Chapter Twenty-Six: The Gift of You

Finding Love... Keeping Love


The very next day, everyone woke up early and got ready.  They decided to stay local and just walk around Santa Monica near the Promenade to do some shopping.  Gerald told everyone not to worry about dinner but that they just needed to be back at the hotel by at least 6pm.


Kim: So babe?  What do you have up your sleeve?  What’s going on?


Gerald: (gives her a quick kiss) Be patient babe.  It’s a surprise. I planned something for us since it’s the last night of our little vacation. 


Jon:  (hugs Gerald) You love us, don’t you?


Gerald: (Gerald pushes Jon off him, laughing) Dude, get off me.  Yes, I love you guys but please, some personal space is needed.


Tanya: Come here Jon.  I’ll give you a hug, you big oaf. (laughing)


Mel:  Before we go out and start sight seeing, let’s take some pictures here in the suite.  It’s such a beautiful suite but I don’t think we’ve taken advantage of it. We need memories of this place too.


Matt:  Sweetie, you are definitely the historian of our group. I love it!


Kim: I know Mel.  Thank God because now we will have pictures to remember this great trip by.


Mel: You are all very welcome.  I will be throwing a scrapbook party when we return so you guys can help put together albums for all of us. 


Gerald, Matt & Jon: (groan) SCRAPBOOKING PARTY!! 


Kim & Tanya:  Yeah!! SCRAPBOOKING PARTY!!


Mel: Hoy! You guys!! I did all the work.  You need to help!! Got it!


Gerald, Matt & Jon:  Yes ma’am.


Kim, Tanya and Mel all start laughing.  Mel started taking pictures of everyone in the suite in all parts of the suite: in the shower, in the large tub, couples on the balcony, lounging on the sofa, in the kitchen, by the bar, on the dining table, on the beds; they couldn’t stop laughing posing for each other. 


Jon:  Okay, I’m hungry now.  Can we go eat? Please!!


Tanya:  My big teddy bear’s stomach is growling.  We better feed him soon.


Matt: (laughing) America’s Top Model, thank god, is not an anorexic.


Jon:  I can eat whatever I want and have this model body figure.  Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful!  (tosses his head to the side)


Matt: (laughing) Come on guys before he eats us.  I’m sure he is capable of it. Where shall we go?


Kim:  We can go towards the Santa Monica Promenade or we can go to the Pier.  I say the Promenade and go window shopping.


Gerald: Babe, you don’t have to window shop.  I’ll buy you whatever you want.


Jon:  Me too? (batting his eyelashes to Gerald)


Gerald: (pushes Jon away) We definitely need to feed you. 


Kim: Gerald, you are not going to buy me whatever I want. 


Gerald:  Why  not?


Kim: Because I said so.  I don’t need a sugar daddy though it might have its merits but I’m not with you for money so keep your money in your pocket.


Mel & Tanya:  AAAWW!  !  You can buy us something.


Gerald: I would love to.  And Kim, why can’t I buy my girl something or things she wants?


Kim:  (crosses her arms) For my birthday, Christmas, Valentines and anniversaries.  Other than that, no.  I don’t want our relationship to look or feel materialistic.


Gerald:  It won’t babe.  I just want to buy things for you.  I won’t push for now but still….


Kim:  humph.


Tanya to Mel: Sister is crazy.  The man wants to take her shopping.  Who turns down the Pretty Woman dream?


Mel:  Kim, that’s who.


Kim:  (talking to Tanya and Mel) You two over there.  Don’t talk about me as if I am not in the room.  I just don’t want people to think I’m with him for the money. I don’t want to have to depend on him.  I want to be independent and be able to buy the things I want.


Gerald: Okay babe. (goes and hugs her)  I won’t bring it up anymore.  Come on guys, let’s go. (to Kim) I’m sorry if I upset you.


Everyone leaves the suite and heads to the elevators.  Kim was quiet on the elevator ride up until they reached the Promenade.


Kim:  (looks up at Gerald) I’m sorry too babe. I hope you understand.


Gerald:  Can I at least buy you something if it reminds of you?


Kim:  Maybe.  I just don’t want to expect gifts from you or become accustomed to it. The only gift I need from you is you.


Gerald: You already have that babe.


Kim: Thank you. I love you.


Jon:  Okay you two love birds.  Let’ go feed me please!!


Throughout the rest of the afternoon, the group walked around the Promenade, just looking around, doing some shopping.  They decided to head to the Santa Monica Pier and went to ride the famous Santa Monica Ferris wheel. 


Kim: Oh my gosh!  That seems so high.


Matt: I heard that it is 9 stories high and that it is solar powered. Cool huh?


Mel:  The view must be great up there.


Gerald: Don’t worry babe.  You can hold on to me. 


Kim: You’re so cheesy! (laughing) But I will take you up on your offer.


Tanya: Come on, let’s go. (pulling Jon with her)


Each couple got on separate seats.


Matt: Don’t get all frisky you guys! (turns to Mel) But I will…


Mel: (laughing and pushing Matt’s hands away) You better watch it mister.  We are going to fall out of this cab.


Jon: Hey you two up there! There’s people who can see you.


Matt: No they can’t (pulls Mel into a kiss)


Jon: Hey why are Kim & Gerald so quiet.


Tanya:  Quit being so nosy B!  …  Can you see them?


Jon: (hugs Tanya close) That is why I love you.


Kim and Gerald were ignoring Jon’s heckling.  Kim was leaning against Gerald’s side with her head on her shoulder.  They were just enjoying each other’s company and the view. 


Gerald: Kim?


Kim: Gerald?


Gerald:  Why are you so quiet?


Kim:  I’m just thinking what a great vacation this has been.


Gerald:  I know what you mean.  I came down here with a ‘special friend’ and I’m going home with my girl.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget this vacation.


Kim: It’s been pretty amazing huh babe.


Gerald:  But the day is not over yet. 


Kim: I almost forgot about your surprise.


Gerald: I’m surprised that you have not been trying to get it out of me.


Kim: (laughing) I felt sorry for you.  Everybody else was on your back trying to get it out of you.


Gerald:  yeah, they were like bulldogs!! They could not let it go.  Actually after this ride, I think it’s time to head over to my surprise.




Everyone except Gerald: YEA!!! (laughing)


Everyone started walking back to the hotel which was right next to the pier.  As they entered the hotel lobby, Gerald was approached by one of the hotel workers.


Hotel Employee: Sir Anderson?


Gerald:  Yes, Gerald, please.


Hotel Employee:  (smiles at Gerald)  Everything is ready as requested.  Please follow me. 


The hotel employee leads the group back outside of the front of the hotel where there were three golf carts with drivers waiting for them.  Everyone hopped on board the golf carts.  The drivers began to drive…


Kim: Where are we going babe?


Gerald:  (squeezes her hand tight) Patience babe.  I hope you will like this.


The drivers drove the golf carts slowly down the incline towards the beach.  Everyone was laughing and yelling back and forth to each other during the short drive.  The golf carts finally came to a stop in front of three huge sheer tents.  In the center tent, there was a table placed in the middle of a plush rug surrounded by pillows.  On the table were flowers, candles and river rocks serving as decoration.  Also laid out on the table were hors d'oeuvres: melon wrapped in prosciutto, prawns in cocktail sauce, chicken satay, cheese & crackers, all kinds of fresh fruit and fried calamari. The tent to the right had a huge white sofa bed also placed on top of a plush carpet.  The tent to the left had a white armchairs and a loveseat, also on top of a thick carpet.  Violinists were playing music to the breeze and a bar was set up to the side.


Tanya:  OH MY GOSH!!! Gerald!!


Matt: Gerald, you’ve outdone yourself man!  (gave Gerald a high five)


Mel: Gerald… (with her hands over )


Jon: You are definitely the man!  (gave Gerald a high five)


Gerald:  I hope you guys like it.  (looks at Kim)  Kim?


Kim: (faces Gerald) Babe? (tears in her eyes)


Gerald: (looking worried) Babe?  What’s wrong?


Kim: Nothing.  I’m sorry…. It’s just so beautiful.  You did all this for us?


Gerald:  Yes. Well I had some help.  I wanted our last night of our vacation to be special and memorable for all of us.


Matt: It definitely is bro. You didn’t have to do this.


Gerald:  I wanted to.  Come on… dinner will be served soon.  (turns to Kim and leads her to the ‘dining’ table.)


Waiters came out of nowhere with presenting each person with their dinner; filet mignon with lobster on top of a bed of jasmine rice and vegetables.  Everyone was in awe of their dinner.  Mel began taking pictures of everything.  Everyone, after the initial shock died down, began to relax and enjoyed their dinner, just as the sun was setting over the horizon. 


Jon: I feel like we are part of those reality TV shows that help people find their match. But this is better since I already have mine.


Tanya:  You are too funny B.  I feel like this is a set up at one of P. Diddy’s white parties. The only problem is that I am not wearing white.


Mel:  Which by the way, with this whole set up, I feel so under dress.


Gerald:  You look fine.  Look at me.  I’m in a t-shirt and shorts. This is a casual elegance night…. I hope you guys like your food.  Which by the way, don’t forget to try the appetizers.  Here Kim, try this melon with prosciutto.  It seems fancy but it’s just a piece of fruit with ham wrapped around it.  Simple but good.  (feeds Kim)


Kim: mmmm… that was good.  Thanks babe.  Thank you for everything.


Matt:  I can’t believe we are going back home tomorrow.


Mel: I know what you mean sweetie.  I don’t think I am ready to go home.  It means we have to go back to school.


Jon: Papers, midterms, lectures, oh my!


Gerald:  Think of this instead… we have a ski trip in January, spring break in Miami in April and we could always try to figure out another place to visit in the summer.


Matt: That’s true.  We are going to have a fun year!


Jon: (raises his glass) To great friends, great loves and great adventures!


Everybody else:  Cheers!!

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.