Chapter Fifty-Three: Surprise!

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Eventually, the captain announced over the intercom system that seatbelts needed to be fastened and that they were beginning the descent to San Francisco airport.  Once they landed, they got their luggage and went through customs with no problems.



Matt: (singing) Back in the USA!!


Mel: (laughing) We’re home.  It feels good though I’m going to miss the PI.


Gerald: Wait.  How are we getting home?


Matt: I booked us a shuttle service to get us back home. 


Gerald: I’m glad because I totally forgot about how we are going to return back home. 


Jon: I’m sure we could have found a taxi but thank you Matt for making it much more easier. 


Lady: Gerald!  Ger-Ger!!


Gerald: (turns around) MOM??!!!


Mrs. Anderson:  (rushes forward and gives Gerald a big hug) Hi my ger-ger!


Gerald: (in shock)  Mom!!! What are you doing here?!


Mrs. Anderson:  You are not glad to see me?


Gerald: No.  I mean yes!! (gives her mom another big hug)  I am glad to see you!! Who’s with you?  Is dad with you? Kevin?


Mrs. Anderson: My goodness!  All these questions!  (gives Gerald a kiss on the cheeks) Let’s see.  Dad and Kevin are with me.  We decided to visit Matt’s family and of course you. We missed you once you walked out of the house. (gives Matt a kiss on the check) Hi Matt!


Matt: Hi Tita!! It’s so good to see you!  Are my parents with you?


Lady #2: Matt!!


Matt: Mom!  (gives his mom a big hug)


Mrs. Evans: Mel!  (gives Mel a big hug)  How was your trip?


Mel: Hi Tita!  What a wonderful surprise!! Our trip was fabulous!


Mrs. Evans:  It’s mom now.  You’re going to be my daughter soon.


Mel: (smiling) Thanks Mom. 


Mrs. Anderson: So this is your fiancé, Matt.  You chose well.  Maganda.


Mel: It is nice to meet you Mrs. Anderson.  (gives her a kiss on the cheek) And thank you.


Matt: Of course. (puts his arm around Mel’s shoulders)


Gerald: I’m glad you came and met us at the airport mom.  Is it just you and Tita?


Mrs. Anderson: No, your dads and Kevin are sitting over there.  We know that you guys are headed back to campus but we wanted to see you right away! Plus I wanted to meet your Kim.


Gerald: Oh my goodness, where are my manners?  Sorry mom.  Kim, I would like for you to meet my mom.


Mrs. Anderson: It is nice to finally meet you Kim. 


Kim: (shyly)  It is nice to finally meet you Mrs. Anderson.


Mrs. Anderson: Just call me Tita, honey.  


Kim: Thank you Tita! Tita, these are our friends, Tanya and Jon.


Tanya & Jon: Hi Mrs. Anderson.


Matt: Mom, this is Kim, Tanya and Jon.


Mrs. Evans: It is nice to meet all of you.


Mr. Evans, Mr. Anderson and Kevin walk over to the group.


Mr. Evans: Matt!! Hi son! (gives Matt a big hug)


Mr. Anderson:  Gerald!  (hugs his son tight) Missed you son!


Matt: Dad! It’s good to see you!  (he turns to Mr. Anderson) Hi Tito! Hi Kevin!


Kevin: Hi Kuya Matt! Hi Kuya Gerald!


Gerald: I missed you too dad!  (turns to Kevin) Wow!  I got a ‘kuya’ out of him!  What’s up bro!  (high fives Kevin)  Dad, Kevin, I want you to meet Kim.


Mr. Anderson: It is nice to finally meet you Kim. 


Kim: It is nice to finally meet you too Mr. Anderson.


Kevin: Wow! Kuya you did good!!  She is hot!!


Gerald: Sira!! (gives Kevin a noogie)


Mr. Anderson: I’m sorry about that Kim and please, call me Tito. You need to excuse Gerald’s brother. 


Kim: (laughing) Kevin is harmless plus I think he received enough punishment for having Gerald as a brother.


Gerald: Hey!  I thought you were on my side.  


Kim: I am on your side.  You make a great boyfriend but you yourself even stated that you have some catching up to do to make a good kuya.  You are well on your way. 


Gerald: (puts his arm over Kim’s shoulder) What did I tell you mom and dad?  One of a kind.


Mrs. Anderson: Kim, like I said, it is wonderful to finally meet you.  Whatever you did to our son, we thank you!


Kim: (laughing) I cannot take all the credit.  You two laid a pretty good foundation.  We just needed to dig deep.


Gerald: Why are you guys talking like I am not here?  HELLOOOO!  Anyways, Mom, Dad, do you want to come and stay at my apartment with Matt?


Mr. Anderson: No, son.  Thank you for the offer.  We are going to stay with your Tito and Tita.  We are hoping that we can all get together this weekend with everyone’s families and just have barbeque.  I know it is last minute but how does that sound?


Mrs. Evans: Mel, I already called your mom and dad and invited them over.  Jon and Tanya, please invite your families over as well.  If you can let them know, I will call them to formally invite them.


Tanya and Jon: Thank you Mrs. Evans.


Matt: What a great idea, Tito!! We’ll all head over to the house Friday after classes. Or maybe even Thursday night.  I don’t think any of us have classes on Friday this semester.


Mel: Great idea sweetie.


Gerald: So wait! Mom, Dad, you guys came up here just to say hi to me?


Mrs. Anderson: Yes.  I hope you don’t mind.  Plus we couldn’t wait to meet Kim. (smiles over at Kim)


Gerald: I love you guys!  I will definitely see you Thursday night.


Mr. Anderson: Kim, I hope you can invite your family members over to Matt’s house this weekend.  I would love to meet them.  If I can, I would love to call your dad up and invite him personally.


Kim: He would love that.  Let me give you the phone number to the house and his cell phone. When I call him tonight, I will let him know to expect a call from you.  And thank you for coming all the way here just to welcome us back home.  We appreciate it and I know Gerald appreciates it even more. I look forward to spending more time with you this weekend.



Mrs. Anderson gives Kim a hug and kisses Gerald goodbye.  Everyone else also gives their goodbyes.  The Andersons and the Evans head out and return to Matt’s family home and the group head over to shuttle service to be brought back to their apartments back on campus. 

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
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PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.