The Perfect Date (Pt. 2)

Perfect Girl [MONSTA X Minhyuk x OC]

More beautiful, wonderful, fabulous date! Yay~ I wonder what they will get up too in this chapter ;3 

Dish by dish our food started to arrive, along with the soju. We poured a glass each and made a toast, to his future of course. I can easily say, if I were him, that I would be so happy and nervous and terrified at the opportunity to partake in such a show. To know that you could be eliminated for not being the best, or debut because you are the best out of everyone seems to daunting. I could never do it, but he wants it so I will support him like any good girlfriend should.

Enough, back to the moment. We sat laughing and drinking together as he told me stories from training and from when he was younger. I was enjoying getting to know him more, in such a personal way. It was lovely listening to him talking about his past and opening up to me like any new couple could, but the whole time I couldn’t help but notice this teeny tiny thing. Minhyuk never, not once, well except when eating and when he went to the bathroom did he not have some kind of contact with me. Whether his hand was on my high, holding my hand or touching my face when kissing me, he never let me go. To be honest, my heart was still fluttering. Minhyuk seemed like the kind of guy who is clingy but not overbearing.
 Since this fluttering and his type of personality was a first for me, I was soaking it all up while trying to understand these new feelings. I felt so greedy, I just wanted him to be mine already!

After dinner we headed out on the town to play around a bit. First to a karaoke place, then bowling, an arcade, a bar and then finally after running around like little kids we made it back to my place around 2 in the morning. We were both exhausted, Minhyuk was probably more so since he practiced all day.

As we walked in the door we kicked off our shoes, hung up our coats and scarves and just dived right into my bed. Snuggling together Minhyuk pressed his cheek up against mine, pretty much smooshing them together.

                                    ‘Tonight was so much fun. Thank you for coming out with me.’ Minhyuk spoke quietly.

                                    ‘You're so very welcome. I had the best time. Definitely one of the better first dates.’ I smiled.

‘I have been dying to ask you all night, and I pretty much know what you are going to say, but I am going to ask anyway. Do you think we match? Do you think we should go ahead with this?’ He looked at me, his deep brown eyes me in ‘I have to admit, I cannot stop thinking about you.

                                    ‘Minhyuk, I think this works but if you do get to debut it is going to get that much harder to see each other and I don’t want that kind of thing to ruin this.’

                                    ‘The only way that’ll happen is if we let it. I think we should do this, we’re young, we’ve got to make stupid mistakes and if this turns out to be one well then it does. If it doesn’t we will look back on this day and think about why we even had our doubts.’

He had a point, it was all up to us as to whether it would work or not.

                                    ‘I like you, you like me. If we want this, we can do it. Do… you want this?’ I looked at him, falling deeper into his eyes as I contemplated. I don’t know why I was, I wanted this so badly!

                                    ‘I do; I really like you.’  I replied a few moments later, I shouldn’t have had to have thought about it but I really wanted to make sure we were doing the right thing about it.

                                    ‘Good, I am so relieved!’ he chuckled, pulling me closer ‘we will make this work, 200% okay?’

                                    ‘Deal.’ With a seal of approval (kiss) he hugged me tightly.

                                    ‘Yoonji, do you think maybe you could do something for me?’

                                    ‘Hmm, what is it?’

                                    ‘Can you turn the light off? It’s rather bright.’

                                    ‘Aha, yeah I can.’ Climbing out of bed I walked to the door and turned off the light. After I did, I took off the remainder of my clothes and found my way back to the bed.
Minhyuk had taken his clothes off too. I could just make his figure out in the dark. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, his hands then grabbing a hold of my waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck he moved in for the kiss. His lips playing against mine, slowly and tastefully. He pulled me even closer down onto the bed and threw the covers over us. We kissed passionately, our lips moving together harmoniously as his hands felt around my body. He stopped kissing me and began to place butterfly like kisses down my neck, towards my chest and torso. My heart was racing erratically. This felt so good, I feel so stupid to have doubts.  

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blahblahblah2017 #1
Chapter 5: Soo cute >-<
Puiibaekkie #2
Chapter 4: awwww so good