Chapter One Hundred Five: A Not So Perfect Ending to a Perfect Night

Finding Love... Keeping Love


In the lounge area of the party…

Tanya: This has been a great party! I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun at a party.

Mel: I agree with you but I’m still wary of all those girls trying to get all up on Gerald. Didn’t you hear those girls complaining in the bathroom that Gerald wasn’t paying attention to them.

Kim: Yeah! That was pretty funny if you ask me. They shut up when I walked out of the stall. I just smiled at them. You’re more territorial than I am.

Mel: I guess I am. There is this one chick though that has been more bolder than the others. She would always try to slip right up next to him.

Kim: They can try as long as Gerald doesn’t engage.

Tanya: He’s not going to engage but you know Kim, Gerald might be getting a little tipsy now that all the elderly crowd, including his parents have left. People often do crazy things when they are drunk.

Kim: I don’t think Gerald has been drinking too much.

Mel: Pinsan, everyone has been passing him a drink.  Homeboy might off his rocker right now.

Kim: But I am sure he is not drinking it.  If I know him well, he’s probably dumping them into the plants. There are going to be a lot of dead plants tomorrow. I hope Tita doesn’t get mad. But with all your concern, let’s go see where he is at.

When Kim, Tanya and Mel re-entered the dance area of the party, they could not find Gerald.  Matt and Jon were chilling at the bar with some of Gerald’s old friends and none of them knew where Gerald was.  Fred and Jamila were dancing on the dance floor but had not seen Gerald.  Mel asked Matt to check the men’s bathroom and Tanya went to check the girl’s bathroom. No one could find Gerald.

Kim: (thought- why the hell did I leave his side? Damn me for wearing these high heels) Where do you guys think he is?

Mel: I don’t know pinsan. (looking worried)

Kim: I’m going to check outside.

Tanya: I’m coming with you.

Mel: I’m coming with you too.

Kim, Mel and Tanya looked around the country club grounds.  They went to the tennis courts which were off to the side of the main building. Gerald was not there.  They checked the front of the main building, only Jenkins was there waiting patiently to take all of them home. He had not seen Gerald. Kim, Mel and Tanya headed back and went towards the swimming pool side and heard some giggling and splashing around. Kim, Mel and Tanya looked at each other.

Kim: I don’t know if I want to go see what’s going on.

Mel: It could be one of the other guests.

Tanya: True sis.  We might have just missed Gerald.

Kim: (with a feeling of dread) I get the feeling I’m not going to like what I see.

Mel: Well we won’t know unless we go look. 

Tanya: Do you want us to look?

Kim: No. I’ll go too.

Kim, Mel and Tanya continued to walk closer to the pool and when they turned the corner… they saw Gerald with another girl. Gerald was only in his boxers and the other girl was just in her barely there underwear. Kim, Mel and Tanya were standing there with their mouths completely wide open, stunned.

Tanya: Is that the girl you were talking about that was sliding her way next to Gerald.

Mel: Yes. I’m going to get Matt.

Tanya: Kim… what do you want to do?

Kim was standing there with tears running down her face. Tanya and Kim watched as the girl was frolicking in the pool while Gerald was off to the side watching her.  They watched the girl lead Gerald to one of the swimming pool chaises. Matt, Mel, Jon, Fred and Jamila came right as this was happening. They watched her push Gerald down on one of chaises and the girl get on top of him. Matt walked over to the pool and grabbed a bucket that was sitting off to the side of the pool.  He went to the swimming pool and scooped up water with it.  He then walked over to the chaise where Gerald and this girl were making out heavily and then threw water over both of them.

Gerald: (groans)

Girl: (screams and sputters) What the hell!

Gerald looked up to find Matt standing over him angrily.

Gerald: Bro. What’s going on? (said with a slur) Bro. My head hurts.

Matt: You’re drunk. Do you know what you are doing?

Gerald: Huh? I’m drunk? I didn’t drink… I’m having a great time at my birthday party.  I don’t know but I’m wet for some reason. Why what’s going on?

Matt: You have an audience.

Gerald looked up and saw Tanya, Mel, Jon, Jamila and Fred standing there looking at him. Then, much more stronger than the cold pool water that Matt threw over him, his eyes met Kim’s tearing eyes.

Gerald: Kim. Babe, come help me. Something’s wrong.

Kim turned around and walked away from the pool towards the front of the country club. Gerald tried to run after her. Matt held him back.

Matt: You’re not dressed.

Gerald: !!! (trying to get his clothes back on but stumbling) KIM!! Where is she going?

By the time Gerald got dressed and stumbled out to the front of the country club, Kim was already gone.  Jenkins had driven her back to the Anderson home.

Gerald: !!!!

The rest of the group was quiet. The party was still going strong inside.  The girl who was with Gerald at the pool finally got dressed and stood next to him.

Gerald: What the hell did you put in my drink, B@*#$!! (feeling woozy)

Tina: You know you wanted this.  If you want to continue, let’s leave right now.

Gerald: Get out of my face.  Bro… I don’t…

Gerald passed out and fell right on the steps of the country club. Jon, Fred and Matt carried him inside to the lounge.  Luckily no one saw what happened.

Mel: Now what?

Tanya: I don’t know but I was still in so much shock that I didn’t notice that Kim left.

Matt: We’ll see her at the house.  She’ll be there.

Mel: I hope so.

Fred: Do you think he got drugged?

Matt: I don’t know.  There was something about how he seemed out of it.

Fred: I say we take him to the hospital to check or if it is just alcohol and our friend here is just drunk. I’ve seen some crazy stuff go on at my clubs and this is looking pretty similar to it.

Jon: He wasn’t drinking much earlier.

Matt: People have been passing him drinks more so towards the end of the party. I just don’t know if he drank them.

Tanya: What are we going to do?

Mel: What about Kim?

Matt: One thing at a time guys.  Let’s take him to the hospital once Jenkins gets back. Unfortunately, we don’t have cars here where we can split up but Jenkins can drop us off to the hospital and you girls can have Jenkins drive you back to the Anderson home and see how Kim is doing.

After quite a while, Jenkins finally returned and noticed Gerald passed out.  He was quiet as he helped the guys get Gerald into the car.  He was then surprised that they were bringing Gerald to the hospital instead of home but he followed Matt’s orders in stoic silence. Everyone seemed quiet in the back of the car.  He was debating whether to call Mr. Anderson to let him know what was going on. His eyes met Matt’s eyes in the rearview mirror

Matt: (as if reading his mind) Jenkins, please don’t wake up Tito and Tita because of this.  We are going to try to get to the bottom of this.  I know you took Kim home and I know you know she’s upset.  We’re taking Gerald to the hospital to hopefully fix this. I will tell Tita and Tito about this. Please.

Jenkins just nodded his head and continued to drive them to the hospital. Once they arrived at emergency, the nurses took Gerald in right away.  It was a quiet night at the hospital anyways.  Jenkins drove the girls back to the Anderson home and had one of the maids set them up in the guest bedrooms.  Mel and Tanya could not even enjoy being in Gerald’s family home.  The maid pointed out Gerald’s room where she knew Kim slept in.

Knocking on the door…

Mel: Pinsan? It’s just me and Tanya.

After quite a while, Kim slowly opened the door. Mel and Tanya were faced with a crying, puffy-eyed Kim. Kim didn’t say anything and let them in to Gerald’s bedroom.

Mel: (hugs Kim) Pinsan…

Kim: No. No. It’s okay.  I knew he had a history of being a player when we got into this relationship.  He even told me. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Tanya: Sis….  (silence between all of them)  They brought Gerald to the hospital because he passed out.

Kim: Passed out drunk! Whatever! What an idiot!

Mel: Fred thinks he was slipped some kind of date drug like GHB which is why they decided to take him to the hospital to get tested.  If they tests come back positive, they are contacting the police.

Kim: Please… a date drug.  Gerald looked like he knew what he was doing.  And when he looked at me was when realization set in. He knew.  I saw it in his eyes.  He got caught.  What is that song that Rihanna sings?  Take a Bow.  What were the words?

And don't tell me you're sorry 'cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
Really had me goin'
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closin'
That was quite a show
Very entertainin'
But it's over now (But it's over now)
Go on and take a bow

Perfect theme song for this moment, don’t you think?

Tanya: Sis… give him a chance to explain. They say that when you’re drugged, it’s an out of body experience.  You have no control over your body.  He’s not even going to remember this when he wakes up, if he did get drugged. We don’t know the full story yet.

Kim: I saw the story Tanya.  With my two eyes and it wasn’t as if I just stumbled upon them and walked out. We watched them for quite a while. 

Mel: I think Fred is right pinsan.  Did Gerald look like Gerald to you?

Kim: The Gerald I know proclaims his love for me and does not cheat on me so the answer is no. But that was Gerald. I am pretty sure that Gerald does not have a twin.

Mel: Seriously, Kim.  Gerald wasn’t the one initiating the kissing or leading the girl to the chaise. Didn’t you notice that?

Kim: Guys can be led to where ever a leggy blonde wants them to go, especially a pretty much leggy blonde.  ! I can’t believe I thought this was the man for me.  How stupid can I be to believe he actually loved me?! Tanga! Tanga! Tanga! I can’t believe I believe that he wanted to be with me for the rest of our lives together.  ! Damn, this ing ! (wiping tears from her face)

Mel: Pinsan… please… I know seeing him in that situation hurt.  It was shocking. We were all shocked.  But we don’t know the story. Give him a chance to explain.

Kim: He doesn’t need to explain.

Kim, Mel and Tanya heard the guys coming up the stairs. Kim looked at them. 

Kim: They can put him here.  It’s his bed.

Mel went outside to the hallway find Fred, Matt & Jon carrying Gerald up the stairs. Jamila was behind them carrying Gerald’s things.

Mel: How is he?

Fred: He’s still passed out.

Kim went outside of the room as well and just looked at Gerald.

Mel: (looking at Kim) Why don’t you guys put him in his bed.   What did the doctors say?

Matt: His blood alcohol level was not even one police can book you for a DUI.  It was at 0.004.

Kim: See! He wasn’t even drunk. He knew what he was doing!

Matt: Kim, they tested him for other drugs.  We think someone slipped something such as GHB into his drink. Why else would he be passed out?  He hasn’t woken up since he passed out after you drove off.

Kim: What was the outcome of the test?

Matt: We’ll find out in the morning.  We just have to watch him for other symptoms. (looking at Kim) Kim?

Kim: (trying to ignore Matt and everyone else’s questioning gaze) You guys must be tired.  Jon and Matt, Mel and Tanya will show where your rooms are.  Fred and Jamila, follow me. I’ll show you your room. Are any of you guys hungry?  I know the staff have set aside some midnight snacks for us if we wanted some.

Matt: I might go and eat. I will go talk to Tito and Tita first.  I don’t want to wait until they wake up to let them what happened. Kim? Do you want to join me?

Kim: It’s okay Matt. I’m tired.  I am going to go to sleep. Good night guys and thank you.

Kim went back inside Gerald’s room and watched Gerald sleep.  She then went to the closet and began packing her belongings.  She ended up crying herself to sleep on the loveseat in the retreat area of Gerald’s bedroom.

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.