Chapter One Hundred One: Matt & Mel Wedding Celebration

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Right after their 1st year anniversary, the holidays were soon approaching, Kim and Gerald were not in the best moods when it came to the holidays though they were excited to be with their families. 

At the townhouse, Gerald, Kim and Tanya were decorating the house for Christmas…

Tanya: What is up with the 2 of you?

Kim: What?

Tanya: Bah Humbug!

Gerald: Huh?

Tanya: You guys look like two kids who can’t get what they want for Christmas.

Gerald: (mumbling under his breath) That’s what it feels like.

Kim: What did you say?

Gerald: Nothing.

Tanya: What your man said here is that he feels that way.

Gerald: Tanya!

Tanya: Okay! That’s it! What’s going on? Is it because you guys are going to be separated during the holidays?

Kim: Yes… (looking at Gerald)

Gerald: Yes… (looking at Kim)

Tanya: Well… it’s going to be that way until you guys get married, then you have a new set of problems. 

Gerald: What do you mean?

Tanya: Where to spend your holidays? Imagine when you have kids.

Kim and Gerald looked at each other.

Kim & Gerald: We’re screwed.

Tanya: Now, enjoy the holidays with each other and just pretend it is Thanksgiving and Christmas everyday until you guys separate for the holidays. And think, it’s only for a few days each time. Just make the most of your time together.

Kim and Gerald were quiet as they continued to decorate the Christmas tree with Tanya. Tanya finally left them alone to go finish up what they were cooking for dinner with the rest of the group.

Gerald: We are so obvious, aren’t we?

Kim: I think we’ve gotten too use to each other.

Gerald: I know babe. I’m sorry if I’m being so ‘bah humbug’.

Kim: I’m sorry too babe. You’re not the only one being ‘bah humbug’.  I guess we both didn’t realize how down we were acting.

Gerald: It just and I wish there was a solution to this but Tanya’s right.  We can’t go around being all mopey.  So, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas baby.

Kim: (gives Gerald a hug under the Christmas tree) Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas baby.

Matt, Mel and Jon finally arrived for their annual holiday dinner. Tanya noticed that Kim and Gerald were no longer acting all mopey and smiled to herself.  Kim and Gerald were in much better moods especially when they remembered the good things that were coming up.  Matt and Mel’s wedding was just around the corner and that was all anyone could talk about during their holiday dinner. The guys were excited about their upcoming bachelor party in Vegas. Fred was going to meet them and Matt’s brother, Gerald’s brother and some of Matt’s cousins and high school friends were coming as well.  Gerald set them up at the Andersons Vegas Resort. The girls, during the same weekend, were headed to Cabo San Lucas at an all inclusive resort with some of Mel’s cousins, friends from high school and Kim’s and Tanya’s sisters.  The group, especially Matt and Mel, survived several bridal showers and all the final preparations of their wedding.

On their wedding day…

Kim: (getting her hair done)  I can’t believe it is finally your wedding day pinsan!!

Tanya: (getting her make up done) Mel, girlfriend, you’re going to be Matt’s wife in 2 hours. Well, I mean that’s when you are walking down the aisle.

Mel: (also getting her hair done) I can’t believe we survive all the preparations.

Tanya: What are you talking about?  We are talking about Mel, Ms. Martha Stewart Clone.

Kim: Actually Ms. Mindy Weiss/Mr. Colin Cowie clone.

Tanya: I stand corrected.  (laughing)

Mel: Yes, I know.  I have been sickeningly organized.  I should do this as a profession.  I actually enjoy it.

Kim: Well I will be your first customer.

Tanya & Mel: WHAT?!!

Kim: What?


Kim: Not right now! I’m not even engaged. I’m just saying. Geez.  Can’t a woman dream about her wedding?

Tanya: Sis. It’s not like you and Gerald are not going to get married.  Homeboy would marry you right now if he could.

Kim: No he wouldn’t.  He promised my dad that school comes first.  He already has dad’s blessing. At least that is what it feels like. Why are you guys talking about me? It’s not like Jon is going to wait forever either. I’m anticipating that you and I are going to be engaged right around the same time.

Tanya: (smiling to herself) I don’t know but Mel, can you handle two weddings?

Everyone busted up laughing, even the make-up artists and hair stylists.


At another part of the hotel…

Jon: (singing) Matt’s going to the chapel and he’s gonna get maaaaried.

Matt: Dude! Love the singing by the way.  I am so excited guys! I’ve known since day one, Mel was the one for me. 

Gerald: Even though you were still with Olyn at that time.

Matt: Yeah… screwy huh?  I saw Mel and I was done for.  I’m glad she turned me down numerous times despite no longer being with Olyn.  I guess she knew that I needed to close my heart for good with Olyn.  It was already over by the time I had met Mel but regardless, people say time heals. Mel knew I needed to heal.  Olyn, from what I hear through the grapevine is happy. I’m happy for her.

Jon: We’re happy for you.  I want to personally thank you for a great time at your bachelor party.  (to Gerald) Great job, Best Man!! I also want to thank you for the opportunity to look GQ today.  Tanya is going to drool over this. (looking at himself in the mirror)

They busted up laughing.

Gerald: Oh! Before I forget…. (reaches inside his duffel bag and pulls out a gift wrapped box) This is from Mel.

Matt: (looking surprised) Huh?

Jon: Yeah… Tanya explained something to me about couples exchanging wedding gifts.

Matt smiled and began to read the card.  By the time he finished reading the card from Mel, Matt was in tears.

Gerald: (puts a hand on his shoulder) She got you didn’t she?

Matt: That girl.  She never ceases to amaze me.  I wonder what she got me.

Matt opened his gift and found a Tag Heuer Link watch, with an engraved message ‘Til the End of Time’. Matt’s mouth dropped as well as tears. 

Matt: And there she goes again.

Gerald: You got a Tag Heuer!!! That watch is clean, bro.

Matt: I think she got it sized for me because it fits.

Jon: Homeboy is going to be sporting some class.  Nice one Mel.

Gerald: Please tell me you got her something…

Back to where the girls were getting ready…

Kim: Mel…

Mel: Yes…

Kim: I have a special delivery…

They heard a knock on the door...

Kim: Let me get the door.

Kim opened the door and a florist was there with 3 dozen white roses.

Guy: Delivery for Mel Evans.

Kim: (laughing) Talk about perfect timing.

Mel: Who is it Kim?

Kim: It’s for you.  I’ll bring it to you. (to the delivery guy) I’ll sign for it.

Mel: What is it Kim? (looks up in surprise) Oh my goodness! For me?

Kim: It was addressed to Mel Evans. (laughing)

Tanya: Wow! Girlfriend!!

Mel: (tearing) These are absolutely beautiful.

Kim: Wait… there’s more. (goes to her suitcase and pulls out a wrapped gift box)

Mel: What’s this? (opens her present) OH MY GOD!!!

Tanya & Kim: What is it?!!

Mel pulls out pearl and diamond earrings with a matching bracelet.

Tanya & Kim: GORGEOUS!!

Mel was crying as she tried on the earrings and bracelet.  There was a card from Matt included that brought Mel to tears again.

Mel: How did he know it matches my dress?  I guess I don’t have to wear my fake ones I bought.

Kim: I think Matt pays attention to everything about you.

Mel: Damn… I can’t believe I’m going to really marry him.

Tanya: Girlfriend… this is just the ceremony.  You have been married to him since the beginning with the way you guys act.

Mel: I know it’s just a ceremony but it’s a vow I’m about to take.

Kim: Are you getting cold feet?

Mel: Me?  No! No! I’m just in awe of what Matt and I are about to do.  There is not a doubt in my bones. I love the man to pieces.  I know God made him for me.

Wedding Planner: Ladies… are we all ready?  It is time to take your pictures with Mel and then head to the church.

Kim and Tanya and the rest of the bridesmaids help Tanya get into her wedding dress. Mel looked absolutely beautiful.  Both sides of the bridal party were busy getting their pictures taken and finally they all headed to the church. Everyone was so excited.  The wedding went off without a hitch.  Matt and Mel were both in tears, especially during their marriage vows.  Gerald and Kim were looking at each during the whole time that Matt & Mel were exchanging their vows.  Gerald was mouthing ‘I love yous’ to Kim and vice versa.  After the ceremony ended and they took pictures, the bridal party headed to the reception place and had a blast the rest of the night.  Everything went smoothly thanks to Mel’s meticulous planning. Many of the guests were impressed with the details and the elegance of the wedding, but their friends were not surprised.  The wedding celebration was a reflection of who Matt and Mel were. 

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.