
Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction

(1,762 words)

Jonghyun's P.O.V.

Right before the world went black, I could have sworn I heard Key whisper that he loved me. I made to ask him what he meant, but I fell into a deep lull before anything comprehensible could be formed. A few seconds later, I found myself lying in his arms, still on the floor.

I kept my eyes closed, trying to figure out what he meant by those three little words. He couldn’t .. really love me, right? It was probably just a friend thing. I’d heard him say it to Taemin tons of times during our outing. And it was obvious they weren’t .. in love, or anything. With that confirming thought, I fell back under.

I woke up again, this time on my bed. But I was still encased in his arms. The warmth from our contact made there be no need for a blanket; otherwise I knew I would need one. I felt a smile try to pull at my mouth, but it was impossible. I could feel that my lips were swollen. It hurt too much to smile.

I woke up a third time, and coldness rushed over me. I sat up in bed immediately, and my head darted around. Where was Key? Did he leave me? Was it a dream? Millions of thoughts rushed through my head, and I stood up, stumbling over towards the bathroom attached to my room.

Halfway there, I began to feel lightheaded. I crumpled to the floor unwillingly, just as Key walked through the doorway. He was carrying some of the makeup I used to cover up things. His jaw dropped open, and he quickly put it down, darting over to me. He propped me up so I was sitting.

“Why would you get out of bed, pabo ...” Key trailed off, and looked around my room. Sighing, he ended up just moving me over to the side of the bed, so my back had somewhat of a brace to keep it straight. I groaned as he moved me; any adrenaline from earlier was gone now, and I was sore all over.

“Ugh .. what happened?” I couldn’t for the life of me remember what had happened last night. I remembered getting beaten that first time, and then Key showed up. We went up to my room, he walked in, and then everything went black.

“Your uncle hit you with a crowbar for three minutes straight.” Key bit his lip, and with shaky hands, brought me an ice pack. I wondered where he got it. “He’s out at work right now, so it’s just us in the house.” Oh. Right. The events of the night before came back to me. I remembered him saying he loved me, now.

“You love me, then?” I said, just as the room started to spin, out of control. Oh, god. Please stop the ride, please stop the ride. Key’s face seemed to flush, but then again, his hair looked purple, and the walls were orange with tie-dye streaks. What the ?

I felt it coming up, just as he shoved a bucket under my chin. I threw up into it, horrified. I’d never been this bad after a beating. But wait- I’d been drunk last night, too. Damnit. I was bruised, battered, and had a hangover. Well, isn’t that just dandy!

I forgot what I’d asked, and struggled to remember. It was important, right? But Key didn’t answer me, only began to work on covering up my cuts, and bruises. I sat there, swimming in my own thoughts, while he did his work. My arms lay there like useless sticks beside me. I tried to move my arm up to brush a stray hair out of Key’s face, but it immediately ached. Damn.

Key’s P.O.V.

Oh crap. Oh crap. He heard me last night. I was screwed. I’d promised not to tell him. Not to let him know. So I just stayed silent, not confirming or denying his question. Luckily, it seemed as if the .. unsanitary and gross event had made him forget. Whoopee.

The stench of the vomit in the bucket wafted up into my nostrils. It made we want to gag; puke all over him. I held my breath, pushing it farther away. I just concentrated on covering up his bruises. Luckily this gave me an excuse to stare at him.

I admired his jawline. I admired his eyes. I admired everything about him. How could I not have realized I loved him? I’m so stupid. Maybe if I’d tried to be friends earlier, I could have converted him, and we could have been together. What a stupid thought. No I couldn’t have.

He looked slightly better now. I leant back to take a better look. If I brought him home, I’m sure umma wouldn’t notice. It was just .. his lips. They were so swollen, and I didn’t know how to return them back to normal. I sighed. He would just have to cover them with his hand or something.

I leant forward, to the side of him, reaching for my phone. Unfortunately my lips brushed his cheek as my face came near. I could feel the blush ignite my face on fire, and I still couldn’t reach the damn phone. Sighing, I stood up and grabbed it, not facing him until my blush died down.

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

I could still feel his lips on my skin as he turned around to call whoever. Ignoring the ache, I lifted my hand to touch the spot, and I smiled a little on the inside. My expression was still shocked, I’m sure. My head then snapped up as he started talking.

Key’s P.O.V.

“Anyeong~, umma. .. Ne. .. Ne. .. Umma, I was wondering if I could bring a friend over today? .. The one who offered me to sleepover because I fell, yes. .. Oh~, thank you, umma. Anyeong~” I hung up. Crap. I had to hurt myself. I looked around the room for something.

The window. I walked over to it, and opened it. There was a balcony out there. I picked a spiky vine off of the tree next, and brought it over my cheek. I could have fallen on a rock. I cut my jeans up around the knees. I had to make it believable. And then I wiped the blood off my cheek, and pulled a band-aid out of my pocket.

Yes, I carry band-aids around.

I walked back into his room, closing the window. I held a hand out to his still-sitting form. His hand was on his cheek. Oh right. I’d accidentally kissed his cheek. Don’t blush, don’t blush, don’t blush.

“Come on, Jjong. We’re going to my house.” He looked surprised, but removed his fingers from his face and placed them in my hand. I helped him up, and placed his arm around my shoulders to help support him. It wasn’t ‘cause I wanted to feel his arm around me again. Of course not.

We walked there, but fortunately it wasn’t a long walk. We were both silent all the way there, until we got near Taemin’s house. I hoped he wasn’t peeking out his curtains. I was pretty sure Jonghyun didn’t want anybody else to know. It’s not something you really tell people.

But he burst out of his house, and the first thing I noticed was the beer bottle in his hand. Half-empty. Oh crap. He’d gotten into the liquor cabinet again while his parents weren’t home. Oh jees, I hope he doesn’t accuse me of liking Jonghyun again.

“HAAAAY~, KEY!” Taemin trilled, run-stumbling over to us. I stopped walking, sighing. Jonghyun turned his head to see who had called my name. He looked surprised to see Taemin in such a state. His hair was messy, and you could tell he’d slopped alcohol over his shirt.

“Woah. You look like shiat.” He said, staring at Jjong. I made to snap at him, but he started to giggle uncontrollably. Wow. Really went off the deep end. I looked around. Where was that bench we had brought here last year from the park? Oh, there.

I set Jonghyun down on the bench; he still wasn’t strong enough to hold his own weight. I smiled in apology for Taemin’s behaviour, before grabbing his shoulders and staring him straight in the eyes. I put my serious face on.

“Taemin. How much did you drink?” I asked him seriously. He looked back at me, before breaking out into an aegyo-filled smile. He started to giggle again. What the .

“You have some pr-ee-ty eyes, Key-umma.” The maknae had completely lost himself. I sighed. I guess I’ll have to take him home too. I can’t just leave him here to pass out, and perhaps choke on his own vomit. Damn. I wanted some alone time with Jjong. Whatever. Umma loves Taemin-ah.

“Come on, loser.” I tugged at his arm, pulling him back over to Jonghyun. I helped him up, placing his arm over my shoulder again. “Help.” I simply said to Taemin. Hopefully he was sane enough to-yeap. He was supporting my Jjong now, too.

We reached my house quickly. Taemin tried his best to act sober, I think. He didn’t say much, just hello and a bow. We brought the older boy up to my room, and sat him on my bed. Then the maknae started complaining that he had to go to the bathroom.

“Then go!” I said, after being frustrated with his whines for a few minutes. I was trying to find some of my makeup that was the same color as Jjong’s skin; his black eye was beginning to show again.

“I caan’t~” He whined again. I whipped around to give him a look that basically just asked the obvious questions, ‘Why not?’ He groaned. “Because if I leave, you’ll Jonghyun-ah~!” Oh, no way. That didn’t just-

“What?” Jonghyun looked fearful now, and he looked into my eyes. Oh, . “You’re going to me?” I struggled to figure out how to explain, no I wasn’t going to him. Yet. But he just grinned. “Just kidding. Taemin’s too drunk to speak any sense.”

Taemin had left, actually. Well, now that he mentioned it. I did want to him. . I did, but only mentally. But it wasn’t , it was filled with love. I dreamed happily that he loved me back, while I worked on his face with the makeup. Suddenly, a scream emitted from the bathroom.

What the ?

TAEMIN YOU NAUGHTY BOY~. Haha, drunk Taeminnie~ is so fun to write. :D He's not an alcoholic though, don't worry. (: I'm still sick, which . =.= Hopefully I can go to school tomorrow!~ (sitting at home is really boring -.-) Love you guys~


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n