
Key To My Heart ~ A JongKey Fanfiction


(1,632 words)

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

I pulled down on the hem of my shirt, extremely nervous for the day ahead of me. I was supposed to .. seduce Minjee into bed with me. Hell, I haven’t talked to a girl in three years, how am I going to seduce one? I pulled up the saggy jeans, hating them every passing second. Key said these damned uncomfortable clothes could attract any girl into bed with me.

Key. He’s been acting weird lately around me. Yeah, we live together, but he’s been acting differently than before. He’s been quieter and hasn’t interacted with me much. All he said to me last night was ‘good night’ and ‘I love you’ when we were going to sleep. Before that he hadn’t said a thing to me while doing homework, though I could tell he was having trouble with his Math.

I was waiting for him so we could walk to school together. I’d gotten up before him and taken a shower, dressed, skipped breakfast and was now waiting at the door. I’d seen him eating and smiled, but again he didn’t say anything or even acknowledge me. And then he was at the door, walking out. I took a few strides and caught up with him, slipping my hand into his.

“Key~ .. “ I stretched out his name, putting my head on his shoulder and looking up at at him. He looked down at me, and then immediately looked away, closing his eyes. I pouted as if I were Taemin.

Key’s P.O.V.

Damnit, Jjong. How am I supposed to stay mad at you if you act like that? I sighed inwardly, deciding to play along with him.

“Jjongie~” I trailed out his name, before realizing I’d used my head-nickname The name I called him mostly in my head. I blushed as he lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me, his eyebrows raised. My free hand tried to cover my face, cover my embarrassment.

“Jjongie?” He said, as if trying it out. Then he grinned, squeezing my hand. “I love it.” My blush disappeared, and soon I started to become angry at him again. He noticed the difference and sighed in disappointment. I didn’t feel too bad about it.

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

Why is he so mad at me? Did I do something wrong? He hadn’t seemed like this before we went out to see Minho? Was this about that stupid thing with Minjee? Did he think I was actually going to .. lose myself to her? Oh, crap. I released his hand, and looked down at my feet just as we started to come into view of the school.

I lifted my head however as we walked onto school grounds. I heard a few people whispering about me, and tried to keep the slight blush off my face. Half were talking about how I punched Minho yesterday, and how they’d never seen anybody take him down. I wonder if that’s a good thing or not.

The others were mostly girls, asking who I was and how I got so .. y. I bit my lip, hoping that none would approach me. Oh, crap. Looks like I jinxed t. I thought as a girl walked up to me slightly blushing, with encouragement from her group of friends.

“Uh .. hi, J-Jonghyun.” She stuttered, and looked up at me, into my eyes, obviously gaining a bit of confidence. Me and Key came to a stop in front of her, and I heard hi huff in annoyance. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see maybe if I could hold his hand again, but he had his arms crossed. I frowned, but said hi to the girl anyways, without too much emotion.

“Uh .. uh, my f-friends dared me to do t-this.” She said, her eyes closing and a furious red blush on her face. She gripped the bottom of her shirt, and before I even had time to comprehend what was happening, her shirt was pulled up and her cleavage revealed.

Key’s P.O.V.

Little . What nerve, to walk up here and flash him. I lazily looked over, wondering what his reaction was. Jjongie’s jaw was dropped open in surprise. I sighed, if he wanted her then he should just-

He then buried his incredibly red face into his elbow and grabbed me, dragging me away from the girl and her topless chest. I waved a goodbye to her as we left, to see her pulling down her shirt and walking over to her friends who giggled, still beet red.

He pulled me into a nearby hallway, covering his also beet red face. I had the urge to laugh but stifled it, just as he lifted his head from the crook of his arm. He looked as if he had just seen someone pick their nose and ate it. (A/N: Fail reference XD) Well, I suppose it was just as gross.

“I don’t want people to .. show me that stuff!” He cried out suddenly, causing me to burst out into laughter at his childishness. He sounded like a five year old boy who was still grossed out by the sight of his own parts, let alone anyone else’s.

“Get used to it.” I said flatly, after my laughter was gone. “Now that you’ve punched Minho, started dressing better, and are showing off your .. uh, good side, the only way to get girls off your back is to come out.” I almost said y, but decided not to, trying not to boost his confidence too much. He blushed again.

“Well, I suppose it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” He said, sighing. He looked up and looked around. “Where’s Minho? I need him to show me Minjee so I can get this over with?” My stomach tightened. There it was again. He was determined to help Minho and Taemin get back together. I grabbed his sleeve suddenly, my eyes and expression pleading.

“Please don’t.” I sounded stupid and unlike myself, begging for him not to give himself to her. His eyes filled with sympathy for me. “Don’t give yourself to her. W-We can think of something else, pay someone else to do it. Just please don’t. Save yourself for me.” I poured my emotion into the words.

“Key .. “ He said, but was interrupted as the bell rang for class. I darted off to my class, not really afraid to be late, but afraid for his answer. What if he just ignored my pleas and went on with it? He probably will, I mean, he wants Minho and Taemin to be happy.

I sat through class, not paying attention to a thing the teacher was saying. She called on me suddenly and I lifted my head to see everyone else in the class gone. Guess I’d fallen asleep in class without realizing it. Whoops. I hurried out of class to avoid a scolding.

The rest of the class lasted quickly until lunch, and I slowly walked back to our meeting space. Jonghyun knew where it was now; he was meeting us there. I was still afraid for his answer, so I walked particularly slower to avoid getting there quickly.

On my way, some random guy pushed me into a locker, muttering as he walked by. Angry, I walked up to his back and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around. He looked surprised before my fist nailed him in the jaw. He crumpled to the ground as I packed my anger into the punch and strutted away fashionably, flexing my fingers.

At our meeting place, I saw Jonghyun talking to Minho quickly. He looked concerned, as if he wanted to get it over with. Minho grinned, and I took that as a sign that Jonghyun was going to do it. My heart clenched and I froze in place. Jonghyun turned around, his lips melting into a smile. How could he ing smile right now? He’s about to go seduce a stupid girl and have with her! While dating me! What a bastard.

I whipped around and ran away, far from school. I ran to a familiar place, fiddling with the spare key under the mat in the lock, bursting into the apartment. I saw him sitting on his couch, extremely confused and shocked. He stood up and I ran over, collapsing into his arms in tears.

“Shh .. shh, Key. It’s okay .. “ He soothed, and the melody of his voice began to calm me down. He’d always been able to calm me down. He’d always been there for me after each and every breakup I’d had. We’d had comfort . Maybe that was what I needed now.

I kissed him, not even bothering to explain the situation. There was no shock; he knew what I wanted. We soon preceded to his bedroom, removed our clothes and all I could think about was Jonghyun. How he’d betrayed me. How he was going to lose himself to Minjee. I was going to break up with him after this.

Jonghyun’s P.O.V.

I frowned as Key ran off. Where was he going? I was going to tell him that I wasn’t going to go through with the plan. I was going to try and talk to Taemin, and was going to ask Key to help me. But then he just took off God knows where. I sighed and jogged after him.

He led me to some random apartment, and left the door open. Frowning in confusion, I stepped in. There was nothing too unusual about the space, I didn’t notice anything out of sort. Maybe Key wasn’t here. Then I spotted his jacket on the floor, and smiled. He was here.

The smile soon disappeared.



I feel so evil for posting this. =.=" The guy will be revealed, and Jonghyun's reaction to it, soon. (: kekeke~ This chapter is so short, too. I could have written more on, but I felt like leaving sort of a cliffhanger. .3. And I swear that girl who flashed Jjong should DIE. I felt like killing her while I was writing. :D

So you see, I'm in a pleasant mood. :D


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shineemaknaeluv #1
Chapter 19: I hope you're able to update this story soon. I understand how school can be a bi*** sometimes.. :P
aww school is killing me to missing 2 weeks of it wen uve got ur GCSE ur asking for suicide i think and yeah well atleast this storyis still making me happy but damn jongkey is sorta back update soon
it's okay i understand... great story xD
We can do it!<br />
Jiayou!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
Actually, I'm also kinda in hiatus...oops.. :P<br />
Hopefully it ends quickly...
kolmilyo #5
it's really hard these days so i completely understand.<br />
i too am on a story slump.<br />
*pouts<br />
at least you were able to update.<br />
i hope i can find my muses back.
Shineegirl101 #6
finaly an update! yay! :DDDDDD <33
i love this chapter xD<br />
update more :D
I loved that chapter... Tae, you're genious!!! n_n