Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Filipino Club Meeting

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Gerald always took Kim to and from her classes.  When Gerald was in class, and Kim wasn’t, Kim would wait for him either at the library or at the cafeteria.  If the day was nice, she would just hang out on the quad with her books or meet up with their friends.  They got into a routine.  Gerald and Kim were pretty much inseparable since returning from their vacation.  People began to notice that they were always together.  At the first Filipino Club meeting since their return, they noticed that a lot of the other members were looking over at them, whispering.


Kim:  Babe?  Why are people looking over at us?


Gerald:  Babe, (looks down at their joined hands) I think it is because of this.  (pulls her closer and whispers in her ear) Let them look.  I want them to know you are mine.


Kim: (giggling) What are we?  E! entertainment?  We are nothing special.


Gerald:  Now that I won’t agree with.  You are definitely something special.


Kim: (laughing) You are definitely my sweetheart. (gives him a side hug)


They go and sit down.  Matt, Mel, Jon and Tanya find them and join them. 


Tanya: Sister.  I think you and Gerald have just heated up the gossip grapevine.


Mel:  Tell me about it pinsan.People are looking over here.  They are trying to be sly but it is not working. 


Jon:  Inquiring minds want to know. (laughing)


Matt: Let’s bet and see who they approach first to dig for dirt. I say it’s Mel.


Jon: I won’t bet against that.  Everyone feels comfortable asking Mel.


Kim: So what are you going to say?


Mel:  What?! Me?  (laughing)  I guess you guys are right.  Let’s see… what’s the story… shall we go simple or complicated?


Gerald: Simple. Just say that I swept her off her feet and they both haven’t landed yet.


Tanya: Who knew that you were such a romantic under all that armor?


Gerald: (laughing) It took the right girl to bring it out of me.  (squeezing Kim’s hand)


Mel:  There is however one person I would love to tell the news to in a more complicated way…


Matt: Who’s that sweetie?


Mel:  (pointing with her lips) Nina.  She does not look all that happy.  It’s kind of funny.


Gerald: (to Kim) Shall I make it clear for her? (leans closer to her)


Kim: (giggling) You’re bad babe. (pushes him away) We don’t need to prove anything to her but… (pulls him back  in for a sweet kiss) that one was for me.


Gerald: (smiling down at Kim) How did I get so lucky?


Jon: The meeting is about to start you two lovebirds.  Can you keep your hands off each other for a little bit?


During the meeting, they had a lot of fun and loved the information that was shared by the guest speakers.  The guest speakers were Medical Mission representatives asking for volunteers to join them in the Philippines during the Christmas break to do a Medical Mission in the rural parts of Cebu.  They shared their experiences where they provided immunization clinics, surgeries and overall general health classes in previous missions.  The representatives from the Medical Mission wanted the Filipino American students to think about possibly volunteering their time to support the doctors and nurses providing their services and expertise.  There was a buzz throughout the meeting.  Everyone seemed excited about the opportunity.  They were told that 2 weeks are dedicated to serving the Filipino people but after the mission, they have 1 week to vacation and tour the Philippines.


Gerald: (excitedly) Guys?  Do you want to go?


Everyone else: WE ARE IN!!!


Kim: Babe! I definitely want to go.  It’s in Cebu where my lola is.  I know my dad would let me go.  The only thing is of course funds but at least they are giving us a heads up. It will give me time to save up some money. 


Gerald:  Don’t worry about that babe. I’ll take care of it.


Kim: Gerald… remember…


Gerald:  I know but still… we’ll talk about it more later. Okay?  We all will so we can make sure that we all go. 


Matt:  I will sign us all up. Sounds good?


Jon: Definitely!!! 


Throughout the meeting, Kim was feeling uncomfortable here and there.  She could feel someone watching her.  She didn’t think too much of it because she knew people were looking at her and Gerald constantly out of curiosity, however at times it felt really uncomfortable.  She would look around the meeting room and could not see anyone out of the ordinary.


Gerald:  (whispering) Babe?  Are you okay?  Are you looking for someone?


Kim: I don’t know babe.  It feels like someone is staring at me.  It feels weird.


Gerald:  (looks around the room) I don’t see anyone looking over here.


Kim: I’m probably dreaming things up.  I’m probably feeling uncomfortable because all this attention is on us.


Gerald: (squeezes her hand) Don’t worry.  I’m right here.


Kim: Thanks babe.


Gerald, keeping his previous conversation with Tanya on his mind, decides to look around the room one more time and notices a couple of guys in the back corner that he has never seen before.


Gerald:  (whispers to Tanya) Tanya, do you remember what Kim’s X looks like?


Tanya:  Why?


Gerald:  Don’t look now but do you recognize the guys in very back left corner?


Tanya:  (tries to be sly and looks in the back after awhile) I can’t really see.  I think Kim has burned any pictures she had with her X which wasn’t that much.  I think I might have one from that family party when they first met. I’ll print it for you later when we go back to our place. Do you think he is here?


Gerald:  I don’t know. Kim has been feeling as if someone is watching her.


Tanya:  Let me get up and walk to the back of the room.


Gerald:  Be careful, Tanya.  I don’t want anything to happen.


Tanya: (whispers to Jon) B, come with me. I need to stretch.


At the end of the meeting, everyone was slowly leaving the meeting room.  Gerald kept Kim close.


Kim:  Where did Tanya and Jon go?


Matt: They are there over in the back corner.


Mel:  They look so sweet.


Matt: You’re sweet.


Gerald:  What do you guys want to do now?  Did everyone eat dinner already?


Jon: Let’s go eat!


Everyone starts laughing and heads out of the meeting room saying bye to everyone.  Gerald looked at Tanya and Jon.  Tanya nodded.  Gerald pulled Kim closer to her. As they stepped out of the building…


Guy: Kim.


Everyone turns toward the voice.

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.