the street musician

That XX

His word still left a mark on my heart. I did not know how he could have that sharp tongue. How many days i live without being in contact with him? Perhaps Joshua hyung raised him to be a tough person that i never knew.
I typed a message to Aerin. Just hoping she would contact me since it’s been a week or 2 weeks without her appearance. I was worried if she had an accident or anything worse than that. Yeah, every friends that i met said i was changed into someone else they didn’t know. Perhaps it’s only to save family’s recognition since the family thought i was abnormal because i used to be gay with Wonwoo. But….yeah since my brother, Kim Jongin and Kim Myungsoo already married the opposite . Yeah, they married women. I had sister-in-law. They found i was gay with Wonwoo, my parent was ashamed of it. I broke their trust, their admiration of me. I used to be their most favorite son if i was not in a relationship with Wonwoo. And, yeah i tried to date Aerin as an excuse, and a reason to break up with Wonwoo even though that guy would never let me go that time. My parent assumed me as their son again, started from that day, somehow and unexpectedly i changed a lot. I was quicker concerned about Aerin. I was worried if she left me. I was afraid that a feeling of abandoned haunted me. Like a karma, i used to leave Wonwoo, break his heart…and i didn’t want if it happened to me. I started liking Aerin, but i knew it would not go well like the way i felt once with Wonwoo. Hufh, i shall not think about him anymore, i shall not love him again or …. NO OF COURSE NOT KIM MINGYU, YOU LITTLE ….i messed my hair while walking. I didn’t have any idea where i shall go right now, i just counted my steps right now and didn’t know i stopped in front of the figure i knew very well. Jeonghan hyung. What a coincidence. I need to talk with him since i know he is on my side. He will be and he must be on my side.
I smiled to him. “Hyung, long time no see and your hair still be fabulous like always.” He flipped his hair.
“I knew it.” He giggled and here we were walking together and put our hands in our pocket. None of us started to talk first.
“Mingyu.” Jeonghan hyung started to break the awkward atmosphere between us.
“Yes?” We still continued walking.
“Did you have a planning today?”
“Nope, why?” I startled. “Actually, i want to meet my girlfriend.”
“Oh, so it’s true that you have broken up with Wonwoo.”
“Ah, yeah.” I sighed.
“Because of that girl?” I paused my step. No, it should be not because of Aerin. But i did it for Aerin too.
“Nope, i broke up with him because i wanted to be a straight, not a gay anymore. Wonwoo is boring.” I felt my throat dry in a blink of eye. I didn’t know why it left a big hole in my chest right now. I turned to Jeonghan hyung who not beside me. He looked at the street.
“Hyung, is there something ruined your mood until you stopped suddenly?” He lift his head up and smiled at me. His face created an expression that i never explained or understood.
“Nothing,” Jeonghan hyung said. “Anyway, could we go to somewhere near here? I heard from some people was that there is always a street musician who took time to sing a few songs around here.” I never heard kind of street musician who have been in this area. Perhaps they were new people who come to this city.
“Really? Should we take a look there?”
His eyes sparkled looking at me and nodding multiple times.
“Do you want to request a song to sing by that street musician, hyung?”
“I don’t know.” We continued walking and not far from our position, I saw the crowd and heard the guitar passages. We walked closer to the crowd. I held Jeonghan hyung to not be separated from me, but a second later i noticed about something. The voices I recognized in one second, Joshua hying’s voice.
“Wow, you have an amazing voice.” A couple of women praised his voice. I did it too, in my mind only. He always had the amazing voice that could hypnotized someone, include the person beside me who froze now.
“Mingyu, is it him?” whispered the long haired man beside me. I nodded it. I looked around, many girls chattered about him, blabbering and flirted with Joshua hyung. I knew he enjoyed it just looking by his smile, but it’s no longer if i didn’t spot Wonwoo stood leaning the black car.
“Hyung, perhaps we need to leave this place and never come to here.” We were about to leave the place if passage of melody not heard again. Joshua hyung plucked his guitar back and hummed a song that makes Jeonghan hyung pause and keep me split seconds without any looking at them. Yes, our back was turned from the crowd.
“Angel to me, my favorite one, Mingyu.” I nodded. There was a longing expression in his face. I took a glance to Wonwoo’s figure. But not far from him, i noticed another figured that i missed. Another figured who i wanted to see today. Another figure that linked the arm to another arm. Lee Aerin with another guys. A tear fell down on my cheek. Lee Aerin would never want to linked her arm to mine. But here she was intimate with another man. It could not be her brother because as far as I knew, she never had a brother. I gripped my fingers tightly as if wanted to hit someone but I was powerless. I casted a glance Jeonghan hyung already squatting while listening to guitar passages of Joshua hyung. He was upset. So was I. Probably I should meet with Aerin to ensure everything after I drove Jeonghan hyung to Seungcheol hyung's apartment. Jeonghan’s mood booster currently was Seungcheol, so it would perfect to drive him to his lover’s apartment than stayed here hearing Joshua’s voice who could make Jeonghan hyung’s heart fluttered again or anything worse than that.

don't forget to comment~~~ the next part will be on Jeongcheol moment

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh.... Watch the grammar... And describing a thing or person... Sometimes I have to guess what u meant...
Nice story though...
Chapter 6: Complicated....
Love is complicated....

Chapter 13: Yeeay.. they're getting back together woohoo~
Chapter 13: Yeayyy meanie back xD
Casandra #5
Chapter 13: i need joshua love story toooo... huuuu
AinePark #6
Chapter 13: well, yeah, meanie is back... love when they are back together...
uupps, so you mention about the making love scene at the and.. whoo, so thrilling ya... hehehehe

well, congratulation for completing this series!
i support for your next series!
Cheers authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : may i ask u authornim ~ will you end with jeongcheol or jihan? ㅋㅋㅋ ^^
Chapter 11: please update soon author-nim XD
AinePark #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: happiness is tricky, it's trick you that they are so apparent, but they are not. it's freaking real until could cover and heal your wound.

my comment about wonwoo and mingyu relationship: when you are angry, until your head gonna explode, but you even can't erase the picture about the other party clearly, even the more you think about them, more mad you become, believe me, you are still care about the person and care mean you haven't forget them and you maybe still in love with that person.

i cheered for meanie, eventho their relationship kinda complicated because of the pride.

cheers :)
Chapter 10: i dont know why but when i read the "pinggiran kasur" i laugh :) sorry author-nim :D
but your fic its awesome ^^b fighting author-nim XD