Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Three: Luna di Miele in Italia

Finding Love... Keeping Love


As soon as they could no longer see their friends and family anymore, Gerald and Kim dropped back down in their seats in the limo. They went into each others arms and held each other close.

Gerald: Wow! Our wedding weekend is officially over.

Kim: I know. Crazy isn’t it? We’re married babe.

Gerald: Yes we are! You are mine for life. I love seeing those rings on your finger. I love seeing my ring on mine.

Kim: I was thinking the same thing. When we woke up this morning and as we were scrambling to get ready, I saw you putting on your ring and it just put a huge smile on my face. I love it!

Gerald: (kisses her) You were watching me?

Kim: I can’t look at my husband?

Gerald: You can look all you want. You can touch all you want too.

Kim: (laughing then whispering) I love touching all I want.

Gerald: You better stop because I think we are almost at the airport and I don’t think I want Jenkins to see us in an awkward situation.

Kim: (laughing) Talking about airports. Babe! Your parents bought us our own jet!!

Gerald: I know! It was crazy because I was going buy us one once we got back from our honeymoon. I was talking to dad about which one I should buy. I guess they decided to buy it for us.

Kim: I can’t wait to see it! Mom and Dad are so… This is crazy!

Gerald: You were going to say something about Mom and Dad.

Kim: Generous. But it doesn’t seem sufficient to describe them.

Gerald: I know babe. I bet you that if it wasn’t you and someone else like Nicole I married, they probably wouldn’t have done half the things they did for us.

Kim: Why? Are you thinking of marrying Nicole?

Gerald: Oh don’t you go there! I’m on my honeymoon and don’t want a jealous wife on it.

Kim: Jealous?! You wish!  (scooting away from him – smiling to herself – still trying to act mad)

Gerald: Babe… Don’t you dare get mad at… You’re smiling! Come here you little brat!!

Gerald grabbed Kim and began to tickle her. She was laughing and screaming at the same time. She finally fought back by tickling Gerald. They were both laughing their heads off. Suddenly, the car came to a stop. They stopped and looked at each other and busted up laughing even more. Jenkins opened the door to find Kim and Gerald on the floor of the limo laughing their heads off.

Jenkins: (biting the inside of his cheek-trying hard not to smile) We have arrived at the airport.  If I do say so myself, the jet is quite smashing. Shall I give you two some time sir?

Gerald: (smiling) No Jenkins. We’re ready. 

Jenkins: Your luggage have already been loaded.

Kim: Thank you Jenkins.

Kim and Gerald exited the limo and saw their new private jet. It was absolutely perfect. It was  a white Hawker 800XP with thin black and gray lines down each side from tip of the nose to the back of the jet.

Gerald: Wow!! Look at that babe.

Kim: I’m looking and I’m not believing.  Do you see the tiny ‘KIMERALD’ right at the tip of the line.

Gerald: I see it!  This is unbelievable. Jenkins, would you mind taking a picture of Kim and I in front of the plane.

Jenkins: Certainly sir. The plane is wonderful and perfect for the two of you.

Kim: Thank you Jenkins. Come on Jenkins. Would you like to have a look?

Gerald: Come on Jenkins.

Jenkins: Are you sure sir?

Gerald: Definitely.

Kim, Gerald and Jenkins entered the plane to explore it a little bit. The interior was done in beige with beige leather plush seats and a sofa on the side. The inlay was in mahogany as were the tables. The interior was beautiful.  The Andersons normal flight attendant and pilot was there welcoming them on board.

Gerald: This is amazing. Wow!!

Gerald grabbed Kim and pulled her on his lap. Kim wrapped her arms around Gerald’s neck.

Gerald: What do you think babe?

Kim: Surreal.  I love it! This can’t be ours babe.

Gerald: It’s ours. The name on the plane even says it.

Pilot: Shall we go sir?

Gerald: I think we need to so that we can make our flight to Italy.

Jenkins: Have a wonderful trip Miss Kim and Sir Gerald.

Kim got up off Gerald’s lap and gave Jenkins a hug.

Kim: Thank you Jenkins for everything.

Jenkins: Thank you Miss Kim. I’m very happy for the both of you. Oh… your parents said to tell you not to come back without any babies.

Gerald: (laughing) I’ll try my best Jenkins.

Jenkins: I will let them know sir.

Gerald and Kim busted up laughing as Jenkins exited the plane. Gerald and Kim settled in to their seats for take-off. Once they reached altitude, Gerald and Kim transferred on to the sofa where they laid down for awhile to get much needed rest. They slept for the rest of their flight to New York. Once they arrived, their luggage was automatically transferred to Alitalia Airlines.  A customs officer met them to process their passports and were driven straight to the airplane where they boarded right away. They settled in once again for their flight to Rome in the first class cabin. Gerald and Kim were so tired that they just slept for most of the flight. Despite that, their hands were never far from each other.

Finally, they woke as the pilot announced the descent of the plane to the airport in Rome at Fiumicino. They quickly freshened up and got their belongings together. Once the plane touched down, they were among the first to disembark and go through customs with their luggage.  A limo was waiting for them from Hotel Hassler Villa Medici Rome. Kim and Gerald decided not to use any of the Andersons Hotel or Resorts for their honeymoon as they didn’t want to get pulled into working even though it would be their doing.  So they decided to stay at the most luxurious hotels throughout Italy and the Mediterranean.

When they arrived at Hotel Hassler, they were not disappointed.  Hotel Hassler was located right at the top of the Spanish Steps next to the Triniti dei Monti.  They were escorted immediately to the Penthouse Presidential Suite.  Located on the 7th floor, the suite had it’s own large private terrace that offered breathtaking views of the Eternal City.  The room was done in warm golds and had some beautiful antique pieces. Gerald and Kim loved the room and were pleased with their choice. Kim was so excited to begin exploring the city.

Kim: Babe! We are in Italy! Let’s go!

Gerald: (smiling, went behind her to hug her and began kissing her neck)  I love your enthusiasm but can we feed me first. I know you have to be hungry as well.

Kim: You know, I am hungry. We didn’t even wake up to eat during our flight.

Gerald: (whispered in her ear) I tired you out, didn’t I?

Kim: (playfully slaps Gerald)  Sssshhh…

Gerald: Why sssshhh? I can’t talk to my wife about how I love making love to her? We’re alone you know.

Gerald was loving making Kim blush.

Kim: (blushing)  Stop. You know that once you start, it’s going to be hard to stop.

Gerald: That’s the point.

Kim: (stepping away from him) We need to eat.

Gerald: Let’s feed us so that we can have energy for what is going to happen all night once again. I don’t think I’m finished with you yet.

Gerald then began whispering what he wanted to do to Kim. Kim groaned and could not help but be by Gerald’s promises. After hearing Kim’s groan, Gerald stopped mid sentence and crushed his lips against hers. Kim just melted into Gerald. Despite their being hungry, they were even more hungry for each other. Within seconds, they were in each others arms. Right there on the terrace, Kim and Gerald christened their suite, or at least the outside, on their first hour of their honeymoon.

Lying on the chaise…

Kim: Babe?

Gerald: Hmmm… (kissing her shoulder)

Kim: Now I’m really hungry.

Gerald: Me too. Do you want me to call room service?

Kim: Yes! Please! Or should we just go downstairs and find a restaurant?

Gerald: I am taking my wife to the best restaurant in Rome tonight so let’s order room service so we can get ready for a night out in Rome. Sound good?

Kim: Sounds good! (kisses Gerald)

Gerald wrapped Kim in a towel and they both returned to inside the suite where Gerald first went to call for room service. Kim headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Gerald stepped in to join her. The both of them could not keep their hands off each other. Gerald’s innocent attempt to wash Kim’s back left them wanting each other more. Against the marble wall, Gerald ravished his wife to surrendering all.  Yet no one was the conqueror as both were left weak.

Kim: Babe. I don’t think we’re ever going to leave this hotel room if you keep this up.

The doorbell rings. Gerald went to answer the door as Kim dried herself up. Room service had arrived. Gerald had ordered enough food to feed an army but both of them were famished that they didn’t seem to blink at all the food. After they ate, they eventually got dressed for the evening and headed to the lobby where one of the hotels cars was waiting for them to take them to Vivendo, one of the best, if not the best, restaurant in Rome.  They had a romantic dinner for the two. Despite eating a lot from room service, they tasted everything the chef had to offer that evening.

Gerald: (holding a glass of Chianti up)  To my beautiful wife… my life is now complete.

Kim: Thank you baby. Do you know what is weird about our first day of our honeymoon?

Gerald: What’s that?

Kim: We could have stayed at home, at a Motel 6 or some other random motel off the side of the freeway and it still would be amazing because of you.

Gerald: (smiling) Motel 6?

Kim: (laughing)  May I remind you that we arrived here in Rome this morning and did not emerge until evening? Would it have mattered where we were?

Gerald: (laughing)  We might have to come back to Italy to visit.

Kim: Well luckily it will be that time of month and it will be a great opportunity to focus on our surroundings for a change. (smiling at Gerald)

Gerald: Not anytime soon, soon. Right? (no longer smiling)

Kim: (laughing)  A few days. Make the most of it.

Gerald: (raises his hand) Si prega di verificare

Kim: (laughing) I didn’t get dessert.

Gerald: I’m your dessert.

Kim: Si prega di verificare

Gerald and Kim left the restaurant laughing and just holding onto each other. They decided to go back to the hotel on their own instead of taking the hotel’s town car so that they could see a little bit of Rome on their first day. Right outside the St. Regis Hotel where Vivendo is housed is the Piazza della Reppublica. At the center of the piazza is the Fountains of Naiads. They took pictures and was able to find a kind couple to take pictures of them.  It was beautiful reflecting the night  lights of Rome. They jumped on Line A of the Metro subway station and got off 2 stops at Spagna. They decided to hang out a little bit on the Spanish steps after they found a gelato shop.

Gerald: I love that I am here with you.

Kim: I love that I am here with you too. I don’t know babe. Everything seems so surreal to me when I’m with you.

Gerald: I am as real as it can get baby.

Kim: (puts her hand on his face)  I know. I’m glad. Now that we’re married, doesn’t it make you reflect back on our journey together.

Gerald: Yes. I actually did that the day of our wedding when I went to go workout early that morning.

Kim: The morning that the guys thought you went AWOL?

Gerald: They told you!!!

Kim: Yes.

Gerald: (faces Kim) You know that I’ve wanted to marry you since the beginning. I knew you were special and that there was no way I was going to let you go.

Kim: (puts Gerald’s face in her hands) I know that baby. (kisses Gerald)  I thought the  incident was funny, especially the boxers part.

Gerald: (laughing) You should have seen it.

Kim: No thanks. (laughing) I can’t believe we are married. (looking at their rings)

Gerald: You better believe it. You are my wife for life forever for eternity.

Kim: For eternity.  (gives Gerald a kiss)  Babe… what’s our plan? It’s funny. We’ve always planned to come here for our honeymoon. It was your Italian skills that hooked me.

Gerald: More like block Enchong from you.

Kim: Jealous? (smiling)

Gerald: Was. How was I going to spend time with you if you ended up studying Italian with him? There was no way I was going to let that happen. I thank mom and dad every day for forcing me to take Italian.

Kim: Babe. The moment I saw you, Enchong had no chance. He didn’t have a chance before you.

Gerald: (kisses Kim)  The moment I met you, no one else existed for me.

Kim: HAH! Palakero!!

Gerald: Maybe before (looking regretful) but all that changed with you baby.

Kim: I know baby. I’m teasing you. You have been faithful, loving, supportive. I could not ask for anything more.

Gerald: I can.

Kim: You want more? What do I need to do to give you more?

Gerald: I want a baby with you babe. 

Kim: Do you? (looking at him)

Gerald: Yeah. I would love a little kimmy worshipping her daddy.

Kim: What if it’s a boy?

Gerald: Then I would love a little gerger worshipping his daddy.

Kim: (laughing) What about mommy? Who worships mommy?

Gerald:(looking at Kim) Daddy. I think its time to go back to the room.

Kim: I think you are right. But seriously babe… what’s our plan?

Gerald: Well… we’re here in Rome for a few days. Then we’ll take the train to Florence, then to Milan, then Venice.  From Venice, we’ll maybe pass through Bologna and I thought since we got married at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, we’ll stop by Assisi.  Then we’ll head over to the Amalfi Coast, see Capri, maybe go to Sicily.  It’s up to us babe.

Kim: Wow!

Gerald: Well… we’re here for a month so let’s make the most of it and if you want to stay longer somewhere, we’ll stay. It’s our honeymoon. If you want, we can head to Greece too. We can even cross over to Switzerland. Whatever we want to do.

Kim: I love this babe but you know that we could have just stayed home.

Gerald: No. Our honeymoon needed to be as special as you have been to me. I will spend my life pampering you and showing you how much you mean to me. Yes, I look forward to growing old with you but what I look forward to most is the journey of living my life with you by my side.

Kim: (tearing)  Baby…

Gerald: Come on baby. Let’s go to bed.

Gerald and Kim spent their first night in Italy, in each other’s arms. They took their time, enjoying the feel of their bodies next to each other. They spoke of their love. They spoke of their wants. They spoke of their desires. They lavished each other with kisses. They tasted. They felt. They explored with the purpose of becoming familiar with every inch, every fleck, every mark, every sensitive spot.  They enjoyed each other. They succumbed to all the sensations they gave to each other. It was the mating of two souls and a beautiful way to end their first night on their honeymoon.

That night, they slept deep, breathing in a rhythm all their own. They never left each others arms.

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.