What An Odd Personality~

Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(2,022 words)

Key's P.O.V.

I laughed as Onew tried to do a handstand and failed, flipping over onto his back. I heard Minho deep, rumbling laughter and Taemin higher giggles on either side of me. I couldn't help but think of Kim Jonghyun, and what he was like, if he was funny, outgoing, silent. Who knew, right? The bell rang and distracted me from my thoughts.

"Ah~. Time for lunch!" I trilled, and stepped out of the gym, where Onew had had his P.E. class. I looked around for Jonghyun; his class was near here. Room 501, room 501, room 501 ... aha! Here it was! I peeked in, and saw him just getting out of his desk in the corner, after everyone else had left. He looked up and saw me, a light smile crossing his face.

"Jonghyun-hyung, this is who Key was talking about, I'm guessing?" I heard Minho's deep vioce question behind me, and he stepped into the classroom and past me, reaching out a hand to shake with Jjong. But the older boy just stared at it until Minho dropped it. I was confused, I mean, why wouldn't you shake his hand? And then he stared at me, confused.

Oh, right. I had told him that all of his had decided to invite him to lunch. But actually, I had decided for the group to invite him. I plastered on a smile and walked the few steps over, pulling him into a close hug. I could have sworn he flinched when I came in contact with him, but passed it off as nothing, and began trilling in his ear.

"Kyaah~, let's go eat some lunch!" I squealed, and grabbed his hand, pulling him along with me as I walked outside. I heard Taemin, Onew, and Minho's steps behind me as I led the new addition to our small little group behind the school. I felt him stiffen as he reluctantly followed me. I started to wonder if he was a shut-in, and didn't really talk much. But last night, when we were texting, he had seemed pretty open and confident.

"Yah, Key. Wait up." Taemin whined, and I realized I had skipped pretty far from the other three. I released Jonghyun's hand, and waited for them to catch up. They did, and I couldn't get the smile off my face for some reason. Even though he hadn't said a word or really done anything, being around the odd boy was making me smile. His puppy eyes were so cute, it was hard to resist the tug they caused at the corners of my mouth.

"You don't talk much." Taemin stated, after a few moments of silence. Minho burst out into laughter at his awkwardness, and so did Onew and I. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jonghyun blush slightly, and the reddening of his face seemed to show some sort of purple color around his eye. I stopped laughing, and a puzzled expression crossed my face. What the heck?

Jonghyun's P.O.V.

Oh, crap. He noticed my black eye. I have to talk, divert their attention from my eye, which would lead to my jaw, and then lead to my uncle, and I really didn't want to go there.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't normally have anybody to talk to." I shrugged, and Onew nodded, as if understanding. But he didn't understand. He'd probably been friends with these guys for half his life. I felt like maybe hitting him. But I didn't, I kept talking. "So, Taemin, I saw you dancing last week. You were really good." I said. Not a lie. I'd seen him dance in his P.E. class, when I had gone to the washroom. The youngest boy blushed slightly.

"I'm not that good .. " He said, and recieved a blow to the back of the head from Key. I winced and grimaced as the contact was made, it reminded me of unpleasant things. I pushed them out of my mind. Key's expression was .. mother-like.

"Not that good .. " He scoffed, hands on his hips and everything. "Taemin-ah, you're amazing at dancing! Now stop lying, or umma will hit you again." He raised his hand threateningly as a joke, but I couldn't help but cower in fear. I knew that position far too well. It was what I had nightmares about, what I saw every day after school, what was killing me on the-

"So." Onew clapped his hands together awkwardly. "Let me introduce what everybody does, because it seems to be getting awkward." Good job, Captain Obvious. "I really just like chicken. Minho raps, and he's really athletic and stuff. Taemin-ah is a dancer, as you've seen. Key is really good at fashion, cooking, everything. He's like .. almighty." He explained, and I looked at Key. He liked fashion? Not too much of a surprise.

"I write songs, and I like to sing as well." I heard the words slip from my mouth. All four boy's eyebrows raised, obviously wondering if I was any good. I sighed and pulled out my notebook, flipping to a song I'd been working on for a while. It didn't have anything about any abuse, about being too shy to talk to a girl. I decided to sing up to the chorus, and a verse over that. That should be enough, right?


"When I act like this I realize I’m actually young
She’s right in front of me but I don’t know what to do
How do you start love?
People who have loved please tell me
Will there be a day when I hold her hand?
Will there be a day when I kiss her above her closed eyes?

Hello Hello I acted confidently
Hello Hello I want to talk to you for a moment
Hello Hello I might stutter a little, though
Who knows we might actually be together

Should I confront her
Should I wait for her?
It’s harder when everyone else says something different
Having high standards, this isn’t a usual thing for me
Please believe in me yeah
Will there be a day when I hug her freely
I believe that what we think can come true"

There was a silence after I finished. I must , I mean, I've never actually sung in front of anyone. I closed my eyes, embarassed for even bringing it up at all.

Key's P.O.V.

My jaw was open as he sang, the words seeming to flow with each other perfectly. It sounded like a professional song, something SMTOWN would release. And his voice, his voice, oh my god. It was amazing. I've never heard a voice like it before. I opened my mouth to be the first to speak.

"Holy ." Taemin got there first, the swear word slipping easily through his lips. I couldn't help but agree. "You're really good." He said, the awe shining through his voice. Jonghyun looked flattered as he opened his eyelids to reveal the soft brown orbs hidden underneath., looking at Taemin-ah.

"I'm really not that good .." He said, almost repeating the words our little maknae had said not two minutes before. I huffed again, hands on hips also. I gave him one of my best 'looks'.

"Not that good .. " I scoffed, and went to smack his arm. When I raised my arm, he seemed to automatically cower, his eyes closing. I let my hand drop, concerned. It seemed as if Jjong's entire figure was shaking. What? I'd never seen anyone react like that before, it was mostly maybe just a flinch, but .. what?

"I have chicken." Onew interuppted my thoughts, looking into his backpack and pulling out a brown paper bag, the bottom wet with grease and oil. He pulled out a drumstick and began munching on it happily. I rolled my eyes, but took a piece anyways. My umma hadn't packed me a lunch today, and I was not going to be starving during English. I saw Taemin and Minho poring over Taemin's fruit salad; and the youngest boy had a carton of banana milk in the other hand. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jonghyun's stature finally straighten, his eyes opening and muscles relaxing.

Speaking of muscles, he had really nice arms. I could tell that he was strong, that his grip was probably firm. He probably had a solid hug, as well. I couldn't help but wish I was in shape like that. I felt a frown pull at the corners of my mouth as I glanced at the skinny limbs that were my arms. Well, if he wanted to mantain that muscle, he had to eat. I pulled out another piece of chicken from Onew's hand, who glowered at me, and held it out to Jonghyun.

"Oh .. thanks." Jjong's puppy-like eyes seemed to glow with hunger, as he saw the drumstick. He took it from my hand, his finger coming in contact with me. Warmth flooded through my finger down my arm from the small contact. He took a bite, seeming satisfied with so little. I couldn't help but smile as he enjoyed the littlest thing, as if he didn't get to eat too often.

"So, what are you doing after school?" Taemin asked, after swallowing a small piece of lettuce. The question was directed to Jonghyun, who swallowed his bite of chicken before replying.

"Er .. nothing, I don't think. Why?" He seemed nervous to answer, pausing as if to think about how much to tell. Concern rushed through me, wondering what he was hiding.

"You should hang out with us." Minho said, nodding to agree with himself. I smiled and also bobbed my head up and down, showing that I wanted him there too. He bit his lip nervously.

"Oh~, well, I'd have to ask my uncle." Jonghyun's fingers were fiddling with his phone, which rested in his pocket. I nodded again, telling him without words that he should call now, before the bell rang for English class. He fished the deivce out of his phone, pressed a few things and brought it to his ear, looking nervous, and slightly scared. Again, I felt concerned.

"Anyeong, ajeossi .. I was wondering if I could stay out a bit longer tonight .." His eyes closed, and I heard yelling from the other end of the phone. "I know, ne. But I haven't once done it .. please? .. Oh, thank you, ajeossi. Anyeong." He let out a deep breath, hanging up. But a smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards, and he nodded, putting the device back in his pocket. I squealed, and pulled him into another hug. He was still stiff in my arms, and his arms stayed straight against his sides. I let him go as the bell rang.

"Oh~." Minho's eyes widened. "Let's go, Taemin-ah." He pulled the little maknae along with him, to their next classes. I said goodbye to Onew and started walking to English, trying to keep up with Jonghyun's fast pace. We were halfway before my legs started to ache from the speedwalking.

"Ah~, slow down, hyung." I said, sounding slightly out of breath. Jonghyun turned; he'd taken a few steps ahead of me. He stopped to wait for me to catch up, and walked slower, matching the pace I normally moved with. I smiled unwillingly, it felt right walking next to him. I guess we were destined to be friends, then? Maybe I should have said something earlier. I shrugged the thought off, and we entered the classroom. Jjong almost automatically walked to the corner of the classroom. I sat in the seat on his left, still smiling.

Class was boring, as usual. But I passed notes to Jonghyun while the teacher wasn't looking, so it was a bit more enjoyable. It passed the time, and soon class was over. My next class was Math; and I wasn't in the same level as Jonghyun for that particular class. So we said our goodbyes, and I couldn't help but watch him walk away, admiring his fit body once again.

Another chapter over and done with. On to chapter 3! /treks on to write/


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n