After School

Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(1,561 words)

Jonghyun's P.O.V.

My pen tapped against the desk at a constant rate, as I pored over the problem the teacher had given the class. I couldn't concentrate on the math, nothing was working out. I couldn't stop thinking about Key, and what it would be like after school. I'd hadn't stayed after school with friends in three years; what if they got bored and just ditched me?

I faintly traced light lines around my paper, really not getting anything done. I had created somewhat of a nice design when the bell rang, and I packed up my things, heading towards where Key told me he and his friends normally hung out. I passed a few people, a few of which shied away from me. I normally didn't keep my head up; eyes were normally trailed on the ground. I didn't know that people were so scared of me. Maybe I should have been a warmer person, all these years ...

My thoughts were interrupted as a flying force sent me stumbling to the ground. I lay there for a few seconds, disoriented, before using my hands to shield my face, in case my attacker was planning to hit there. But when no hits were given, I peeked through my fingers. Taemin was sitting on me, looking pleased that he'd taken someone of my strength down. He got up off of me, and I sat up, confused.

"Well, Taemin-ah, I guess you were right. You are pretty strong." Minho's deep rumble sounded amused. I guessed that he had bet the younger boy couldn't knock me to the ground. But did he have to cause the little maknae to pummel into me with such force? I rubbed my shoulder, which had contacted the ground first, as I stood up.

"Yah~. Taemin-ah, what did you do to him?" Key said, storming onto the scene a bit late. He seemed to be scolding my attacker as if he was his mother. It was quite amusing. The dancer's eyes widened.

"Oh~, Minho bet me that I couldn't get him on the ground. So I tackled him." He said, sounding so innocent. His face was so cute; it was hard to stay mad. I smiled, to let the maknae know I wasn't really hurt.

"You could have broken his arm, or worse!" Key hit Taemin's arm, and I winced again. He made to hit him again, but I took a step forward and placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned to face me, and I shook my head. Now if only someone could have done that to my uncle ... "Apologise." Kibum stated.

"Ah~, mianhae, Jonghyun-hyung." Taemin said, and bowed in respect. I smiled again, before realising that a member of the group wasn't there. I looked around; the bell had rung a good while ago.

"Oh? Where's Onew-sunbae?" I asked, using his name in respect. Minho shook his head.

"Onew-hyung is at home. He's not allowed to stay after school except on Fridays. Since he is a higher grade, he has more homework." Minho explained, and I nodded, understanding. Now that I had committed to something after school, I would have less time to do my homework as well. But math was easy; normally I would finish in class.

“So .. what do you guys normally do, when you .. hang out?” I sounded retarded, I mean, any normal person would know, right? But of course, I was far from normal. I waited for their laughter at me, but it did not come.

“Normally? Well, we stay here and talk about stuff. Mostly whatever happened throughout the day, and the night before. And if Onew’s here, we laugh at him.” Key explained. “But today we were thinking of going out to eat. What do you think about that?” He asked, looking at me. I felt the other two’s eyes also trained on me.

“Er, well, I think that’s a great idea.” I didn’t mention I had no money, and just plastered on a smile. Taemin and Key mirrored my expression, and the dancer pranced off towards the crosswalk, dragging Minho along by the wrist. I followed shortly behind Kibum.

I felt closest to Key, in a way. I wasn’t sure, but whenever I was around him it felt nice, normal, right. The others were fun, sure. I liked them, I considered them friends. But it wasn’t the same feeling as it was with Key. I doubted that he thought the same thing, until he stopped to wait for me, and held my hand as we crossed the street.

I saw people staring at us, and couldn’t figure out why, until I realized that he was holding my hand. It automatically jerked out of his gentle grasp. I didn’t want people teasing me, I didn’t want my uncle to have even more reasons to hit me. But as soon as I saw Kibum’s hurt face, the reasons flew out the door.

“Sorry, a bee flew by my ear.” I lied, and easily slipped my hand back into his. His smile returned as he looked at me, but our attentions were taken by Taemin’s huff of annoyance. Our heads turned to see him standing in front of the small restaurant, his posture resembling Key’s. His arms were crossed, hip jutted out to the side.

“Hurry up, you two. Minho’s already got us a table.” He said, and stalked back in through the door. In the corner of my eye I saw Key roll his eyes, but the pace we were walking significantly increased. Soon we were also sitting down, in the seats across from Taemin and Minho, who sat side by side. When the waitress came, she started at Minho and made her way around the table, taking my order last.

Oh~, I don’t need anything. I don’t have any money.” I smiled at the waitress, causing a light blush to flood across her face. Wow. I never knew I had that kind of effect on women. I couldn’t help but feel flattered. Apparently, even with a black eye, and having a dislocated jaw less than 24-hours ago, I still qualified as attractive.

“Ani~. Noona, could you please get him a salad? I’ll be paying.” Key intercepted, also using his charm to cause her blush to deepen. Well, he had practice. Wait-he was buying me food? No, that wasn’t right. The waitress walked away, as I objected.

“Aniyo~, Key. I don’t need any food.” I said, but at Key’s firm look I decided to just take it and eat it. I mean, salad’s weren’t that expensive, anyways. At least, I hoped. I didn’t want everyone to see me as someone who would mooch off of them.

We talked about pointless things, who was dating who(I didn’t know half the people they mentioned), what was happening in celebrities’ lives. We also talked about Onew, and the conversation led on, until Taemin said something I didn’t quite understand.

“Yeah .. I wish Onew would make more time for us, like today. Why does he always have to be out with Aecha-noona?” He said, obviously forgetting I was there. When the maknae noticed my confused expression, he quickly tried to cover up a mistake. “Oh! I mean, why does he always have so much homework?” It sounded like a question, squeaking at the end.

“Taemin ... pabo.” Minho said, the words meant to be angry, but no anger was put into his voice. He just looked at the maknae. I ignored them and looked at Key, my expression basically just expressing the one word; ‘What?’

“Ah~. Well, Onew-hyung has been dating Aecha-noona for a while now. But if anybody found out she would lose her job and family, because they think she is with some other jerk.” He explained. “But he trusts us well enough with the secret. And I guess we’ll have to trust you now, too.” He shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. But it was.

“Aecha-noona ..? As in, the teacher?” I asked, shocked. Onew was going out with a teacher? Key nodded, confirming it. Before I could be all weird about it, he spoke.

“Since Onew is older than all of us, she’s only around three years older than him. If she wasn’t a teacher, would you be grossed out?” He presented a strong argument, I’ll give Kibum that. I had to shake my head. No, I wouldn’t be grossed out.

Taemin’s slip-up was soon forgotten, and by 6:00 we’d been long done with the meal. I could tell the waitress was hoping we would leave; Key had ordered a few alcoholic drinks with his fake I.D., and we were a pretty loud bunch. When we left, Key paid, just like he said he would. I smiled and thanked him, although my words were slurred from the drinks. I had drank alot, enough to make me dizzy. Key had drank even more.

“Anyeong~, Jonghyunnie-hyung!” Key slurred as we parted ways. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby~.” I grinned and winked, stumbling back home. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten all about my uncle. He gave me a right beating for getting drunk. I took it in silence, the pain dulled from alcohol, all thoughts about Key. Thinking of him, it made me able to smile through the pain. It made me happy to have a friend like him.

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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n