had to be at somewhere so she would not be going home with Jessica. ‘Where is she right now?’ Just when Jessica thought of Taeyeon’s whereabouts, she heard the sound of the television in the living room so she went there and to her surprise, she saw Yuri and Yoona sitting on the couch in front of the television while watching a television program.


“Why are you guys here?” She asks.


“Oh, you’re back, Sica.” Yuri replied.


“Yeah, so why are you guys here?”


“You see, we actually had something to discuss with Taeyeon but it seems like she’s not back yet.”


“She said she had to go somewhere so she probably wouldn’t be back soon.”


“Okay, why don’t you take a seat while we go to the kitchen to take some snacks?”


“Okay.” And Jesssica took a seat at the couch that both YoonYul had sat on.


Just when both YoonYul had gone into kitchen, the lights suddenly turned off. Jessica was shocked, she thought that maybe a blackout had occurred.


“Yuri? Yoona? Where are you guys?” She said standing up. When she was about to take a step to go search for both YoonYul, the television was suddenly . She looked at the television screen that suddenly displayed pictures on both her and Taeyeon. There was music to accompany the slideshow. Then, Jessica had come into realization that Taeyeon might just be going to ask her if she wants be her girlfriend and was starting to smile from ear to ear.


When both the slideshow and music had ended, a clip was played.






The Clip




“Is this thing playing?” A cute T

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Chapter 15: This fic is really cute. I love it. Thank you for the story author nim! :))))
Chapter 15: This is good... I like it... ^^
Chapter 16: Yess please but will taengsic be a part of your sequel? Hope they're still part tho <3
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 16: Yes pls! With taengsic as the main characters pls? :)
Chapter 16: Sequel plssss!!!
Movie91 #6
Chapter 16: Will taengsic be part of the sequel? I wanna see them.
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #7
Chapter 16: Oh yas!!! Sequel please!!!!
kimtaeny1110 #8
Chapter 16: That would be an interesting material. Yes to the sequel kekekeke
Chapter 16: yyyeeeeessssssss!!! sequel please :)
diedofboredom #10