Chapter One Hundred Forty-One: Are You Serious?!

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Mrs Anderson: Gerger? Are you ready?

Gerald: I’m ready mom. Do you have everything?

Mrs. Anderson: I do.  Kim’s meeting us at the theater, right?

Gerald: Yes. She wanted to go to the hotel to meet up with her family. We decided to split up because you guys were coming here.

Mrs. Anderson: Good. Good.  It gives me and your dad time to talk with you before we go.

Gerald: Why? What’s up?

Mr. Anderson: Well… your mom and I have been talking a lot about you and how very proud we are of you.  We are proud of the man you have become and the choices you have made.  We are especially happy that you have found happiness with the woman of your dreams who is a perfect match to who you are and that you are about to marry her in a few months. We are definitely excited. Wait until your mom brings you both up to speed with everything.

Mrs. Anderson: I have been having a lot of fun, haven’t I, honey?

Mr. Anderson: You definitely have. And you have been doing an excellent job at it. (kissing the top of her forehead) But we digress.  Son, sit down.

Gerald sat down on the sofa, looking at his parents curiously.

Mr. Anderson: Son… your mom and I have been talking about me stepping back a little bit from the business and enjoying life a little bit more.  I have enjoyed all the work I’ve done in helping build Andersons International Inc.  and your mother has been encouraging me to reap in the rewards. You know how pleased I have been that you have chosen to continue our work with Andersons.  I was really scared about you focusing more on Engineering.  I am extremely happy that you have grown an interest in the company and that in the short spurts that you have worked for the company recently and most especially this past year, you have made quite an impact.  We are extremely proud that you have moved forward with your education to get an MBA and from INSEAD at that.

Gerald: What are you trying to say Dad?

Mr. Anderson: I have been talking to the board and we would like to make you President of Andersons International Inc.

Gerald looked at both his parents in shock with his mouth open. He was speechless as he continued to look at them back and forth.

Mrs. Anderson: You look shocked Gerger.

Mr. Anderson: Gerald… You know our business.  You understand the heart of why your grandfather started this and why I’ve expanded our business.  You also have a vision that is in line with why we are in the business.  I don’t want you to worry because I am not retiring immediately.  We want to give you at least a 2 year transition if needed with you working side by side with me.  You just graduated and I know that you and Kim still have the wedding. There is not expectation to work 24/7 because as a company, thanks to your mom, we also promote a work-life balance for all our employees, including the President.  I will still be the chairman of the board and basically your immediate supervisor, which is a great set up because you have access to me 24/7 as oppose to some other guy.  Your mom and I know that you and Kim have not decided where to settle down or if you are going to travel the world but we would like to give you guys, if you want to accept it, the mansion in New York or if you would like to purchase another place in New York City, we’ll purchase it for you as a graduation gift.  I know this is a lot. So what do you think?

Gerald: (stands up and hugs both his parents really hard) Thank you mom and dad.  Thank you for believing in me.  I know I haven’t been the best son all these years and I know you have been worried.  Thank you for always standing by me and being there for me. I love you both very much.

Mr. Anderson: Gerald.  You have made me proud and I love you son.  Congratulations Mr. President.

Mrs. Anderson: (wiping tears from her eyes) Ay Gerger! My baby is a man now.  We are so proud of you.  Love you Gerger.

Gerald: I want to talk to Kim about all this first. Is that okay, dad?

Mr. Anderson: We wouldn’t want it any other way because we figure she is going to be working close to you, if she wants to.  Or she can chose where to work in the company. 

Gerald: She’s going to be excited. At least I hope she is.  So what happens now? 

Mr. Anderson:  Well… the next time the board meets which is the second week in Janaury, we will make the formal announcement that you have accepted the position.  Of course, a celebration and formal announcement to employees and all our shareholders will be held to announce you as President of the company.  We will do it before the wedding, probably in February or March, probably March.

Gerald: Wow. Okay. When do I go to work?

Mrs. Anderson: (looks at her husband) We’ll negotiate later. We better go or we will be late for your graduation ceremony.

Gerald and his parents met up with Kim and her family right in front of the theater. They had all arrived at the same time.  Gerald and Kim went straight into an embrace right when they saw each other.

Ate Twinkle: You two weren’t even apart for more than 2 hours, what are you guys going to do if you have to be apart more than 2 weeks.

Gerald: (not letting Kim go) We’ve experienced it and it , so we’d prefer not to. (whispers into Kim’s ear) We need to talk later babe. I have some news for you.

Kim: (looks up at Gerald) What?

Gerald: Later. (kisses her forehead) Let’s go. We need to go line up. See you all after the ceremony.

Gerald and Kim go toward where all the graduates are lining up. The ceremony went forward. Kim was named as Summa Laude and Gerald was named as Magna Laude. People were not surprised.  Both had already been inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma which is an international honor society. Everyone was proud. They celebrated afterwards by returning to Paris where they held a celebration at the Andersons Parisian hotel. Everyone was so excited for Gerald and Kim, not only for graduating with high marks but also for the upcoming wedding.

Later that night…

Kim: Today was a great day babe. I can’t believe that we are finished with school. It went by so fast.

Gerald: I am so proud of you Summa Laude.

Kim: I’m proud of you too Magna Laude.

Both high fived each other and then busted up laughing.

Kim: Babe?

Gerald: Hmmm…

Kim: What did you want to talk to me about earlier?

Gerald: I was wondering if you would remember. (smiling at her)

Kim: (smiling at him) So…

Gerald: Mom and Dad spoke to me earlier right before we left for the theater.

Kim: What about?

Gerald: Well… you are looking at the new President of Andersons International Inc.

Kim looked at Gerald speechless.

Gerald: I had the same look earlier. So what do you think?

Kim finally woke up from her shock and leapt into Gerald’s arms.

Kim: Congratulations babe!!! Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!!

Gerald: So you think it’s a good thing?

Kim: I think it’s an absolute great thing! You are the best person for the job. I am assuming that your dad is thinking of retiring. When do you start? Where is your office? New York? How do you want to celebrate?

Gerald: Slow down babe.  I didn’t officially accept the position because I told them I needed to talk it over with you.

Kim: What is there to talk about? Do you not want the position?

Gerald: No, it’s not that. I know that Dad has been preparing me for this since I was born.  It will be a 2 year transition, partly because we have the wedding and we need to settle wherever we are going to have as home base.  Dad is going to be by my side the whole 2 years so that I know his job responsibilities inside and out.  Dad will continue as the Chairman of the Board and will be my supervisor.

Kim: Babe… this is absolutely wonderful. I am so proud of you.

Gerald: So… you are okay with this?

Kim: Of course I’m okay with this.

Gerald: Well, there is more to the news. You have a choice of where you want to work in the company.  You can work side by side with me if you would like.

Kim: Are you serious?

Gerald: I think Dad has been prepping for that too. He thinks we make a good team.

Kim: Wow! Are you serious?

Gerald: You keep asking me that. (laughing) I think they are very serious. The board is aware of these decisions already. They reconvene in mid January when the official announcement is made about my presidency.

Kim: This is so cool.

Gerald: So babe… you don’t have to make a decision right now about where you want to work. If you want to be a stay at home wife and mom, I’m good with that too. It’s your decision.

Kim: I would love to continue to work with Andersons. So Mr. President, you want to tell me where I should work.

Gerald: Well… let’s figure out where we want to be home based, which reminds me. There is more news.

Kim: More?

Gerald: Mom and Dad is giving us the mansion in New York or they will pay for a place of our choosing.

Kim: Are you serious?!

Gerald: So…what do you think about all this?

Kim: This is crazy!! I’m already overwhelmed graduating from one of the most prestigious MBA programs world wide. I’m about to marry the man of my dreams who has just been promoted to President of an internationally recognized and awarded company. I’ve been given the choice of any job with that company. And we’ve been given a home for a wedding present. This is crazy! I said that right. That this is crazy!

Gerald: I know. I feel the same way. It’s crazy huh babe? So where do you think we should home base.

Kim: Well, Andersons International Inc.’s headquarters is in New York City so I think New York should be our home base.

Gerald: It doesn’t have to be. My dad worked from Missouri and flew in whenever he needed to.

Kim: I think New York City. You want to be present in the initial phases of your new position.

Gerald: This is why I love you.

Kim: So wait… you didn’t want to make this decision without me?

Gerald: I wouldn’t make any major decision without you. Well… granted I went ahead and bought the apartment in Paris but I really wanted to surprise you.

Kim: It was a great surprise. (kissing Gerald) And I love you even more for thinking of me and including me in your decision. I am so honored. Congratulations Mr. President!

Gerald: Congratulations soon to be Mrs. President. (pulling Kim onto his lap into a tight embrace) 

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.