Chapter Fifteen: Club Kure

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Kim, Gerald, Matt, Mel, Tanya and Jon went out to eat at Miyake’s Japanese Restaurant and had a great time.  They headed over to Club Kure and saw the long line to get in. 


Kim: I don’t think we’re going to get in.   Look at the line guys.


Mel: Yeah, sweetie. I don’t think we’re going to get in.  What do you guys want to do?


Matt:  We’re not even there and you want to leave already.  Be patient my love.


Tanya:  Well I guess its worth a try.


Jon:  We can always dance in line while we are waiting. 


Matt: Thank God someone else is optimistic.



As they got closer, they saw a lot of the people they knew from the Filipino club and of course from their classes.  As Gerald and the group passed by the front of the line where the bouncer was, he saw someone who looked familiar to him. 


Gerald:  Fred?


Guy: Yes. (Guy turns around) Gerald!! (gives him a hug)  What’s up bro?  Man, where have you been? 


Gerald:  Fred!!  Man, its good to see you!  Matt, Fred is here.


Matt: Fred!  Where did you come from?


Fred: Matt!  Bro!  I didn’t know you went to college here?


Gerald:  Fred, how did you end up here? 


Fred:  This is my club guys.  I opened one up back in Missouri, New York, Chicago and Miami.  I decided to come out West here in California to see if it would be financially feasible.  I chose this town because of the colleges in the area.  Hit up the college students who need to get out and party.   Wait, a minute.  Gerald, when did you come out here?  I heard what happened.  Are you okay?


Gerald:  Yeah man.  It was rough. I’m a changed man.  Oh my gosh, talking about a changed man, let me introduce you to some people. This is Mel, Matt’s girl. 


Fred:  Matt, you better watch your back because if you don’t treat her right, someone like me is going to snatch her away.


Matt: You better watch it man.  This one’s mine. (pulls Mel close)


Mel: (giggling) When did you get possessive?


Gerald: Fred, this is Tanya and Jon.


Fred: Nice to meet you. (shakes Jon’s hand and kisses Tanya’s hand)


Jon: Gerald, do we need to keep our woman far from him?  (pulling Tanya closer to him)


Gerald, Fred and Matt: (laughing) BEWARE! (high fives)


Gerald: Jon, out of everyone from our old group, Matt and Fred were the ones that protected girls from me. That was ancient history and not my MO anymore. Fred, and as always, I saved the best for last.  This is Kim.


Fred:  Kim.  Wow, you are beautiful.  Too bad, Gerald met you first.  (kisses her hand)


Kim: Bolero.  (laughing)


Gerald:  Step back bro!  This one is definitely mine.


Fred:  (to Kim) So you’re Gerald’s new girl.


Kim: No, we’re just good friends.


Gerald:  We’re good friends, special friends but she’s still mine bro.  (looking at Kim, smiling at her)


Fred:  What am I doing keeping you guys here?  Let’s go in.  I’ll take you to the VIP section and everything is on the house.  Let me come in with you to make sure that you guys are taken care of.


Jon:  Man did we score!!! 


Some of their friends noticed them getting in and not having to get in line.  Some of the people were jealous, including Enchong and Nina who were still in line. Once inside the club, they were led towards a hidden stairway that led to a room with a floor to ceiling glass window that overlooked the club.  The chairs were plush and candles flickered throughout the room.  There were snacks located on all the tables. In the corner, there were 3 different plasma screens mounted on the wall that people could use to play Xbox or Play station or Wii. Surrounding that area were pinball machines and arcade games.  In order to get to the dance floor, there was a side elevator that can take you down right to the dance floor.  To the right of the window there was a side door that led you to the DJ platform.  The club had huge plasma screens and Go-Go dancers on platforms set up throughout the dance floor and platforms hanging from the ceiling.  Lights were flashing throughout the club. 


Gerald:  Fred, this place is tight!


Kim: Fred, I am loving this place.  Your DJ is playing the beats.  Gerald, I’m going down to the dance floor to dance. 


Gerald:  I’ll join you. We’ll be back guys.


Kim: You dance?


Gerald:  Just wait and see.  (grabs Kim’s hand and heads for the elevator)


Matt: I’m cool here.  Mel, do you want a drink?


Mel: Nothing too strong.  How about a Midori Sour?


Tanya: Fred, you did good! This place is off the hook!


Jon: I don’t know what I want to do.  Dance? Eat? Get a drink? Hang out with the DJ? Play video games? I think I am in club heaven.


Fred: Matt, how’s Gerald doing? 


Matt: He’s doing much better. Do you know Kim is the first girl he’s looked at and more so, hung out with since everything happened?


Fred: It was not his fault.  She was unfortunately sick. 


Matt: I know.  Many people think he’s a jerk because of what he does, which actually, he was one. But he’s a good person.  You would be surprised with who he is and how he acts now.   Dude, its so different.


Fred:  I’m glad to hear that man.  He was good to us but boy did he mess with a lot of girls’ minds.  It was wrong.  Hey we prevented a lot of casualties.


Matt:  (laughing)   Yea, we did. So tell me… how come we lost touch?


Fred: Well you guys were still in high school when I graduated.  I went to college for a year and then realized I was good at this club promotion thing.  I ended up finding investors for my first club in Missouri.  It was a huge success. 


Matt: Yea! It was a success but when I went to visit, we couldn’t even get in because we were too young. Gerald and I couldn’t get a hold of you.


Fred: (laughing) I probably wasn’t there anymore.  I was probably in New York by that time.  It’s been good man.  It’s been good. 


On the dance floor…


Kim: (dancing & shouting in Gerald’s ear) The DJ is going off!  I love this music.


Gerald: (thought – you’re the one who is going off.  Damn – she can move.) You can definitely dance. 


Kim: You’re not bad yourself.  (thought – I looove guys who can dance.  This guy just jumped up the hotness scale.  If this continues, he’s going to be off the charts.)


Kim and Gerald didn’t realize that people were watching them dance with each other and that a circle was slowly forming around them. 


Back at the VIP lounge…


Tanya:  Hey guys!! Look! I think that’s Kim and Gerald.


Jon:  Look at them go.  I don’t think they realize that people are cheering them on.  Do you guys want to go down there?


Matt: I think we have a better view from here but look over there.  Isn’t that Nina?  Oh guys! I think we’re about to see trouble.


Mel:  What?  What’s going on? 


Jon: Nina is slowly moving on the outside of the circle.  I think she is going to try to cut in. Look, people are noticing her too.  Look, some of people down there are egging her on to jump in.


Tanya:  This is not good.  (I hope Gerald handles this right because Kim is just going to walk away.)


Mel: Guys… now should we go down there.  I’m going to kick her A#@!


Matt: Don’t worry sweetie.  Gerald has no interest in Nina.  And plus, we’ve seen Nina dance before.  She’s good but Kim blows her out of the water.  Look at Kim go.  O-oh! Here comes Nina.


Tanya and Mel were already at the elevator.


Back at the dance floor, Gerald and Kim were still dancing and got into a groove with the beats. For those people watching, it looked like they were dancing a routine they put together but to Kim and Gerald they were just moving with the music.  The DJ was recognizing their skills and saw Nina moving in…


DJ Mo: Ladies & Gentlemen!  The floor is hot tonight.  Two talents are heating up the dance floor.  But, o-oh!  What is this I see!  I think we have a panther on the prowl looking to get part of the action.  Let’s see what happens to the prey!


Kim: What are they talking about Gerald?


Gerald:  I think we have an audience. (looking around)


Kim: Oh!  I’m so embarrassed. Should we stop?


Gerald:  Why?  You just rocked this floor.


Kim: You helped too.


Nina: I think I can help even better.


Gerald: Oh hi Nina.  (still dancing with Kim and reaches for Kim’s hand)


Kim: Hi Nina.  Can we help you?


Nina: (to Kim) Like I said, why don’t you step aside so I can show you how its done.


Gerald:  Okay. The dance floor is yours. (pulls Kim with him off the dance floor and heads for the elevator)


Kim: (giggling) You are mean.  I think we just left her in the middle of the dance floor by herself.  She is going to be mad at you.  (laughing)  You are too much! (puts her arms around his neck and hugs Gerald)  Shoot!  What I am talking about?  She’s going to be pissed at me.  (laughing)


Gerald: (surprised and hugs her back) So if I’m mean, what does that make you?  You’re laughing.


Kim and Gerald are giggling to themselves still in each other’s arms waiting for the elevator to open.  That is how Tanya and Mel found them.


Tanya:  Ehem!  (smiling)


Mel:  Well, I guess Kim didn’t need help rescuing.


Kim and Gerald: Hi guys!


Gerald:  Why does she need rescuing?  I’m here for her.  (to Kim)  You know I would never leave you.  Right?


Kim: (smiles up at Gerald – thought – I am going to fall in love with this guy.  Am I in love with him already?  This is too fast.  Isn’t it?)


Tanya & Mel: AAAWW! Ang sweet naman!


Gerald:  (laughing) Let’s go back upstairs.  Come on ladies. (Gerald leads them inside the elevator)


Back in the VIP lounge…


Matt:  I’ve forgotten how good you use to dance.


Gerald:  Use to?  I still got some beat in these old bones.  (laughing) To be honest, I haven’t danced like that in a long time. 


Kim:  Your old bones were working pretty well.  (walking towards the window to the club)


Tanya: (walks over to where Kim is) Kim, I forgot how well you could dance.  It’s been awhile.  I think a special someone has inspired you. (Looking over at Gerald) 


Kim: (whispering) Did you see him move?  My heart is exploding right now!  That was so awesome! I’m falling hard for this guy Tanya!  Help!!


Mel: (looking out the glass wall to the floor downstairs) Kim, I think that you have just made an enemy…    Too bad Nina! Not everyone is into you! (Laughing)


Nina was looking up at the window with such contempt right at Kim.  Gerald came over to where Kim was standing, bringing Kim bottled water.


Gerald: Hi partner! Make sure that you stay hydrated. I don’t want you passing out on me. 


Kim: Thanks Gerald.  You would probably catch me if I did anyways. (looking up at him – thought – Nina, eat your heart out!)


Gerald:  You are right.


Gerald stood behind Kim holding her waist looking out to the dance floor.  He was wiping her sweat off her neck from behind.  Kim turned around, faced Gerald and started wiping his sweat off his forehead. They were both looking at each other, smiling.  Gerald slowly bent his head forward, holding her chin, and gave Kim a slow, sweet kiss on the lips. 

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.