
That XX

Joshua had just come out of his room after a shower, but he had heard Wonwoo and Mingyu arguing again. He could only exhaled a raspy. Jihoon stared at Joshua confused.
“Kids…..could you please not fighting here? I used to feel a peace every day in the house.” Both of them lowered their head and sighed synchronically. Jihoon came closer to Joshua.
“Ready to make a dinner, Joshua?” Joshua just smiled and stepped into kitchen, followed by Mingyu and Jihoon. Joshua just sighed when knowing Wonwoo would not be his side when Mingyu was there. They cooked together while Wonwoo just laid down at the couch.
“Mingyu, what happened exactly?”
“Oh, i just broke up with Aerin. Anyway, how could you know Aerin?”
“Oh, no, actually i have seen her several times. But i don’t know her name. But i know about Seojoon hyung. He always comes to my workplace. Sometimes for have a meeting in the lunch or date with Aerin. And i just know their name this day when he gave me that invitation card.”
“Ah, that’s why. Your cafe is still kind of exclusive, right?” Joshua just nodded while putting and arrange the dishes on the table.
“Jihoon, could you tell Wonwoo that our dinner is ready?” Jihoon without answering, approached Wonwoo and pulled him to the dining room. Wonwoo sat at the chair next to Joshua. He did not look at Mingyu that has been sitting in front of him. They ate solemnly. Sensing the tension, Jihoon nudged Mingyu.
“So tell us how did you break up with her?” Mingyu coughed.
“I asked her to come to Akkinda cafe. She's coming, then say that we broke up. Then she introduced her future husband.”
“See, she is like a snake.” Won woo mumbled.
“Could you please watch out your mouth, Wonwoo?” Mingyu groaned.
Joshua sighed when watching that scene again. “It’s dining room.”
“See it, hyung? He never understand how love blinds his mind. How he defend all the times, it could the thousand times he defend her. Gosh, how could i ever date you and love a kind of stupid person like you, Mingyu?” It’s Wonwoo’s turn to groan like mad.
“Wonwoo, stop it. Finish your meal first.” Jihoon said. Joshua who finished the meal first, rubbed his ear to clear it the argue inside his mind. He could be insane to deal with those kids.
“Stop what? He is the one who stop loving a bastard like that girl. She makes a fun of him. Even he still shocked that girl will be married this month with that hyung. He should be thankful of me if i don’t punch her face that day. And hopefully that snake doesn’t know about me okay, so i could stay calm when they approached my hyung to be a wedding singer or at least attend the wedding.” Wonwoo raised his tone and rolled his eyes at Mingyu who would go insane after he finished his word. Mingyu slapped the table and upsetting Joshua. He actually emotionally face Wonwoo.
Wonwoo slapped the table also. “I’M DONE, DON’T TALK TO ME ANYMORE. YOU BASTARD!” Won woo rushed out to Joshua’s bedroom and slammed the door. While Mingyu just realized what he did before. He sobbed.
“I should not do that to Wonwoo…” Jihoon patted his back as well as Joshua.
“Jihoon, please clean the dishes, okay?” Jihoon nodded at Joshua and did his job to clean the dinner stuff.
Joshua brought Mingyu to the living room. They sat together.
“Calm down yourself, Mingyu. You should try to let her go, okay?” Mingyu just nodded but he sobbed.
“How about Wonwoo? He asked.
“What do you want with Wonwoo?” Joshua asked back.
“I don’t know. But at least, can i be his friend?”
“Tell me first why you break the relationship with him?”
“Because my parent found out that i was a gay. Then they were heart-broken.”
“i tried hard to be straight, i tried hard hyung. I dated Aerin. She is a good noona even though i was her ex-affair. But i know, she just made me realized everything, hyung.”
“What is that?”
“My happiness is not with her. I spent a lot of effort to love her. I tried hard to make my parent proud of me again. I do not want a child of disobedience to them, hyung. I want beatify my family.” Mingyu sobbed and laid his head at Joshua shoulder.
“Mingyu, did you know if the key of happiness is someone’s happiness?” Joshua hugged him and patted his back. “If their children is happy, the parents will be also happy. The source of their happiness is their children’s happiness.”
In a blink of eyes, Mingyu’s sobbing became harder, mixed with his whining voice. Joshua just patted the taller guy in his embrace. Like a deja vu, he used to hug Jeonghan whenever that guy cried over a cartoon or Joshua’s teasing. He let out a heavy sigh.
“Perhaps i will call my parent, hyung.” He nodded and let go Mingyu from his hug. Jihoon came closer and jumped to Joshua’s embrace.
“Hug me, please, i want to sleep.” Jihoon whined with a cute voice.
Joshua hugged him tightly and leaned his chin on Jihoon’s head. Jihoon easily fell asleep in Joshua’s embrace. While the older one caress the younger one’s hair, Mingyu came wiping his tears.
“Joshua hyung…” Mingyu whispered.
“What did they say?” Joshua turned his eyes to Mingyu.
“You are right, now my family was worried if something happen to me. They say that anyone who later became the companion of my life, whoever I choose, as long as I'm happy, they will be happy as well. They just want me to be happy even if it turns out the happiness that I had with someone who keeps me miss him even though no matter how hard we argue, but to live without it will create misery in my life and his life.” Mingyu rubbed his chest like he was relieved. Joshua smiled.
“So….” Joshua raised a brow.
“The current problem is do i have a chance to get him back to me?” Joshua shrugged.

Meanwhile, Wonwoo crawled in Joshua’s bed. He was still mad. He was mad at himself. Somehow he crushed himself because of his stupidity, argued with Mingyu, argued with his own heart. He still loved that tall guy, no matter hard he tried to forget him, get mad with his mind, Mingyu always lived in his heart and ran in his mind. A door opened.
“Finally, Joshua hyung you…” Wonwoo was about jump happily knowing his brother back to his room, but no. It’s Mingyu who entered the room.
“Why the hell you could enter this holy place?” Wonwoo said with sarcastic tone.
“Holy?” He chuckled.
“Yes, holy. And a devil bastard like you should not allowed to enter this place.”
“Holy grail. But i want to.” Mingyu smirked.
“Stupid Kim Mingyu, could you go and leave me alone in this room?” He laid down again and crawled.
“No, because i want to talk to you.”
Mingyu closed the door and came closer to Wonwoo. “I’m sorry.”
“Saying sorry is an easy thing for you, right? Forgiving you is the hardest thing in my world, you got it?” He woke up from the bed.
“I knew….stop our fighting now, Wonwoo. Could we re-start everything?”
“No, after what you’ve done to me, after shouting at me, after not believing at me, after preferred that bastard than me, after left me alone, after made me suffered a lot, after asked whether i have moved on or not, we can’t restart everything. Enough, Mingyu. We can’t build our relationship anymore.” He was about to cry, Wonwoo immediately laid down and covered his face with blanket. Leaving Mingyu who wanted to cry again. The taller guy came a bit closer and sat on the outskirts. He took the blanket that covered Wonwoo. He kissed Wonwoo’s forehead. He felt burden and pain in his heart watching the crying face of Wonwoo. He knew it’d be hard to him.
“Sorry, Wonwoo. Good night. Have a nice sleep….and I love you.” Wonwoo’s crying became harder and louder. Mingyu immediately hugged Wonwoo tightly. Heard his ex-boyfriend crying was the worst. Unexpectedly, Mingyu also cried.


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Chapter 9: Ahhhh.... Watch the grammar... And describing a thing or person... Sometimes I have to guess what u meant...
Nice story though...
Chapter 6: Complicated....
Love is complicated....

Chapter 13: Yeeay.. they're getting back together woohoo~
Chapter 13: Yeayyy meanie back xD
Casandra #5
Chapter 13: i need joshua love story toooo... huuuu
AinePark #6
Chapter 13: well, yeah, meanie is back... love when they are back together...
uupps, so you mention about the making love scene at the and.. whoo, so thrilling ya... hehehehe

well, congratulation for completing this series!
i support for your next series!
Cheers authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : may i ask u authornim ~ will you end with jeongcheol or jihan? ㅋㅋㅋ ^^
Chapter 11: please update soon author-nim XD
AinePark #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: happiness is tricky, it's trick you that they are so apparent, but they are not. it's freaking real until could cover and heal your wound.

my comment about wonwoo and mingyu relationship: when you are angry, until your head gonna explode, but you even can't erase the picture about the other party clearly, even the more you think about them, more mad you become, believe me, you are still care about the person and care mean you haven't forget them and you maybe still in love with that person.

i cheered for meanie, eventho their relationship kinda complicated because of the pride.

cheers :)
Chapter 10: i dont know why but when i read the "pinggiran kasur" i laugh :) sorry author-nim :D
but your fic its awesome ^^b fighting author-nim XD