Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(1,715 words)

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

A scream interrupted Key’s work. Both of us turned to the bathroom, where the sound had been made. Me looking over Key’s shoulder, but that really doesn’t matter now, does it? I wished I could spring up and go find out what had happened.

But no, I had to let Key go by himself. . At least some feeling was starting come back into my arms and legs. In around an hour or so I would be able to move freely, with only a hint of pain. Hopefully. I watched Kibum as he grabbed an umbrella, glancing into the bathroom. I couldn’t help but admire his .

Wait, what? No, I wasn’t admiring his . What I meant to say was bravery. I admired his bravery for going there without knowing what he would see. I mean, I’m not gay. Never have been, never will be. I tried to concentrate on the situation at hand.

Key immediately shielded his eyes, crying out. Then I saw his mother back out of the way, also covering her eyes. What had Taemin done? Curiosity got the better of me, and, ignoring the pain, I made my way over to the doorway. What I saw was .. well, disturbing.

Taemin was crouched, , in their bathtub, trying to shove a bar of soap up his . What the ? What kind of stuff was this guy into? Key’s umma ran away, probably to the kitchen. I heard a kettle screeching, anyways. Kibum himself went to kneel beside the maknae.

He took the soap from Taemin-ah, holding it between his index finger and thumb as if it was dirty(which it probably was). Then he murmured something to the boy. I couldn’t catch it, but all I heard was “Minho” and “approve”. What?

Taemin’s P.O.V.

Sigh. Key was right. If Minho somehow found out about .. whatever the I was doing, that wouldn’t really help to get him to like me. I let him take the soap from me, and sat in the tub, pouting. I knew that aegyo wasn’t really appropriate at the moment, but .. who cares?

Yeah, I’m gay. Everybody in our group of friends(well, except for Jonghyun) knows. I’m not quite ready to go out like Key yet, though. I heard people talk about him behind their backs. I yelled at them, yeah, but I didn’t want people to talk about me that way.

So I sat in silence, and watched as the girls fawned over Minho. It hurt, yeah, but he hadn’t accepted any dates from anybody yet. That gave me hope, I guess? That maybe he would come to his damn senses fall in love with me too. I mean, I’m irresistible kinda cute, I guess.

Key-umma threw my clothes at me and exited the room, helping Jonghyun back to his room. Key liked him, I could see it. Even though he wouldn’t tell me, it was quite obvious. Probably since I’ve known him for so long. As I dressed myself, I thought of how Key and I had met.


“UMMA!~” I screamed as loud as I could. I wanted my banana milk. And I wanted it now. “GIVE ME MY MILK~!”

“Here, have mine. Little brat.” An older boy said, looking annoyed as he handed me his carton. I’d seen him before; he lived down the street with the nice ahjumma who gave me cookies. I slurped happily on the straw, enjoying every last drop of the sweet liquid.

“Thank you .. uhm .. “ I said as I finished, and struggled to read his nametag that was lazily pinned on the left side of his shirt. I had only learned to read a few weeks ago, and couldn’t really do it too well.

“Kim Kibum.” He said, and spoke really fast. I thought about it for a second, and had difficulty pronouncing it.

“Kim .. Key- .. Kim Keyb- .. ugh .. Kim Keyb-“ I couldn’t get my lips to form the words. The boy sighed.

“Just call me Key.” He sounded annoyed, but I saw his eyes smiling. So I smiled back.

“Lee Taemin! Let’s be friends!” I giggled, and grabbed his hand. He might be two years older than me, at six years old, but I didn’t care. Age isn’t a big issue when you’re four.


I was fully clothed now, and feeling less tipsy. I didn’t quite remember getting so intoxicated, I couldn’t even remember half of the morning. So I walked back through the familiar route into Key’s room.

His walls were pink; no surprise there. He had a few posters hidden behind his desk, which sat in the corner. A TV lay opposite his bed, which had white with intricate pink designs covers. He also had a full-length mirror on the wall, so he could check if he looked appropriate all the time. Typical Key.

Jonghyun was on the bed, clutching his stomach as if in pain. I wondered again what happened to him, as I tripped over thin air and fell. But I quickly got back up again, recovering from my Onew Condition slash drunkenness. Key made no move to help me, just sat there beside the older boy. .

But really, wow. Kibum must really like this guy. First, he didn’t put my safety in front of his, as he had with everybody before. Second, you could see it in his eyes and the way he acted. Third, he hadn’t completely thrown himself at Jjong, or tried to convert him.

At age four, Key had made it his job to be my second-umma. Protecting me from bullies who called me a girl when I was seven and refused to cut my hair; cooking me food if I even hinted I was hungry. It got annoying sometimes. I mean, I’m 14 now. I don’t need you to-no, that would be lying. I need my Key-umma.

I watched as Key tended to Jonghyun injuries-wherever they came from. I decided I wasn’t really need there at the moment. So I left, slipping out without anybody noticing. I thought about Minho as I walked home. I really liked him, I was sure.

After a few minutes, I found myself at his door. Wow. Being even the littlest bit drunk took me off course. Well .. since I was here ..

Minho’s P.O.V.

I heard a knock at the door, and turned off the radio. My parents weren’t home, and we weren’t expecting anybody. It had to be Taemin, Onew, or Key, come to take me to college. I’d already decided not to go-I wasn’t feeling my best. So I got up and went to the door, opening it to the unknown visitor.

Taemin collapsed into my arms. I could smell the alcohol drifting off his breath. I sighed. He must have gotten into the liquor cabinet again. It was clear he wasn’t very stable, so I closed the door and brought him into my room, which was closest to the front door. (weird, I know)

He flipped onto my bed, tangling up in the sheets easily. I quickly fetched him a cup of tea to wear off the beer. He drank it well, not gulping it all down at once to avoid stomach ache. I sat on the bed beside him, my feet hanging off the side and torso angled to face him.

“I-I’m sorry, M-Minho-hyung.” He said, placing the tea on my side table and falling into my lap at the same time. I ruffled his hair lightly, but he didn’t object to it as he always did with Key. It pleased me, made me feel as if he liked me.

I always felt insecure around Taemin. He acted different when he was alone with me. He acted nervous, as if he didn’t want to be there. But as soon as Key, or Onew or anyone else showed up he would start talking animatedly to them. I didn’t really get it. I still don’t get it.

But right now it felt as if none of that had ever happened. As I found myself the maknae’s forehead lightly with my thumb, brushing the hair out of his face, I thought about the young Taemin. I thought about Key, I thought about Onew. Oh, and that new guy. Jonghyun, or something.

Onew was with Aecha-noona, I knew that. And he loved chicken. If the thing with Aecha doesn’t work out, he’ll probably just marry chicken. Key is gay, I know. Everyone knows. Well, maybe not Jonghyun, yet. Not the point.

Taemin-ah was gay, too. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I mean, he was lying in my lap right now. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, at all. For all I know he could be getting a kick out of it. But when I looked down, his eyes were closed and he looked like a cute little sleeping baby. I couldn’t help but smile.

The first time I met Taemin, I thought he was really weird. He was hanging out with people a lot older than him. In our school, normally people just stuck with friends from their own grade. Which was why I had accepted the invitation from Key to go to lunch together. I hadn’t expected Onew and Taemin to be there.

I knew about the maknae. His dancing skills were legendary, even though he was so young. I’d watched him with a few of my basketball buddies once. They scoffed at him and said a real man doesn’t dance, he plays sports, or hangs out with girls. I was the only one who saw the true talent.

I admired him for continuing with his dream. I had once had a real dream, to rap. My father didn’t like that dream, and forced me to turn to other things. I should have pushed on, ignored his protests. But now I couldn’t rap if my life depended on it, I bet.

I felt Taemin’s deep breathing, the lull also making me slightly sleepy. But it was quite impossible to twist myself in a way that would not wake the maknae and also make me comfortable. So I sat there, and watched my favourite friend sleep, a smile permanently plastered on my face.


The title .. er. I was in a rush for the title, so I picked something random. XD DON'T JUDGE ME~



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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n