Stupid Minho

Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction


(1,447 words)

Taemin’s P.O.V.

I returned home that day, and my mother immediately asked how my project turned out. I lied easily with a smile, saying that Minho – oh, how it hurt to even say his name – had taken the mark home and was letting me know some other time. She didn’t ask any more questions, and I slowly made my way up to my room.

When I reached the door, I hesitantly turned the doorknob. I really didn’t want to go inside. But I had to face it. As the door pushed open, all the pictures that were placed around my room seemed to hit me in the face. Me and Minho at the pool. Me and Minho having fun at school. Minho’s arm around my shoulders on our hill. Sure, there were other people in the pictures. But they didn’t matter. I still liked them.

I shut the door and tore around my room, hiding every picture in a drawer, desperately trying to block out the memories. I didn’t want to remember all the good times. They just make me sadder, and sadder. If I keep thinking about this, I’m going to fall into a damned depression.

Why the hell am I so gullible? Why would he ever even think about liking me that way? I was so stupid. And I’m also just repeating things. What the is wrong with me? I’ve never been this tied up like this to just one person. Maybe Key, but I know he’d never leave me. He could barely even get mad at me properly.

Key. I wish he were here. Maybe he could find a way to get my mind off things. But I don’t want to listen him gush on and on about how much he ‘loves’ Jonghyun. They’ll probably be broken up soon anyways. Key also never gets tied up close to anybody. He went through three boyfriends in a week. He exclaimed he loved each one.

I felt bad for Jjong. All of Kibum’s other boyfriends were mostly s, tramps. They knew they would get dumped quickly. But the older boy didn’t know that, and he seemed like a decent person. He might even actually be in love with my umma. What a sad, sad time it will be for him when they break up.

I have to admit I’m secretly hoping that Jonghyun-hyung will break up with Key. Then maybe we can be heartbroken together. Or maybe that the dino-puppy will become better friends with me so I’m not alone. God, I’m so selfish. I’m already thinking of ways for my benefit out of a break-up.

I should really just go kill myself. I can’t even think of new things to say. I just keep repeating things over and over in my head. Maybe I should just call Key. He would probably come over quickly. But what if he brings that puppy with him? I don’t want to watch their couple-ness.

I groaned, and hit my head on the desk I’d been standing in front of for the past few minutes. The pain didn’t feel like much, only killed brain cells. I wished it would numb the hole in my heart that pulsed emotional pain every few seconds.

“I hate you, Choi Minho.” I tried out the words, tasting them. They didn’t sound right, didn’t feel right vibrating from my vocal chords. The tears began to burn in my eyes because I knew what did feel right to say about him. And it was the one thing he could never say back.

I yelled out, collapsing onto my bed to muffle the shout. I lay there with my eyes closed, and desperately tried to fall asleep. But my head ached with all the tears from the hours before. I wasn’t even sure how I got through class with the damn ache.

I desperately tried to get him off my mind. His eyes, his beautiful endless orbs that I could stare into for hours upon hours. His hair, which I desperately wanted to run my fingers through just one more time. His toned chest and abdomen, which I ached to be pressed against my own in one last embrace. His lips, well, you get the picture.

“I love Choi Minho.” The words easily slipped from my mouth, muffled in my sheets. I burst out into hysterical tears again.

Key’s P.O.V.

“When I get a hold of that son of a .. “I muttered, my fist clenching at my side. Jonghyun easily squeezed my hand, a feeble attempt to calm me down. We were walking to Minho’s house, to ‘talk’ to him. Really, I was going to pull him outside, shove him to the ground and sit on him until he told me what the was wrong with him and how he was going to fix it.

I stood in front of the familiar navy blue door, and firmly knocked three times. I heard a shuffling from the kitchen, and saw through the side window his mother check her hair in the mirror before turning to the door and opening it, smiling.

“I suppose you’re looking for Minho, Kibum?” She asked, and I nodded, ignoring the fact that she ignored Jonghyun. I heard him shuffle uncomfortably beside me. “Oh, he’d not here. He went out with his new lady friend.” New lady .. what?

“Oh, um, thank you. We’ll be on our way, then.” I smiled and walked away with a small wave. The door closed behind us, and I felt Jonghyun’s hand slip into mine, our fingers entwining easily. The smile grew smaller, but much more genuine.

“I never knew he had a ‘lady friend’.” Jonghyun noted, using his free hand to make air quotes around the two words. I felt my expression change to a more confused one. I bit my lip uneasily.

“Neither did I. He never really liked to associate with girls.” I said. “She might be the reason he’s acting so weird .. “ I suddenly realized, stopping dead in my tracks. Jjong pursed his lips, obviously still confused. “Blackmail.” I clarified, and he seemed to get it then.

“So now we have to find him, right?” He sounded kind of tired, but I nodded. I won’t just let a girl take control of Minho like that. He’d my friend, or at least, I hope he still is. But Jonghyun just smiled and tugged me along as he began to run, looking around wildly. I laughed; he reminded me immensely of a puppy looking for something.

Onew’s P.O.V.

“You’re a real douche, Minho.” I stated, and he hung his head in shame, obviously agreeing with me. Even after he told me all about Lee Minjee and her blackmail against him, I still thought he did the wrong thing. He shouldn’t have let her hold the information.

“I know. And now everybody hates me.” He said, and I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder standing up. He heard my chair screech against the floor as it slid back, lifting his head. He looked horrified. “Oh, god. She isn’t here, is she?” I nodded sadly and patted his shoulder before exiting the restaurant.

“Hey, MinMin-ah~” Minjee squealed as she passed me, skipping over to Minho. I stifled a laugh at the nickname he had been dubbed. It was ridiculously hilarious. Who the hell calls somebody “MinMin”? I heard him mutter a greeting, not even trying to sound happy to see the little demon spawn.

As I walked over to the park, Aecha drifted through my mind. I smiled at just the thought of her. The way her hair flowed down in curls past her shoulders, they way it faded just perfectly from brown to blonde at the tips. Her eyes, a perfect light blue-green that made me feel all giddy inside. I reached the park quickly, and saw her just before she leapt into my arms; into a hug.

She pulled back, but not before planting a small peck on my cheek. As I took in her appearance, I realized again that my memories did her no justice. She was the most perfect person on this planet, how could they? Her smile stunned me for a second, and I just grinned stupidly.

“Jinki-ah~” Aecha said, and her voice woke me out of my trance. I leaned down the slightest bit and planted a short kiss on her two perfect plump lips. I felt a smirk against them before I pulled away. I didn’t get too far, though, before she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer into a more passionate kiss. Oh god, how I loved this noona.


Such a short chapter. =.=" I didn't even get past my limit! D:< Well, here's Taemin heartbreak, JongKeyfluff, Onew fluff, and Minho er, blackmailee-ness? XD Well, it is Christmas after all. Or, it was. Yesterday. DON'T BLAME ME I ATE TOO MUCH TURKEY LAST NIGHT D:

I promise I'll try and have a longer chapter up soon. I just couldn't think of anything else to fit in this chapter, so this is what I produced. =.= I also have to work on another chapter for ILTWW, because I haven't updated that at all. D: Merry late-Christmas, everyone! (:


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n