Unfamiliar Territory.

Perfect Girl [MONSTA X Minhyuk x OC]

It was dead silent. I didn’t want to move too much or make any noise in case he wasn’t asleep yet. So I just laid there, staring at the ceiling, controlling my breathing.

Eventually I turned to my side and begun to count sheep. If I wanted to sleep, this would be the best way too.

1000 sheep later, I was on the verge of sleep when I felt him shift around next to me. His body heat creeping closer. My heart began to race again and sleep looked like a faraway dream.

Listening to his movements and his body drawing closer I closed my eyes again and waited for him to stop moving and when I did, I stopped breathing. OHMYGOD! He wrapped his slender arms around my body, pulling himself towards me, embracing me tightly. His breath tickled the back of my neck as he nuzzled into it. His hold was so tight and warm I relaxed against him, taking in the moment AND the feeling of his body against mine.

Was he asleep? Is he awake? Did he do this on purpose? We barely know each other! This is what boyfriends and girlfriends do, not complete strangers! My mind was protesting, but my body was not. My heartbeat had slowed back down to normal and so too did my breathing. This was perfect!

I fell asleep like that; I am 100% guilty for enjoying that A LOT more than I should’ve. But it was too hard to resist, especially since our bodies fit together so perfectly.


His alarm began to ring. I really didn’t want it too. At this point in time I wanted to stay like this as long as possible, but I knew it wouldn’t happen. Damn. I felt him stir beside me, aggressively hitting the snooze button and cuddling back up to me again. We stayed this way the whole time. I fell asleep so easily too. Why did this have to happen? I like him now, dammit.

His phone buzzed again a couple of times until he finally sat up with a yawn and then a sigh. I too decided to finally open my eyes, I needed to memorise his beautiful face before he leaves me.

                ‘Morning.’ He smiled softly.

                ‘Morning.’ I smiled back, sitting myself up against the backboard. ‘How did you sleep?’

                ‘Like a baby, thanks to you. You were nice and warm.’

                ‘Thanks, I suppose. It was nice, a bit unexpected but, nice.’

                ‘I should’ve warned you beforehand. I sleep with a pillow or a stuffed toy close to me, to keep me extra warm. But, you totally just beat them in the battle for warmth and comfort.’

‘Ahah, well.’ We both had a laugh for a moment, and he looked at me so so lovingly.

‘I have to get going in a moment.’ He pulled his gaze away from mine to get up and get dressed. All I could do was watch him get dressed and pack up his belongings. This was such a short lived moment; why didn’t I meet him earlier last night! I got out of bed as well, slipped on my cardigan and followed him out towards the front door. The sun hadn’t even risen yet. I will seriously hate mornings even more now.

‘I-I wish you didn’t have to go.’ I spoke, looking to the floor.

‘Me too, but unfortunately duty calls. Back to the real world for me.’

‘Back to the real world for me too.’

‘I have a few things on in the next few days, but I’ll call you and we can go out. See each other again and hang out.’

‘Okay, only when you’re available. Don’t make time for me if you aren’t having time for yourself. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.’

‘I wouldn’t let you anyway. Thank you for last night though. Great party, turned out MUCH better than I thought it would be. Can you thank Cammie for inviting me?’

‘Of course, I will do. You better head off.’

‘I better.’ This moment was rather bittersweet. Minhyuk hugged me tightly before turning to leave. EUGH WHY IS THIS SO HARD!

‘Minhyuk, wait!’ I grabbed his hand, and in a slow-mo like state he turned around and I pulled him closer. Planting my lips on his and giving him a short and sweet kiss, something that would linger and play on his mind. I couldn’t let him forget me, not that I think he would but, just in case.

We both smiled at each other, he nodded my way before squeezing my hand tightly and letting go. Walking down the path and into the distance. I stood at the door, staring into the slowly rising sun for a few minutes before I felt peaceful. A tranquility took me over as I felt like I glided through the house and back to the room. Burying myself back under the covers and into the pillows, I got a scent of his hair. So sweet, like strawberries. Man, I’m going to miss him.

How cute is it? I think I love it.

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blahblahblah2017 #1
Chapter 5: Soo cute >-<
Puiibaekkie #2
Chapter 4: awwww so good