
Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(1,607 words)

Key's P.O.V.

"You like him, don't you, Key-umma-hyung?" Taemin hiccupped my name, combining words together. I probably shouldn't have let him drink. I mean, he's so young .. And then I actually heard what he'd said.

"What? Of course I like Jonghyun-hyung. He's a cool~guy." My last two words slurred unwillingly. I avoided what he really meant; I wasn't so sure myself. I'd been gay for a while, yes. I'd dated a few boys, but none of the relationships lasted for more than a week. Taemin, Minho, and Onew were really the only people who went to our school that knew. Taemin hiccupped again, changing my thoughts.

"No, no, nonono." His words came out in some sort of garble. "I mean, do you like him. Like, like like like like likelike him." I swallowed, the lob of saliva sliding down my dry throat. A light blush crept up my neck, and Taemin pushed me lightly. “Come on, Minho-hyung’s not here. You know you(hic) trust me.

“Aigoo, Taeminnie-ah. You’re so young.” I avoided the topic again, ruffling his hair with my hand. He scowled, flattening it down into a less messy position. All playfulness was gone as he grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes seriously.

“Stop changing the subject, you stupid (hic) pabo.” Taemin scolded me, and it seemed as if we switched positions for a few moments. He was the concerned and annoyed umma; I was the little maknae afraid of his own feelings. Quite embarrassing, actually. I pushed away the feeling; pushed away Taemin.

“I do not like him, Taemin-ah. What-(hic)-whatever gave you that idea?” I retorted, and gestured towards his house, which we had just reached. “Now isn’t it time for you to be going home?” My words sounded harsh, but the both of us were in a drunken state; anger didn’t matter.

“Tcch. You’re denying your feelings, Key-umma-hyung.” He slurred again, before stumbling into his house, closing the door behind him. I waved goodbye to the shut door, before starting to walk along the sidewalk again; now alone with my own thoughts.

I looked up at a nearby billboard, and for a second, I could have sworn that his face was on there. At a second look, I was angry at myself that I could have even considered that to be him. There was no slight shortness, no puppy dog eyes, no muscular abdomen area, muscular arms. I kicked the ground, confused with my own thoughts.

Did I like him .. in that way? I couldn’t be sure .. I mean, I’ve never really been in love. I don’t know what it feels like. I doubt he’s even thought of me that way, either. There’s a million to one chance that he’s even considered liking a guy. Even if I did like Jjong, there was really no point to it. He would never like me back.

I was on my bed, sighing. I hadn’t even given myself a straight answer. Trying to distract myself, I brought out my phone to call Taemin-ah. But then I realized: he was probably passed out in bed. I swore, glancing at the screen. I was already halfway to calling him, when I wondered: what if he didn’t pick up? What if he didn’t want to talk to me?

But I took the chance and faced my fears, dialling Jjong’s number. The phone rang a few times, before being seemingly forcefully picked up. I heard rustling, before a horrible sound slammed through the speaker. I pulled the phone away slightly from my ear, horrified.

The sound echoed again and again, as if someone was getting hit full-force repeatedly. I sat there in shock for a few moments as the abuse continued, before realizing that it was Jonghyun’s phone. I stood up immediately off the bed, feeling completely sober now.

What the was happening to him? Was he getting beaten? I quickly put back on my coat and shoes, telling my umma that I just needed to go buy a few things for school. The lie was easy; I’d snuck out plenty of times, and had tons of excuses.

Without even hanging up the phone, I ran over to where I had seen him last. I got to the house quickly, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I’d seen him getting into this house, right? Soon I was on the doorstep, ready to open the door. My hand hesitated before the doorknob; what if I’d dialled the wrong number?

I looked back at my phone, in which I still hadn’t hung up. The call was still connected, and it read that I was in fact on the phone with Jonghyun-hyung. With that, I opened the door, half-scared to see what was inside, half-nervous, and half-excited to see Jonghyun. Wait, that made no sense. Three halves? I pushed the meaningless thought out of my mind, as I processed the scene in front of me.

No, he wasn’t getting abused. But yes, it was obvious he had been. The attacker wasn’t around, but I saw him look around for the person before quickly grabbing my hand and simultaneously lightly closing the door, quickly taking me upstairs. We went into what I guessed was his room; I noticed the lock was broken.

“What are you doing here?” He hissed quietly, and then I really saw him.

His eye was tinted purple, swollen and bruised. The left side of his jaw was visibly bruised, and seemed to be protruding at an awkward angle. He had multiple still-bleeding cuts on him. He seemed weak, helpless, but still strong at the same time.

“ I called you.” I heard the words come from my mouth, even though I hadn’t really thought about saying them. “I heard you getting hit, so I ran over here. Now you have to tell me what the is going on.” He sighed and sat onto his bed, looking into his lap, where his hands rested.

“It’s .. it’s my uncle.” He finally said, after a few tense moments. “Three years ago my dad left me in his custody for some other woman. He thought I would be safe.” He laughed, as if it was funny. Dry humour, I guessed. “He beat me from day one. I don’t know what’s wrong with his life, I don’t know why he’s so damn angry all the time. But what I do know is that all that anger is taken out on me. Every. Single. ing. Day.”

I felt horrible. As if it was my fault. I mean, three years?! I should have noticed. I should have tried to be his friend earlier, found out earlier. I mean, what kind of a person was I? I love him, why didn’t I-

Wait, what? D-Did I just reach an answer? Oh, . Of course I would fall in love with the one person who will never love me back. Screw it. I’ll just be the best friend I can for as long as he wants me around. Simplest thing to do, I guess.

“Oh~, Jongie-hyung.” I hugged him tightly, sitting on his right side. Of course, my version of friend was a lot more affectionate than others’. Thank god for that. I felt his arms wrap around me as well, for the first time. My heart might have exploded with joy; it felt as if he had finally accepted me.

Of course, that was a silly thought. I mean, it was just a friendly gesture. A hug was just a hug. A kiss ... however ..

Before my provocative thoughts could go any further, a shout boomed from not too far away. I felt Jjong’s hand shove me down and under the bed, just as his uncle stormed through the door. I took in his uncle’s appearance: He was a burly man, much too strong for me to take on. But Jonghyun could take him, couldn’t he?

“Where the hell do you think you’re going!?” His ajeossi sounded slightly drunk, anger erupting from his vocal chords. His hand raised in a fist and smacked Jonghyun straight in the face; it was all the control I had to keep me from crying out. Jjong stayed silent. How did he do it? “I’m not done with you yet.” He growled.

And then he had a crowbar, and was pummelling Jonghyun’s helpless form, which was now crumpled weakly into a fetal position on the floor. My hands covered my mouth in horror. He went through this every day? Oh my god. The feeling of guilt seemed t increase as I realized how strong he was.

At the restaurant today, he’d seemed like any other teenager. He seemed happy, and carefree as he drank and joked around. How the did he keep composure knowing that he had to come home to ... to this evil pig’s abuse? I couldn’t stand to watch anymore; I covered my eyes.

Minutes later, the whacking stopped, and the crowbar fell to the ground. I opened my eyes just in time to see his ajeossi spit on his beaten and bruised nephew before exiting the room. I waited a few seconds for him to walk far enough from the door to clamber out from underneath the bed to Jonghyun.

He groaned, rolling over into my arms to face me. His lips moved weakly as if to say something. I put my finger lightly against them, silencing him. I felt a swollen cut, and I teared up. I felt so bad. He started to fall under, into unconsciousness.

Right before he fell underneath, I murmured into his ear.

“I love you, Jonghyun-ah~”


o: Finally he admits to himself that he loves his Jonghyun-hyung. >D Kyaah! The next chapters might be fluff, or 2MIN shat. IDK yet. (: Hehe. Double-posts are good, being sick is bad. So maybe no chapter tomorrow, I am not knowing. (:


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n