
Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(2,041 words)

Minho’s P.O.V.

, , , , . I screwed up. Big time.

The image of Taemin’s heartbroken face kept replaying through my mind, and my own heart pulsed with pain. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I didn’t want to, I wanted to be with him. Desperately. The only thing keeping me from that was stupid Minjee. I recalled how she’d so easily taken over my life.


“Minho! Minho-hyung!” A shrill female voice echoed from behind me. I smiled, mistaking it for Taemin for some reason as I turned around to see a short girl with black curled pigtails standing in front of me with a camera and a too-wide smile on her face. Oh, no.

“Uhm .. hello .. ?” I said hesitantly, not having any idea who she was. She giggled annoyingly, leaning forward as if it were funny.

“You silly! It’s me, Minjee! You know, the one who loves you?” She said the words so easily, they just slipped from . My jaw might have dropped open, I was so shocked. What the ? “And you better love me, too!” She winked at me after this sentence, as if we were both in on a joke.

“W-What? I don’t love you .. I don’t even know you .. “ I trailed off, as she the camera. I was really not liking the look of this. The demon spawn looked up at me, smirking.

“Well, you better start loving me, or else I’ll tell everybody about this ..” She showed me a picture on her camera of me and Taemin. I flushed a little red at the picture. I had grabbed his shirt and shoved him against a window, passionately kissing him. It looked forceful in the picture, when it had actually been tender and sweet.

“And this.” Her smirk grew wider and she pulled the camera back, pushing a button before revealing the photo to me. I took a step back, gasping. How the hell had she gotten that damned picture? I-I .. that was impossible. No. What the ?

“But I’m with him.” I blurted out irrationally; without thinking. “The boy in that picture.” I pointed at her camera, which still displayed the impossible picture. Her expression did not falter one bit.

“Oh, well you better break up with him so you can be with me. And pretty quickly, too.” Minjee said, and looked over my shoulder. Her smirk grew more .. smirkier I looked behind me in horror to see my beautiful Taemin enter the courtyard. I looked at her, pleading.

“Please, no.” I almost fell to my knees. “Don’t make me hurt him. Please.” She just shrugged her shoulders, and shook the camera, smiling evilly. I turned around to brave the toughest moment of my life. I had to hurt the one I loved cold-heartedly. If I showed any signs of wanting to stay with my Taemin, then that evil hag would probably leak the photos.

*End Flashback*

And so I did it. I made him think I’d never wanted him that way, had used him. Had lost everything because of that stupid . And I had no way of stopping her. She had multiple copies of the damned pictures. I debated on whether to call Key. Whether to tell him everything.

She was gone for now, so I decided it was worth a try. If he doesn’t pick up, he doesn’t want to talk to me. End of story. I hit the speed dial number, and the phone rang twice before someone picked up.

“Yoboseyeo?” Key asked, and I remembered he didn’t have caller I.D. He didn’t know it was me yet, so he might still not want to talk to me.

“Ne, Key. It’s me, Minho.” I said, and waited for him to freak out on me. I’d hurt his baby Tae, his son. Which meant I’d hurt him too, and Key didn’t like it when people hurt him. I shuddered to think of what he’d done with that last cheating bastard who was now his ex.

“Meet me at the café where we had lunch that first time with Jonghyun.” He simply stated, and the line disconnected before I could say a thing. I sighed in defeat and walked out of the small café I had been sitting in, and started towards the new rendezvous.

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

When Minho called, I thought maybe he would be asking for forgiveness. My immediate thought was that he was a sick bastard and that he should go rot in hell. Ripping someone apart like that .. oh, it made me want to just hit him again. But when Key asked him to meet us, I was understanding. His ‘lady friend’ needed to be clarified.

Kibum didn’t walk fast, didn’t seem in any hurry to get to the café. I simply matched his pace and held his hand, our entwined hands swaying slightly with every step. I didn’t say anything, let him swim in his thoughts, and me in my own. Unfortunately I couldn’t focus on the whole 2Min (that’s what Key told me he called them) drama going on.

All my thoughts were on JongKey. I smiled giddily at the smoothness of the couple name I had made up. It sounded so right, so nice. I hadn’t expressed it to Key himself yet, afraid he would ridicule me for such a silly and extremely cheesy thing. So I kept the name to myself.

I snuck a glance over at Key, and his pissed off expression . I bit my lip and just stared at my feet, trying to calm myself down. I couldn’t help it, my yeobo was just so damned y. I’d thought about doing .. that .. with him, but every time I even tried to bring it up I chickened out and blushed furiously.

I didn’t really even know how it worked. with a guy, I mean. I know like, the basic principle and everything. Oh, god. I was struggling not to blush just thinking about it. I mean, I’m still a . Key stole my first kiss just a few days ago.

I knew that Key didn’t share the same innocence, though. From what Taemin had said while he was still coherent, it was obvious he’d been with very many men. And done more than just kiss, as well. It made me sad that when we finally .. did it .. he couldn’t completely give himself up to me as much as I could to him. But it would be our first time together. So it would still be equally as special.

I pushed the dirty thoughts out of my mind as we entered the café, the bell tinkling as the door opened and closed. Immediately we spotted Minho sitting in a booth, his head in his hands and his fingers gripping his hair. He looked extremely frustrated, and in distress. I couldn’t help but feel sympathy, those two feelings still fresh in my mind from when I still lived with ajeossi.

Without letting go of his hand, Key and I slid into the booth, sitting opposite the tall boy. He looked up, and ran a hand through his hair before putting his hands away. We stared at each other for a while, and I saw the purpling bruise on the side of his jaw. Oops.

“It’s Minjee.” He stated simply. I didn’t recognize the name, and beside me Key didn’t have any reaction to it either. “She has some .. blackmail against me. Pictures.” Oh. Now I get it. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall into place. I nodded as he continued, predicting the words.

“She’s apparently ‘in love’ with me, and forced me to b-break up with Taemin.” He winced as Key’s nostrils flamed at the mention of his son’s heartbreak. I squeezed his hand comfortingly, to make sure he didn’t attack the poor boy. “I can’t – I can’t stand her.” He almost yelled it.

“Minho.” Key sounded calm; too calm. “Have you ever thought of taking her camera away?” Oh my god. If he hadn’t .. he was going to get one right in the nose for being so stupid. He nodded, and opened his mouth to add more.

“She has copies on her laptop, which are easy enough to delete, I guess.” Minho said, shrugging. “But she has a USB stick that she keeps on her at all times with the pictures on it.” I sighed. It was so simple.

“So just reach into her pocket while she kisses you and steal it.” I said, sounding slightly frustrated with Minho. He shook his head sadly. His expression made me want to burst into tears, he was so sad.

“It’s in her underwear.” He said, and I felt Key flinch beside me. Ew. “And she won’t go that far with me because she knows I’ll just take it.” He sighed, looking down at the table blankly.

“There is a way  ... “ Key said, and the depressed boy looked up at him, as did I. He looked nervous. “Maybe she’ll have an  ... encounter with another guy, and he could steal it.” He bit his lip uneasily at the idea.

“Yeah, but who would do that?” Minho asked. “I mean, all of us are gay.” I raised my hand. He looked at me pointedly.

“I’m not gay.” I noted. I felt Key’s sharp intake of breath beside me. His eyes showed sadness, and I realized what I had said sounded like. “I’m not gay,” I continued the sentence, repeating my words. “I’m just gay for you, Key.” I smiled at him and tapped his nose with my finger, laughing slightly.

“You tease.” He muttered quietly, but I could hear the relief in his voice.

“So I’ll do it, then?” I volunteered myself. Key’s head snapped up to look at me again. Minho nodded, okay with it. Key didn’t look the same.

“What? But .. I thought .. “ His eyes clouded over. I caressed his cheek, cupping his perfect jaw line in my hand. I pecked his nose, where I had tapped seconds earlier, smiling.

“I love you, my Kibum-ah. But you love your Taemin-ah, and you hurt when he does.” I explained, and his eyes slowly began to clear. “So I have to do anything in my power to fix that. Plus, I think I kind of consider me and Minho friends now.” I turned to face him, and saw a jealous look disappear, replaced with a sarcastic one. I guessed he was jealous of our love; that he couldn’t have that with Taemin now.

“Oh yeah, friends definitely punch each other, almost dislocating each others’ jaws.” He mused, somewhat of a smirk crossing his face. I grinned. “Definitely. On a regular basis.” He said, and smiled weakly back. I could still feel Key’s uneasiness beside me.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked me, and he seemed to be pleading for me not to go through with the plan. I nodded, and leaned in for another kiss. This was deeper, longer, and filled with more passion. I pulled back tentatively, afraid to take things any further in a café.

Key’s P.O.V.

I didn’t want him to be with her. I didn’t want her to touch him, kiss him. Hell, if me and him weren’t even together, this would be his first damned kiss. I didn’t want him to kiss anybody else. Ever. I wanted to be his first and last kiss, until the end of both of our lives.

Obviously, he was willing to sacrifice a kiss, and his body to this girl. For me. I would be flattered if not angry, in a way. He hadn’t even bared himself to me yet, and he was volunteering to do it in front of a complete stranger. But I can’t blame him.

He hasn’t has a friend in three years, nevertheless a lover. When both came into the picture, both hurt, I understood his position. He wanted to keep us. He didn’t want to see us, his only friends, suffer. But did he really have to do it like this? Solve it like this?

Woo~ A new chapter finished. (: Not much really happened. Fluffies~ Jealous Key is fun to write. kekeke~ Just let me say that some Jongkey drama will soon be arriving in the next few chapters. And not the good kind, if you know what I mean. ):

I got no sleep last night. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep from 48 hours ago and a can of Coke I drank at like 12 last night. LOLOL. It's 11:43am here right now. Why am I not tired? Caffeine isn't supposed to last this long. .3.

Anyways~, I think I'm going to post the first chapter of my (ish) other SHINee fanfic after this. Of course I've already got 18 chapters typed out, but I don't want to upload them all at once. =.= I'll edit the link in after I post it. (:

Oh, and here's some late Christmas cheer from Minho. :D


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n