Approval .. Or Not

Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction


(2,295 words)

Key’s P.O.V.

The next day we decided to go to school, for the first time in quite a few days. Taemin had told me that he and Minho were going as well. I hadn’t even known they hadn’t gone for the past few days. I yelled at him for a bit, saying how his education was so much more important, and all that nagging stuff. He also told me he had something really exciting that he needed to tell me, but he was going to wait until we met at school.

The way there, both of us were silent. The events from last night kept replaying in my head. I still couldn’t believe that he .. that he loved me. I was sure it wasn’t as much as I loved him, but I mean, to be standing (well, walking) right here, right now, holding his hand was more than I ever could have asked for.

We reached school soon, and a flying ball of maknae hit me full force. I caught him and stepped back on my right leg, struggling to stay standing. He began to trill nonsense in my ear. I wasn’t paying attention to him, however. Jonghyun was eyeing Taemin, his eyes wide. He mouthed a goodbye and waved, smiling. I smiled back and attempted a wave as well.

He walked away, maybe to talk to Minho or Onew or something. I then placed my son on the ground, and he was still talking nonsense. I flicked his head, which shut him up. He stared at me.

“Tell me slowly what happened.” I said, and he nodded, grinning. He opened his mouth to say something, but took a wary deep breath first to ensure the speed of speech was understandable.

“Minho and I are dating!” The grin didn’t falter; in actuality it probably grew even wider as my jaw dropped open. I squealed and pulled him into another tight hug.

Taemin’s P.O.V.

Key-umma approved! That means that Minho will have to be my boyfriend now. He didn’t want to get in trouble by the diva, so he made me ask. And it was obvious that Key approved, if he was acting like this. He looked as if he wanted to tell me something, too. Probably that he liked Jonghyun, but I already knew that.

“You make Jonghyun-hyung yours yet?” I joked, grinning. Key’s whole body twitched a bit when I mentioned his name, and so did the corners of his mouth. I grinned pointing at him. “You like him, don’t you!” I accused teasingly. He stared at me like I was stupid, but I just kept smiling.

“Like him? Tchh.” Key scoffed, his diva-tude kicking in. He leaned in closer to whisper in my ear. “Taemin-ah, we love each other.” I could hear his excitement hidden in his voice, so I squealed, and hugged him, imitating the diva’s actions from a few minutes earlier.

After I let go, he began to drift off towards another group of friends. I looked around for Minho; he was supposed to be here. My eyes coursed the huge crowd of people, until I found him standing casually, talking to Jonghyun. I cocked my head to the side, I probably wouldn’t have guessed they would be the better friends. But I skipped over anyways, latching onto his arm.

“Key’s over there.” I pointed over to my umma, and Jonghyun thanked me, walking over there with what seemed to be a slight skip in his step. I then turned to face Minho, grinning. “Guess what?!” I exclaimed. “Key-umma said it’s okay!” His expression didn’t match what I’d imagined. He looked .. devastated?

“Omo .. “ His hand covered his mouth, and he stepped back, staring off somewhere in the sky. I brow furrowed. Why wasn’t he happy? I mean, we could be together now, right? “I never thought he would actually say yes .. Damnit. Now how the am I supposed to let him go?” He looked down at me, and I was sure my face expressed the extreme hurt and betrayal coursing through my veins.

“Oh, Taemin-ah-“ He finally seemed to realize he’d thought out loud. He took a step towards me while speaking the words, his hand reaching out to grab me. I wrenched out of his grip, at the same time as the scream.

“Get away from me!” My voice sounded horrible and broken, and I ran away from him, the tears now blinding my vision. I pushed past people, I actually think one of them was Key. But I didn’t stop, I ran over to the hill. The hill where me and Minho had spent many moments together. I wanted to tear it up, destroy the happy memories, now.

I sat on the hill, pulling my knees up to my chest and burying my head in the small space between them. I swam within my own thoughts, the tears dripping off of my face one by one.

He didn’t love me. He obviously had thought that Key wouldn’t let us date, and that would be the end of it. He didn’t want me by his side, he didn’t want me at all. Maybe he’d been hormonal yesterday, when he’d kissed me. I didn’t know, All I knew right now was that I’d been fooled by Minho.

He’d fooled me into believing he liked, no, he fooled me into believing he loved me just as much as I loved him. Ha. What a lie. I don’t even love him anymore. I don’t want to have anything to do with him. And I’m also lying to myself.

I just won’t be able to be around him anymore,  no matter how much I want to. That was it. That was now going to be the story of my life. Forever avoiding the one I love the most. Hey, maybe I’ll meet a nice girl or something. Because I’m not going to get over Minho. So I just fool everybody into thinking I was straight.

It seemed like the only choice. Damnit. I don’t want to date a girl. I don’t want to settle down with her and have a nice family after school ends. I want to be with Minho. I could almost hear Key in the back of my head scolding me. He would say I was overreacting, and I would get over him quickly. But it sure didn’t feel like that. I felt more than just a crush.

Damn him for dangling love right in front of my face, and then snatching it away just like that. Damn him for ever existing. I couldn’t believe that he was so .. cold-hearted. He’d never really acted that way ever around me. Maybe he had around everyone else, and he only wanted to toy with me.

I should just die. I should crawl up in a hole and die. No one cares about me, anyways. The only one looking for me would be Key. Key, who is oh-so reliable. He’s always been there for me. But where is he now? Where is my Key-umma?

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

I laughed at Key’s lame joke, and then he was looking over my shoulder at something. I turned around just in time to see Taemin, his face streaked with tears, running past. He pushed over Kibum-ah, but I caught him before he fell. The maknae kept running, however. I looked over in the direction where he had run from, to see Minho standing there, dumbfounded.

I started to storm over towards him, and felt Key gently grip my arm, following along. The entire courtyard seemed quiet now, watching what was going on. When I reached Minho, he raised his hands as if to say he had nothing to do with it. What a ing liar. Key had told me that Taemin told him that he and Minho were dating. It was obvious that the older boy had done something in the couple.

“What did you do?” I tried to sound calm, but the quiet anger slightly leaked into the words. I felt my Kibummie turn my head to face him, and he pointed over to where Taemin had ran, indicating he was going to go comfort him. I nodded and smiled, just as Key planted a small peck on my cheek before running off.

“I-I didn’t do anything.” Minho stuttered, and I grabbed the collar of his shirt, having to reach up a little because of my height. I might be shorter than him, but I am sure I can beat this little twit into a pulp. I didn’t suffer three years of abuse just to end up a scrawny little wimp.

“Don’t lie.” I just stated, and he closed his eyes, lowering his head in defeat. I loosened my grip, and he jerked out of it, swinging back his fist to hit me straight in the jaw. I easily dodged the punch, and bent back up to hit him with an left-handed uppercut. There was a crack as my fist connected with his chin.

He crumpled to the floor, and I heard people around us gasp. His hand went to his jaw, and he looked up at me in disbelief. I guessed that he never knew I could fight like that. Well, believe it, . I’ve been training myself for three years so I could kick my sorry uncle’s . Luckily, Key came into my life before I could hurt him. Well, lucky for him.

“Don’t you ever try and hit me again.” I snarled, pointing at him menacingly. I went to turn around, to go find Key, or Onew or something. But I turned my head to the side, not even bothering to spare a glance at him. “And if you ever come near Taemin again I swear I will make you hurt like you’ve never hurt before.”

I heard people begin to talk as I walked away. ‘What did that guy do? Wow, that Jonghyun guy can sure throw a punch. I hope that the tall guy rots in hell for whatever he did. It must have been really bad.

Key’s P.O.V.

I ran in a straight line from where Taemin had pushed me down. It seemed to be heading towards the hill. The hill where he and Minho had had some alone time. He told me they were some of the best moments he’d had on his time on Earth so far.

I saw him then, huddled up in a ball on the top of the lump of dirt. I got up there as fast as I could and sat next to him. I could hear his hiccupping sobs, and rubbed a comforting hand in circles over his back, trying to calm him down. He calmed down a little, and I asked him quietly to tell me what happened.

“M-Minho-hyung used me.” He simply stated. My face then set in stone, an angry grimace. “H-He kissed me yesterday and said that i-if you approved then we could date.” He started to hiccup his words even more. “And then when I told him that y-you did a-approve he said t-to himself that h-he never thought y-you would a-actually approve.” He burst into tears again. “A-And that h-he didn’t kn-know how to let m-me go.”

“Shh .. it’s okay, my Taemin-ah.” I soothed, wiping away his tears with my free hand. His entire frame was violently shaking. I hoped that Jonghyun gave that stupid tall boy a piece of his mind. I’ve never seen Taemin this upset before, and it was hurting me to watch him fall apart like this.

I looked up to see Jonghyun walking over, looking kind of pissed off. I smiled sadly at him, but he didn’t smile back. I saw that his left hand was clenched into a fist, and was adjusting itself, unfolding every few seconds. I looked at him, as if to ask what he did. He sat down in front of Taemin and I and sighed.

“I hit him.” Jjong said, looking at the grass. He picked a blade out of the ground, and Taemin’s head snapped up. Before anyone could say anything, he continued. “He said he didn’t do anything, and I grabbed his shirt and told him not to lie. He acted like he was going to tell me, but then tried to throw a punch.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” I said, confused. “Minho is nothing like that. I’ve known him for almost as long as Taemin. He couldn’t have been faking it all those years.” I bit my lip, worried. I heard footsteps from behind me, and my head whipped around to see Onew walking over.

“Then something must have happened, or is happening to him.” He determined. He took a seat beside Taemin and took his hand, gently holding it and tracing circles in his palm with his thumb. The maknae’s breathing, which had grown quicker, settled back into a deeper lull.

“Well, we should probably find out, right?” Jonghyun suggested tentatively. “I mean, he was your guys’ friends all those years, and also, maybe it’ll, uh, help Taemin if he knows .. uh, why?” My Jjong kind of shrank in on himself, unsure of how to word what he was saying. I looked at Onew, who was easily calming my son, and shifted myself over to Jjong.

I smiled at him, and easily slipped my fingers to entwine with his. He smiled back, and placed his head on my shoulder. I looked back at the leader and the maknae. Onew didn’t seem too surprised by our .. uhm, skinship, he just looked once, nodded, and went back to Taemin. Now if only our little maknae could be as happy as me and the puppy-boy. Sigh.

Omo, I almost started to write OnTae here. XD Oh yeah, and whatever's going on in Minho's head will be revealed sometime later. And this whole 2MIN thing is gonna be going on for quite a few chapters, but don't worry. JongKey will be laced in errywhere~ . I also realized I haven't written really anything about Onew. XD

If you guys haven't already, please go vote int he poll in chapter eight! :D Thank youu~ . Also, I wrote one chapter for another JongKey fanfic; I Love The Window Washer. If you guys could go check that out, that would be awesome~ >FT< <--- CLICK :D


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n