Chapter One Hundred Nine: Is It Over?

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Matt later found Gerald lying in his bed, zoned out.

Matt: Bro?

Gerald: hmmm…

Matt: You okay?

Gerald: (staring at the ceiling) How did this all get ed up? She’s leaving me bro.

Matt: Just give her time. She’s hurt Gerald.

Gerald: I know. I can’t seem to take it away.  I don’t know how to take it away. I never wanted to hurt her.

Matt: I know.

Gerald: This is crazy. Please tell me this is all just nightmare.

Matt: It is a nightmare that unfortunately you’re awake and living through it.

Gerald: I need her bro.

Matt: I know.  But I hate to end our conversation short but the police are here and want to talk to you. They have already talked to all of us.

Gerald: I need to pack and get back to her.

Matt: Don’t worry. You have time for that.  We’ll help you. Okay?

Gerald: Bro, why do I feel like she’s never going to talk to me again?

Matt: She will. Just give her time. Come on. Let’s go downstairs and talk with the police.

Gerald: (gets up and wipes a stray tear away) Let’s go.

Matt and Gerald walked downstairs for Gerald to speak with the police. All his friends, along with his parents, were sitting in the living room with the two detectives from the police department and the private detective Mr. Anderson hired.

Mr. Anderson: Son, these gentlemen are here to speak with you.

Gerald: Yes, dad.

Over the next hour, the 3 detectives questioned Gerald over what happened last night at his birthday party.  They were asked to provide a list of guests invited to his parents. Gerald was asked to highlight all his friends from prior, his friends from California, and his ex-‘girlfriends’ on the guest list. Gerald gave the name of the girl who was with him at the pool and was able to give them her address.  He also talked about what his previous relationship was like with her. After the interrogation, the detectives left.  They were going to be in contact with Gerald’s parents as they knew Gerald was leaving to return to California.

Gerald: (sprawled on the couch)  I’m so tired. (he got up and looks at his friends) I am so so sorry about this.  This was suppose to be a fun weekend and here you guys are taking me to the hospital and talking to detectives.

Matt: Bro. None of this is your fault.

Gerald: Yes, it is, bro. I was thinking last night that this was crazy.  Here are my old friends I use to go drinking and chasing girls with and here are my new friends who I just enjoy being with talking, traveling, studying, going to church with. Crazy. I’m just paying for my past actions.

Mel: Just because you use to be a player does not make it okay for you to be drugged Gerald. You’re thinking crazy.

Gerald: It was easy for Kim to believe I had gone back to my old ways.

Tanya: Gerald… if you saw what we saw… it would have been hard not to believe.

Gerald: I know but damn! So now what? Can I go home now? Or do I have to stay?

Matt: Why don’t we wait until the plane gets here and we’ll just go home then? Sounds good?

Gerald: Sounds good. Are you guys okay with this?

Everyone else: Sure. Yeah. Okay.

A few hours later, the whole gang, including Fred and Jamila headed to the airport. Fred and Jamila decided to just join the gang so that Fred could check out his clubs in California. They all settled in for the 5 hour flight. Once they arrived in California, they all separated.  Matt and Mel headed back to Palo Alto.  Jon to San Jose. Fred and Jamila stayed in San Francisco. Tanya and Gerald headed back to campus.  Gerald was dreading what he was going to find when they reached the town home. Tanya was trying to figure out how she can give Gerald and Kim space. The shuttle service finally dropped them off at their place.  Gerald unlocked the front door and walked into the town house and put all his things down. Tanya was right behind him.

Gerald: Kim?

He started walking throughout the apartment, the kitchen, the dining room and finally their bedroom. Kim was nowhere to be found. He tried calling her cell but she wouldn’t answer.  He started looking through the closets and most of her clothes were there but not all. He noticed one of the overnight bags was missing as were a lot of her toiletries.

Gerald: (to Tanya) She’s gone. She’s gone Tanya.

Tanya: She’ll be back. Maybe she went home. Maybe she’s at a friend’s house.

Gerald: Can you call her and make sure she is okay?

Tanya: I already tried. She’s not answering my calls either. I just texted her and asked her to text me to let me know she’s okay. (hears a beep) She texted back and said that she was okay. She said that she won’t be home tonight.

Gerald: Where is she?

Tanya: She didn’t say and it looks like she won’t say. I’m sorry Gerald. Just give her time.

Gerald: I will give her time but we need to talk, Tanya.  Damn. I’m sorry Tanya.

Tanya: I’m sorry Gerald. I hope you guys fix this.  I know you guys love each other very much. You are the right person for her Gerald. I know she knows this.  But you understand that what she saw was hard.  It was hard for me and Mel and you are not our boyfriend. We love you but not that way that Kim does.

Gerald: (putting his head in his hands) Tanya, I don’t know what to do.  What should I do?  How can I fix this? I wish I could turn back time. She’s going to leave me Tanya.

Tanya: I’m sorry Gerald. Just be patient. Just be patient. Okay. I know this is hard. What I do know is that she needs time. Give her space.

Gerald: Okay. I’m going to my room. Tanya, I didn’t ask.  Are you hungry or something? Should we get something to eat?

Tanya: I’m okay Gerald. How about you? I could always throw something together.

Gerald: No thank you.  I’m going to just hang out in my room if you don’t mind.  If you talk to her please tell her I love her and I’m sorry.  And Tanya, before I forget, thank you for being here for me.  I know it was hard for you to see too. It’s actually hard for me to imagine that it happened.

Tanya: I know you love my best friend Gerald. But I also know that she’s hurting right now.

Gerald: I know… I wish I could turn back time… I never wanted to hurt her. Ever.

Tanya: I know. Go get some rest and if you need anything, just yell.

Gerald: Thanks Tanya.

A couple hours later, Gerald heard his cell phone ringing. He saw on the caller ID that it was Kim. He was so excited.

Gerald: Babe?

Kim: Hi Gerald. It’s me. How was your flight back?

Gerald: (wincing once again at the sound of his name from her lips) Our flight was fine. Not fast enough.


Gerald: You left the house…

Kim: I needed to leave.  This is the reason why I am calling.  (silence…) I’ll try to be quick because there is no easy way to say this but… I am moving out. I’ve been looking for a place to live since I got back. I’ve found a 1 bedroom apartment near campus. I just wanted you to know.  I’ll slowly start moving my stuff there hopefully by next weekend if that is okay with you.

Gerald: BABE!!! No, it’s not okay for me! Why?!  Please… let’s talk about this.

Kim: Gerald, I need my space. And right now, I don’t think I can live with you.  I think we moved in too fast. I’m sorry to inconvenience you. I’ll be picking up my stuff here and there and I hope you will be patient with me. I’m sorry. (starting to cry)

Gerald: Babe… can we please talk?  (crying)

Kim: I’m not ready to talk Gerald. I just need my space and unfortunately with us living together and sharing a bedroom, it’s not going to work right now.

Gerald: Are you breaking up with me?

Kim: I don’t know… (starts crying)  I don’t know. I just know that we can’t live together right now.

Gerald: Babe… please forgive me. I’m so sorry.

Kim: That’s what’s weird about the whole situation. You shouldn’t be sorry. It wasn’t your fault that someone slipped something in your drink. It should be my fault because I left your side.

Gerald: Baby… it’s not your fault… it could have happened if you were standing next to me.

Kim: Not the incident with the girl…

Gerald: I’m so sorry but please don’t leave me.

Kim: I don’t want to but I can’t stay Gerald. I’m sorry. I need to find a way to cope with the vision of you with another girl.  I know and understand the circumstances but I saw you with her and that’s all that is replaying in my mind.  I am not being practical right now.  I am unfortunately thinking with my heart.

Gerald: Can we please get together?

Kim: I can’t do that right now Gerald. And if we see each other on campus, can you please turn the other way and ignore me. Please. Just give me time. That’s all I ask.

Gerald: Is this over? Are we over?

Kim: No… I don’t know… I understand if you want to see other girls.

Gerald: I don’t want other girls. I just want you. I need you. Wait. Are you going to see other guys?

Kim: Gerald… I love you despite all this crap I love you. I can’t stop loving you. I wish I could right now but I can’t. So the answer to your question is no.

Gerald: Baby… I love you too. Sobra. Just please don’t leave me.

Kim: I need time babe. And I’m sorry I’m doing this over the phone. I don’t know how I am going to act in front of you. And I’m scared that I would just return in your arms but I can’t do that right now. So let me do this for me and for us. Just all I ask is time apart until I’m ready.

Gerald: How will I know when you’re ready to come back to me? Damn… I can’t believe this is happening.

Kim: I’ll let you know. I just need time. Please babe… help me with this.  Just please give me time and space. It’s all I ask.

Gerald: (taking a deep breath) Okay but baby… I’m not going to give it forever.  I love you and I know you love me. I need you and I need you in my life. You’re my forever and I’m not going to give you up. Just know that. Please know I love you.  Mahal na mahal kita. I will give you the time and space for now but know I won’t give it for long. Please come back to me…

Kim: (silence)

Gerald: Babe?

Kim: (whimpering) I’m here. I’m going to hang up right now. I love you… (hangs up the phone)

Gerald sat there with his phone next to his ear. He finally curled up in his bed and cried himself to sleep.

Tanya didn’t know what to do… Kim just called her and told her her decision to move out of the town home. She knew Gerald was in his room crying. Tanya didn’t know what to do.  She moved in the town house to be with her best friend and now Kim’s gone. She was torn between her friends. How was this all going to get fixed? What is going to happen to Kim and Gerald? She knew they were meant to be together. Is it over? Is it really over?

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.