
That XX

Perhaps Mingyu was right, i shall not go to that place before. I shall not meet or take a glance at Joshua. What in the past, shall be still in the past. It shall not appear again in the current situation. Geez, perhaps i just missed his voices. I stared at the street, still not moving from Mingyu’s side.
He didn’t look away at me or even answered it.
“Kim Mingyu, are you on earth?” I sighed. Perhaps he was zonked out again. Mingyu suddenly held my hand. “Let’s go home, hyung. Let’s take a bus to Seungcheol’s hyung apartment.” I just nodded since i didn’t know where i shall go right now. I was not in good mood, neither bad mood. We’re back in the silence during the journey to home, no, it’s not home. My home is not in Seungcheol’s apartment. I never stay a night at his apartment. My relationship was not like the past where i used to spend a night or many nights in Joshua’s house. Yeah, it’s kinda different. Mingyu really take me to Seungcheol’s apartment since Seungcheol knew how to boost my mood in one second.
“Now, we are here hyung. I just drive you until here. Call me if you need a help. My phone number is still the same one.” I nodded and waved a hand to him as a goodbye. I knew this waving hand was not a good signal. I saw Mingyu’s back which turned to me, his figure was slowly disappearing.
I let out a heavy sigh. There was a feeling of a lump in my chest all day. Huft. Making it feels painful. Maybe I was not feeling well. Maybe I caught a cold. Or maybe I had too many thoughts after heard Joshua’s voice again. I overly think about things until did not realize I reached the door of where Seungcheol living. I typed the password of his place. He let me know the password since i’ve been with him.

When I opened the door, I heard the moans of a woman in the room. I thought I got the wrong apartment. Then I walked quietly without making a sound suspicious and peeked to see if I got into the wrong apartment. And…yeah i didn’t enter the wrong apartment. It’s Seungcheol’s apartment. And I was peeking him kissing another woman. It’s betrayal, right. But what i saw here was not a betrayal. They wore the same ring on the same finger. So far I was just his affair or what? Seungcheol broke his kiss with that women.
“Sorry dear, but I'm not going to take you to the wedding of my partner. I do not want anyone else to hold the case with me about the beauty of yours.” He poked her nose. He never did a lovey-dovey things with me, except the cuddle one which led to a ual thing. She giggled.
“Okay, perhaps that day I will occupy myself with our wedding preparations.” He nodded while smiled at her. I wished i was her. So they were going to marry each other one day while i’m here…
A tear fell down on my cheek.
“Oh wait, it’s a time for us to date out?”
I immediately rushed out without causing any noise. Once out of the apartment Seungcheol, I ran to the bus stop. There was quiet. The bus stop that I used was never used again. I was crying uncontrollably, fortunately here feels was quiet. No one would laugh at my face. I think this is the worst day I have ever experienced.
My cell phone rang. I tried to ignore it. But no, this was not ringing, it vibrated. Maybe I just expect Seungcheol would call me and say "I love you" with a very sincere tone to me. Finally, it’s Seungcheol. It’s from Seungcheol. A message from him.
Baby, Jeonghan-ah, you could accompany me at the wedding party, right?
Without thinking too much, i just typed yes and sent it away. It must be a cold message for him. But, I absolutely wonder how to pretend that all is fine. I could not pretend. I'd better dodge than pretend good in front of someone I did not want to meet. I am not a good liar. In fact I now regretted to say yes to Seungcheol’s solicitation. I did not know how attempted cheerful as usual after saw what happened today.
I wiped my tears. I sighed. Maybe I should get back to my own house. My stomach felt suddenly empty. Maybe I forgot my lunch again. Yes, at home better. Nothing would hurt me.

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh.... Watch the grammar... And describing a thing or person... Sometimes I have to guess what u meant...
Nice story though...
Chapter 6: Complicated....
Love is complicated....

Chapter 13: Yeeay.. they're getting back together woohoo~
Chapter 13: Yeayyy meanie back xD
Casandra #5
Chapter 13: i need joshua love story toooo... huuuu
AinePark #6
Chapter 13: well, yeah, meanie is back... love when they are back together...
uupps, so you mention about the making love scene at the and.. whoo, so thrilling ya... hehehehe

well, congratulation for completing this series!
i support for your next series!
Cheers authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : may i ask u authornim ~ will you end with jeongcheol or jihan? ㅋㅋㅋ ^^
Chapter 11: please update soon author-nim XD
AinePark #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: happiness is tricky, it's trick you that they are so apparent, but they are not. it's freaking real until could cover and heal your wound.

my comment about wonwoo and mingyu relationship: when you are angry, until your head gonna explode, but you even can't erase the picture about the other party clearly, even the more you think about them, more mad you become, believe me, you are still care about the person and care mean you haven't forget them and you maybe still in love with that person.

i cheered for meanie, eventho their relationship kinda complicated because of the pride.

cheers :)
Chapter 10: i dont know why but when i read the "pinggiran kasur" i laugh :) sorry author-nim :D
but your fic its awesome ^^b fighting author-nim XD