Text Message (Mingyu's POV)

Into Your Arms
He asked me out...HE ASKED ME OUT
He looks so handsome...Jeon Wonwoo, that name, it was quickly imprinted in my head.
MinJu and Seungkwan shook me violently as we were walking to our next class "Why didn't you ask for his number? THIS WAS YOUR CHANCE!!!" MinJu says. I shook my head "Do I have to? He already asked me out." Seungkwan rolled his eyes and pushed me "You Pabo!!! How will you know if he's already there? And hello? HE IS YOUR CRUSH RIGHT? WHY NOT ASK HIM FOR IT?" he exclaims.
They suddenly left me and I had no other choice but to wait for him.
Gosh, can't they understand that I was too shy to start a conversation with the guy.
To be honest, I was shocked that a handsome and "popular kid material" guy like him remembers me, and even asked me out. I don't even believe what my friends said about me being popular. Thinking about him... Makes me feel...
I suddenly saw Wonwoo with his friends, be brave, Kim Mingyu. You can do this.
I came up to him and asked if I can talk to him for a while. Then I led him to a place near the stairs and asked for his number. We took out our phones and exchanged numbers. I can see a blush coming out from his cheeks, it's my turn to make a move, Wonwoo.
I came closer to him and whispered in the most calm (and slightly y) voice I have
"See you later."
Then I smiled and left. He was so shocked. I smiled as I entered the next class. I sat at the back since I was tall. I thought about Wonwoo again. His voice, his name, his smile. He... Somehow made me want to look for him and stare at him all day long. Creepy, but it's true. The guy was attractive. Even now, in my Maths class, I want to see him again.
The door opened and the teacher, who seems new, entered the classroom.
"Good Morning, class. My name is Kim Joonmyeon. I'll be your math teacher this year." He says in a cheerful voice. Then his phone rang "Excuse me, I'll just pick up this phone call, just bring out your books and review lesson one." Then he left the room.
I got my phone out, and as careful as I can, started text MinJu who was far away from me, and was fidgeting with her phone.
To: MinJu, the noisy sister.
What are you doing with your phone?
From: MinJu, the noisy sister.
I was about to ask you the same thing Gyu. Did you get Wonwoo's number? Jeonghan Eomma texted me and said he was in their class. Apparently, they are interrogating the poor guy.
I rolled my eyes. Typical Hannie Eomma, always making sure we are safe. I hope Seungcheol hyung's taking care of him.
To: MinJu, the noisy sister.
Where's Seungcheol appa?
From: MinJu, the noisy sister.
Trying to make good conversation with his other friends. I'm worried about lover boy. XD
BTW have you seen his other friend? He looks so much like Tao and Gongchan sunbaenim <3
To: MinJu, the noisy sister.
...I don't remember.
From: MinJu, the noisy sister.
Oh, it's because you're only focused on Wonwoo. I get it, I hear wedding bells~~
Seungkwan says he wants to plan your wedding.
I looked at them. MinJu was laughing while Divaboo looked at me, pointed and mouthed "You guys should work out."
To: MinJu, the noisy sister.
Tell him that Wonwoo probably goes to the gym too so we're fine.
From: MinJu, the noisy sister.
You and Wonwoo should have a date at the gym sometime... Show off those biceps ;)
From: Divalicious Boo Seungkwan the goddess!!
BABO!! I mean you guys should go out more often. YOU SHOULD MAKE MORE MOVES!!
To: Divalicious Boo Seungkwan the goddess!!
Too shy >///.///<
To: MinJu, the noisy sister.
You're fantasizing about me and Wonwoo dating at the gym aren't you?
From: MinJu, the noisy sister.
Yes, the two of you make me go wild XD I SHIP IT!!!
From:Divalicious Boo Seungkwan the goddess!!
BABO!!! Be a man~~ >:)
From: HantotheSol swag
The three of you should stop texting. -_-
I looked up and saw Hansol staring at me. I gave him an apologetic look.
To: HantotheSol swag 
Sorry Hansollie, please scold your diva for me. :)
From: HantotheSol swag 
Already did.
You got his number?
To: HantotheSol swag 
I thought you guys figured it out 
Yeah I did. >///.///<
From: HantotheSol swag 
Nice hyung~~
Mr Kim's here, we'd better stop.
I turned my phone off. And continued listening to Mr. Kim when my phone vibrated.
From: y Jeon Wonwoo
Hey ;)
To: y Jeon Wonwoo 
Hey, how's class?
From: y Jeon Wonwoo 
Your friends are really protective.
Jeonghan hyung, says hi.
To: y Jeon Wonwoo
He'll probably insist that you call him Eomma too. >.<
From: y Jeon Wonwoo 
He already did ;)
I want to see you ;)
To: y Jeon Wonwoo 
Stop it~~~ >//.//<
Btw, what's your next class?
I..kinda wanted to see you too >//.//<
From: y Jeon Wonwoo 
To: y Jeon Wonwoo 
We have the same O.O
From: y Jeon Wonwoo 
See you later, Gyu ;)
I felt my stomach drop and my face got hotter. I cant believe it, he's just... Irresistible.
I smiled. I should thank the JeongCheol couple later.
Jeon Wonwoo, See you later.

Wonwoo's Contact name tho~~ these two are so cute >//.//<

So here it is, Chapter Five, with a special appearance of Kim Joonmyeon or popularly known as Suho of EXO, well, next chapter will, of course, be in Wonwoo's POV. Were you curious about who called Suho? Wait for next chapter and it will be revealed~~~

 BTW, chapter six might be a bit delayed... Inspiration is needed and I have to do some stuff and I was thankful that my WIFI problem was quickly resolved, that's why I was able to post this chapter. So expect that it'll be out on the day after tomorrow. (That's not really delayed but anyways.)

An accident happened while I was writing this, I was cooking then I got hooked into writing this, and listening to NCT U'S The 7th Sense (That song is soooo lit) that I accidentally left what I was cooking, luckily, the song ended and I saved my grilled cheese sandwich before it was burned XD. Lesson learned: Never leave your cooking behind, and use speakers so you can listen to Kpop while cooking >.<.

Anyways, Til next chapter then, ANNYEONG~~~

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Okie I just took off the subs only!!! no update yet


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Chapter 3: will read asap. looks interesting.
Jellyjay #2
Chapter 40: I read your fic for about 3 hours and I was very satisfied authornim ❤❤❤ 고맙다
ajexastxsvt #3
Marilynsvt #4
I love the poster so much! ^^ It is AJU NICE! Wonwoo looks so perfect <3
KimchiCupcakes #6
Chapter 37: I feel like this shld get a sequel and main focus on their children but I dont think that will happen haha
Chapter 37: Thank you! This is the kind of epilogue I like. It gives me an idea of what happened to their circle. Thanks once again! See you in your next story.
Chapter 37: Don't tease me... By putting vague mpreg... You're such a... OK... I'm not that bad... Hahhaha!
Chapter 37: Don't tease me... By putting vague mpreg... You're such a... OK... I'm not that bad... Hahhaha!
Chapter 36: Was that mpreg??