at cafe

That XX

Mingyu was reading his magazine while sipping his coffee. He read carefully every articles that written in the magazine.
“Mingyu-ah, you are free today, right? Why did you come today?” Seokmin voice surprised him.
“And you, why do you come here? It’s not your workplace please.” Mingyu chuckled.
“I just want to buy Minju's order. After that, I would go accompanying her to buy a dress.” He shrugged.
“A dress?” Mingyu raised a brow. “Did not she already have a lot of dresses in the house?”
“Yes, but not with the theme that one. She must wear a dress for a garden party theme. Actually it is for weddings, anyway.” Seokmin took a sit in front of Mingyu.
“Who are going to be married?” Mangy put down his magazine.
“Friend of her sister. According to her, that person will get married with the owner of company that are partners of Seungcheol hyung’s company. Well, now why are you here?”
“Do nothing. Refreshing my mind. Actually, I relieve my mind right now. Lately, Aerin hang up my call easily. She can’t be found anywhere.” Seokmin controlled his face.
“Okay, then. Is she not in her apartment?” He tilted his head confusedly.
“I have once checked her apartment but her neighbor said that she did not stay there again since two months ago.”
“It’s strange.” He pulled out his cellphone out of his pocket. Seokmin texted Minju.

To : princess Minju.
Is the name of your sister's friend Lee Aerin, baby?

Fr : princess Minju
Yes, how would you know it?

To: princess Minju
From my friend, it turns out, he was invited to the wedding as well.

Fr : princess Minju
ah okay, anyway, i will wait you for our quality time

To : princess Minju
aye aye my princess, please wait your naruto there, naruto will save you! love you baby

Seokmin giggled.
“What’s funny?” Mingyu said sarcastically.
“Love. Love is funny sometimes. My relationship with Minju will have the first anniversary this week. But lovey-dovey chat with her still brings some butterflies in my stomach.” Mingyu chuckled.
“I wish i could have it with Aerin.”
“But, you only have it with Wonwoo.” Mingyu was about to punch him if the waiter did not bring Seokmin’s take away order. He grinned.
“So, i have to go now. And, please remember that you’ll get a shocking news from somewhere, Gyu-ah.” He stand out and waved his hand, left Mingyu with his dumb face. Like a big question come out from his face.

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh.... Watch the grammar... And describing a thing or person... Sometimes I have to guess what u meant...
Nice story though...
Chapter 6: Complicated....
Love is complicated....

Chapter 13: Yeeay.. they're getting back together woohoo~
Chapter 13: Yeayyy meanie back xD
Casandra #5
Chapter 13: i need joshua love story toooo... huuuu
AinePark #6
Chapter 13: well, yeah, meanie is back... love when they are back together...
uupps, so you mention about the making love scene at the and.. whoo, so thrilling ya... hehehehe

well, congratulation for completing this series!
i support for your next series!
Cheers authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : may i ask u authornim ~ will you end with jeongcheol or jihan? ㅋㅋㅋ ^^
Chapter 11: please update soon author-nim XD
AinePark #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: happiness is tricky, it's trick you that they are so apparent, but they are not. it's freaking real until could cover and heal your wound.

my comment about wonwoo and mingyu relationship: when you are angry, until your head gonna explode, but you even can't erase the picture about the other party clearly, even the more you think about them, more mad you become, believe me, you are still care about the person and care mean you haven't forget them and you maybe still in love with that person.

i cheered for meanie, eventho their relationship kinda complicated because of the pride.

cheers :)
Chapter 10: i dont know why but when i read the "pinggiran kasur" i laugh :) sorry author-nim :D
but your fic its awesome ^^b fighting author-nim XD